C3: Mission

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The next day after meeting Valerie and Gasper I was called to meet my father, Nodin Tepes the worst person I've ever met. He doesn't think of anyone as people, only tools and he judges them based on efficiency. If you can't do your job you're trash in his eyes.

While he treats his faction as tools his treatment of women and the Carmilla faction is definitely worse. He thinks of them as nothing more than tools for pleasure and objects to be used and discarded. The only reason he left Valerie alone is that she is young and in his words "Unripe." Disgusting bastard. I can definitely see where the conflict between Tepes and Carmilla came from if more people are like this bastard.

"Father I have arrived." I said while kneeling down in front of him. It is more embarrassing to kneel in front of trash like him than even the way I died. If I had the power I would definitely kill him and take his place, to make the vampires a place where Valerie can live in peace.

"Good. I'm sending you on a mission. The livestock in Sighisoara has been going missing. It should be an easy job for trash of your caliber so take care of it quickly. Now get out of my sight." My 'father' said without looking at me a single time and sent me away like I was a bug that was infesting his home.

Leaving the room without a complaint since I don't want to be near that trash I met someone I wish I didn't seeing as I was already in a bad mood. My older brother Marius Tepes, a piece of trash that is constantly lusting for Valerie. "I see father sent you on a mission befitting someone of your level. I mean it's a mission that would usually be sent to the weakest of all vampires so obviously you'd be the one sent wouldn't you? Trash of the Tepes family?"

Ignoring him I just continue to walk past, something that obviously angered his pride so he resorted to petty insults. "Heh. I guess the trash of the family is too afraid to even try to talk to me. Don't worry though. If you die I'll make sure to take good care of our precious sister. I can't wait to domina-"

That was it. I could take his insults to me fine, but to insult my sister? The kindest person I've ever met? To treat somebody as innocent as her as nothing but a tool of pleasure? That's too far. Releasing the full force of my bloodlust onto Marius alone he fell to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut and a puddle was forming between his legs as the temperature around us dropped immensely and frost began forming on the ground and walls nearby.

"You can insult me all you want Marius but if you threaten Valerie one more time… I'll kill you." I said in a cold voice before leaving the room while melting the frost nearby. "Don't do anything you'll regret Marius." Before leaving the hallway through the door I left one final thing and left the castle and called for Rufus.

"You called for me my lord?" Rufus said in a serious voice at my obvious anger as he appeared behind me within a few seconds.

"You are to watch over Valerie while I am gone. Make sure that Marius does not do anything in my absence and get Alaric to watch over Marius himself. Once I return we will take over the Tepes faction." I said in a cold voice before making my teleport circle to the location of my task to get it over with quickly, at most it will be a low-class devil doing some experiments and not being careful or some kind of human killer.

"Yes, my lord! We will complete the preparations for your return!" Rufus said in a respectful tone as I finished my circle and teleported to my destination, the city of Sighisoara. It's not a large town by any means and I'm sure I'll find my target with no trouble.

Releasing a pulse of well-hidden magical energy I find something interesting that calmed my rage slightly. Instead of an energy source that is blatantly showing its strength like most in this world do instead is an area where the mana signature is completely removed creating a blank spot on my mental map, exactly where somebody is containing their mana instead of leaking it.

You see everything in this world has a small amount of some kind of energy and is constantly showing it, it looks like a flame, and the bigger the flame is the larger the energy pool so something with no flame means that somebody is containing their flame to hide themselves, which in the end reveals them.

What's strange about this is that most don't bother to even try to contain their flames meaning that somebody is hiding here and they at the very least have a decent level of strength since it's a fairly difficult thing to do. Most likely a middle-class devil or something of similar strength. Although it is possible that it is a stronger being that doesn't care immensely if it gets found and put minimum effort into hiding so I should be careful.

Sinking into my shadow I begin moving through the shadows until eventually, I found myself behind the being I'm supposed to find and eliminate. He has brown hair under a fedora where gaudy white and silver dress clothes with expensive jewelry all over it. It's not my taste but I can definitely tell it would be extremely expensive.

What's worrying though is that his entire looks are fake. I can't tell what he looks like but it's definitely not this and that's definitely bad. Illusions only work if you have more energy than the opponent so if they work on me, it means he at least has more energy than me.

"Why don't you come out little vampire? I know you're there." The man in front of me said with a jovial, mocking tone as he turned and looked at me with undisguised disgust, as if I was an insect.