C6: Return

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Waking up from what felt like a lucid dream I could tell, my body was destroyed close to the point of no return. My heart was removed, I was stabbed by various lasers, and finally, my body was destroyed by the dimensional gap for however long I was unconscious, I guess I should be happy about my new race.

I guess I should be happy about my meeting with Rizevim in a way but I'm sure he won't forget me anytime soon. After all, it may have been lost in the dimensional gap but his arm is somewhere not on his body after all.

Luckily for me, he won't have his left arm anymore so I shouldn't have a problem dealing with him from now on, and since he was most likely in Romania to take over the vampire I've stopped that as well, so I believe the pros outweigh the cons.

Still, it's time for me to get out of here or else the cons will definitely be the stronger side. My demon body may be preventing me from dying in the dimensional gap I will definitely get even more injured if I stay any longer, something I definitely don't want if I want to take over the Tepes faction and eventually the Carmilla faction as well.

Creating a teleportation circle beneath my body I teleported directly onto my bed inside my room and summoned Alaric to see the progress and see if I can get some healing for the revolt.

"You called my lord? Ashera! What happened to you!? Your body is almost completely destroyed! Wasn't it supposed to be a simple task?! What happened!?" The panicked voice of Alaric woke me up from my thoughts. Alaric seems like he doesn't care most of the time but really he cares the most about his friend's health, and I'm proud to be one of those friends.

"Don't worry I'm fine for the most part. How are the preparations for the revolt?" I asked while Alaric was healing me with his special ability. Alaric was born with the ability for his blood to heal whoever injected it but it only was awakened after he became my retainer, luckily too since he would have never been granted to me by my scum of a father.

"It's all ready. We're ready to make the announcement at any time, but are you sure about this? I know you're strong but are you sure you want to do it like this? You're injured too…" Alaric said with concern instead of his bored tone.

"Don't worry even if I lost both my eyes and legs I'd still be able to kill those trash… though it would be a shame that I wouldn't be able to see their death." I said with a smile on my face and I really mean it. They may be the ruler of the Tepes faction but honestly their weak, like my 'father' is barely an ultimate class devil and would barely qualify if at all. Honestly, I could have done this long ago but I chose to wait until I was sure I was strong enough to make sure there weren't any avoidable roadblocks.

"I see… I'll trust you Ashera but what happen to make you so injured. If somebody could injure you so badly is in Romania it might harm our plans." Alaric said with genuine concern but I could tell he was still worried about me. What a caring retainer. I know plenty that just scheme against you and backstab so I'm glad he and Rufus aren't like that.

"I'll explain once Rufus arrives but first report what happened during your duty to watch Valerie and Gasper." This is important to me since becoming King when the reasons I have for becoming king aren't safe isn't what I want, after all, I'm only bothering to become king for Valerie, Gasper, and other dhampirs. Well, that's the main reason at least.

"Nothing important happened though Marius tried to get into contact with her I obviously stopped that so nothing ended up happening in the end." Alaric said back in his bored tone of voice. Just at that moment, Rufus arrived and obviously had a worried look but at this point, I had healed up enough so I sat up in my bed and used magic to fix my clothes back to being actual clothes.

"Now that you're here Rufus I'll explain who I had met on my mission and why I have these things on my head." I said while tapping the horns on my head as they nod their head in worry and anticipation. "The one I fought was Rizevim Livan Lucifer, heard of him before?"

"Rizevim Lucifer was here?! In Romania?! Why!? And why did you fight him!?" Rufus the more vocal of the two shouted at me in concern while Alaric looked at me with obvious concern.

"So you've heard of him, good." I said as they both looked at me with the 'Are you kidding? Everyone's heard of him before!' face but I ignored that. "Anyways I fought him and I died and was turned into a demon. Any questions?"

"Tons of them! What do you mean you died?! And how did you become a demon and what even is a demon!?" Rufus shouted at me with an annoyed enraged look. I guess showing that I was fine even to joke around calmed them down, good job me.

"Well by 'I died' I mean my heart was ripped out and I died for a while making me a demon. A demon is… well I'm not completely sure and I'm mostly sure I will be the only demon in this world, I don't exactly know why… it's kind of like a feeling that I'm sure is correct. Anyways don't try it, ever or I'll pull you from hell itself and kill you again." I said in complete seriousness as truth be told I don't know how becoming a demon works or even what a demon is I'm just sure I am and will be the only one.

"Then what happened to Rizevim Lucifer? I doubt he'd let you escape for free. He's known for being the personification of malice so he wouldn't just release you and you normally shouldn't be able to escape right? Did he leave once he thought you were dead?" Rufus asked while thinking of various reasons out loud though I'm sure he wouldn't think I fended him off with my strength and even took an arm.

"Obviously I fended him off. Neither of us died, kind of, but I was lucky enough to take his left arm from the shoulder before he left." I said like I was just talking about the weather while they both looked at me shocked.

"You took Rizevim Lucifer's left arm!?" Alaric and Rufus shouted out in pure bewilderment as I chuckled and ate some grapes from a nearby bowl. Knew they wouldn't expect it.