C2: Vow

In the middle of a small castle courtyard, a young girl around thirteen years old with long purple hair bordering on black that floated around like they had a mind of their own, pinkish-red eyes, and small fangs wearing a sleeveless back dress with a black chest piece and the rest is pure white and a gown that splits by the legs was swinging a sword at two boys next to him.

Obviously, this is me, the person who died because of a small spider, which I'm still embarrassed about. And I know I made it sound like I was a girl but I've kept my little brother with me this entire time. Currently, my name is Ashera Tepes a vampire prince of the Tepes faction.

You know most people would envy me, being a prince and all, but in reality, it sucks. Everyone sucking up to you so much you can't get things done and being constantly watched and critiqued but that's not even the worst part.

Before I explain that part let's talk about the Tepes faction. The Tepes faction is a vampire faction that is extremely male supremacist, you get it now? I have the looks of a beautiful woman so of course I'd be discriminated against. Of course, as a prince, they can't do much to me but they certainly can trash talk me to their heart's content.

Things like "He shouldn't even be allowed to be royalty with those looks" or other things they can think of with their brains full of stupid pride and as such I have decided. I hate vampires. Nothing I can do about it yet though and it pisses me off.

"Ashera you're releasing your bloodlust again." The redhead beside me said with a calm tone. This is one of the two people granted to me by my father as my retainers. The one who just spoke is Rufus Silas who is two years older than me and is serious about his work. He has red hair in a short ponytail, the standard red eyes and is wearing a simple brown dress shirt under a tan vest, I seriously don't know how he fights in that.

"If your angry have a chocolate." My second retainer Alaric Radus said with a bored tone of voice as he threw me a piece of chocolate that I promptly grabbed while and kicked him away from me while blocking an attack from Rufus with my sword. Alaric has short white hair, blood red eyes that everyone here has with a few small metallic earrings, wearing a simple grey tracksuit with a red bat on the chest.

Throwing the chocolate into my shadow with the other candies and snacks Alaric's given me over the years I jump back to dodge the claymore coming at me and block the fist coming from my left with my left arm while jumping to diffuse the force.

"Sorry I got distracted. Let's stop here. I have something to do." I said while using magic to clean my clothes and myself from my sweat.

"See you tomorrow Ashera." Rufus said with a calm voice before he left in a black teleportation circle with the sign of a wolf.

"Bye-bye Ashera." Alaric said while he ate some candy and turned into a flock of bats and flew away leaving me all by myself so I entered my own teleportation circle and vanished in a few purple particles of light.

Reappearing in a new place I walked through like it was my own home while ignoring the bowed fools next to me and for a valid reason. If I talk to just anyone they will ask me for things stating our friendship as a reason and try to use me in any way they can, it's annoying and foolish.

Entering a certain room I walked in without a care in the world and I saw the person I was looking for. Short blond hair and the signature red eyes we vampires are known for and had a beauty that doesn't just come from being a vampire. She was full of a vampire's doll-like beauty and a human's natural beauty coming together to form a beauty with doll-like features and an air of innocence and childlike curiosity. This was one of my many older siblings Valerie Tepes and also the only sibling I got along with.

"Ashera you're here! Gasper come out and say hello!" Valerie's cheerful voice rang out causing a small cardboard box in the corner of the room to shake and a pair of red eyes became visible from the circular cutouts on the box.

"Big Bro Ashera! I missed you!" Gasper said as he rocketed right into my outstretched arms and snuggled into my chest as Valerie chuckled. He may be the same age as me but Gasper has this odd fixation with calling me Big Bro.

I don't quite get it but just like he considered me his older brother I consider him my younger brother but it wasn't something I could quite control. Gasper just naturally has the aura of a little brother for some reason so it couldn't be helped.

"It's good to see you too Gasper. Did you have fun with the game I gave you last time I visited?" I asked while sitting next to Valerie on one of the two beds in the room. If I get looked down on as looking like a woman then as a woman and a dhampir at that it's obvious she would be looked down on and treated as a lesser being.

My loving older sister is looked down on while the trash that is my older siblings are rewarded? This vampire society is extremely flawed. Our race looks down on others but Sirzechs alone could destroy us completely and we still have time to argue over gender? It's foolish.

"Yeah it was really fun but I had trouble beating the first boss! How'd you beat it so easily?" Gasper said with a bright smile on his face. It's good to see him smile like this even when he is treated like trash for no real reason. Don't worry Gasper, Valerie I'll change the vampires one day.