C7: Sovereign

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"Are you all ready? We have a faction to overthrow so don't be sloppy. Remember the plan and don't be an idiot and we'll be fine." I said while walking to the throne room with both Rufus and Alaric following behind me on both sides.

"Understood my lord. We'll complete our task with no issues." Rufus said with seriousness in his voice as he readied his mind for the revolt we're about to do. We won't fail but if we do all of our families and loved ones are dead and that's scary though I can tell he has no hesitation in joining me.

"Kay. I'll do my best." Alaric said in his bored tone that sounds like he doesn't want to be here at all but I can see that his body is tense and is ready for combat at any given moment with no sense of hesitation at all.

Today is a particularly important day as it is the day all of the important royalty has their monthly meeting I'll be able to wipe them out in a single hour. Opening the door with a slam I watch as everyone's eyes look at me with an enraged look at my disrespect while both Rufus and Alaric guard the exit and create a barrier around the entire room.

"Trash what are you doing here! This isn't a meeting for the likes of you! Cut off your limbs and leave at once or die immediately!" Marius shouted out as soon as he saw me with his right hand pointing towards me, a hand that immediately fell to the floor under the shocked looks of everyone around me.

They obviously can't see me move so they don't know how Marius' arm fell off, only that it did. Even his arm didn't know it was cut and only a few seconds of pure silence later his arm began bleeding a fountain of blood as his vampire body tried to regenerate but couldn't as black markings began spreading from his arm all the way up to his right cheek.

"Ah, it burns! It burns! Save me, father!" Marius shouted as he fell to the ground-hugging his stump to his chest crying in pain.

"Ashera! What have you done to Marius! Undo it this instance!" My 'father' yelled at me and once again a hand was pointed toward me, and once again that hand fell to the floor as he joined Marius in crying on the floor while everyone in the room looked at me in fear. It was obvious they knew I had cut off both Marius' and the King's hands without anybody being able to see me move.

"I don't enjoy being pointed at by trash." I said simply before removing the rest of their limbs as well as the others in the room finally got the courage to do something.

"Ashera! Cease this at once! If you undo this you still have the chance to be forgiven!" A random brother of mine shouted at me, this time without pointing at me. It seems they can learn, the more you know.

"I think not after all today is the day you all die and I become king." I said before cutting their heads off their bodies as their bodies fell to the ground while their eyes still held shock and fear the light in their eyes dimmed as they slowly died as the curse from Asuramaru ensured they will have no rest even in their last moments.

Walking through the barrier I noticed both Rufus and Alaric standing over a few guard's headless bodies with an emotionless look on their face. I knew that these two would have no problems defeating a few rabble since they are my retainers and as such they are strong. They both have the power of a satan class so if they had troubles with these rabble I would be worried for the future.

"Come we're done here. We're moving to the Carmilla faction castle." I said as I formed a teleportation circle beneath all of our feet and teleported directly into the throne room of the Carmilla faction where a stunned Senna Carmilla, the ruler of the Carmilla faction looked at us with a face of pure shock.

I can understand her shock I really can. The Carmilla faction castle has a barrier around it that prevents all teleportation inside of it if you don't have access, and I certainly do not have access. The only reason I was able to teleport in freely, and why Senna was so shocked, was that I was so much stronger than her, the owner of the barrier, that I was able to teleport in freely with only a little effort.

Behind me, both Rufus and Alaric leave the room and once again create a barrier as Sanna Carmilla's shocked face turns to pure rage in an instant. "How dare a group of men break into my castle! The only men allowed inside are cattle and slaves! Kneel down and remove your own legs and I'll allow you to become my personal toy!" Senna shouted with rage turned lust at our looks. It seems my feminine looks have tickled her fancy. Sadly hers have tickled mine.

Once again slicing her head off and the rest of the royalty in the room for the same reason as the Tepes faction I teleport my father's head into my hands and created an illusion. An illusion covering the entirety of the world.

Every vampire now has a transparent screen in front of their face that only a vampire can see, no matter where they are, their gender, or their allegiance, none of it matters as long as they are a vampire and alive.

"I am Ashera Tepes. As I have killed my father Nodin Tepes and Senna Carmilla I am now the ruler of the vampire race. As the new ruler, I have something to ask you all, and think it over extremely carefully." I said in a cold voice to instill fear to make them listen to my words carefully while holding the two faction leaders heads in my hands. I could sense all the nearby vampires getting slightly afraid, angry, every emotion there is I could feel a vampire having, but the main fear was shock and fear.

"Do you think because your a pure-blood or your gender the enemy would spare you? Do you think because you are a noble you are invincible? Think it over carefully and quickly as while our race is growing weaker and weaker due to a pointless age-old squabble the other races are progressing. We think of ourselves as better but we are acting as nothing more than children while others watch our struggles with contempt." I said as most vampires' emotions changed to pure wrath at my declaration but anger shows they also know what I'm saying is true and are simply denying it.

"The devils have had two Super Devils for hundreds of years with the strength of single-handedly destroying our race and you all think we have the time to argue over which gender is better?! This world only cares about strength and I don't see why we should be any different." I said as once again I could feel the emotions change to both fear, nervousness, and a surprising amount of eagerness.

"Thus I am changing how our faction ranks our members. The new rankings will be known as Progenitors and will be ranked from 1 to 10 with each rank having the same number of vampires holding it. Each Progenitor will be a leader of the vampire race. They will be taking the place of the nobles. If wish to take a place, defeat a member and take it from them. This is a position that shows your personal strength meaning that it does not matter who your family is, your bloodline, or your gender. If you aren't strong you won't hold one of these positions." I said as the eagerness once again appeared in an even stronger way. However, there was an equal amount of dissatisfaction with my change. From what I could tell the dhampir and the commoners are eager and the rich and 'powerful' are enraged.

"Currently, I am the 1st Progenitor with both my aides being the two 2nd Progenitors. If you wish for that to change defeat us and take our place. As the 1st Progenitor, I will declare myself the sovereign of the vampire race. If you wish to oppose my declaration, kill me. I will have my doors open to anyone as long as they are part of the vampire race. Think it over carefully and decide which side you should side on. The side that drags our race down in pointless arguments or my side, the side that relies on your strength to progress. I'll be waiting for my first opponent." I challenged before removing the illusion and teleported both me and Rufus and Alaric to our new home, a castle we had spent years creating along with our planning.

Our floating castle Acre Noctis.