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And a week later here we are, in a large Roman type coliseum with thousands of vampires walking around even with the sun out because of our barriers around the place. Of course there are backup barriers as well in case an unexpected accident happens but those ones are well hidden.
It's a good thing to be able to see your efforts be rewarded. What am I talking about you ask? Well the fact that the people from the previous Tepes and Carmilla factions are walking around together enjoying themselves is what I'm talking about. Of course there are small disputes all over the place but that's something to be expected from an event this big anyways.
Right now I was seated in the VIP box with Rufus and Alaric behind me watching the event preparations happen before my eyes. If Rufus wasn't up here with me I have no doubt he'd be down there working so I guess I did well since he gets a small break. Plus the look of satisfaction on his face is a sight to see.
Suddenly a few meters to our left a red Magic circle appeared on the ground and out came Sirzechs Lucifer, Serafall Leviathan, Grayfia Lucifuge, Sona Sitri and her Queen and Rias Gremory and her small peerage.
"Thank you for inviting us, Ashera. It's a pleasure to be able to see the best of the vampires." Sirzechs said in a respectful way making it seem as though we've only met a few times in the past. It's a way to show our friendship without throwing the idea of an alliance in peoples face.
"It's good to see you as well, Sirzechs. Please sit down and enjoy yourself." I said while carefully watching the magical girl next to Sirzechs, don't want to be caught off guard.
"Ash-tan I'm here to see you again!" Serafall shouted as she rocketed towards me like Gasper did last night but this time I won't catch her.
Dodging out of the way Serafall slid across the ground for a few meters before hitting a wall and coming to a stop.
"It's good to see you as well Serafall but please have more tact next time. Now then as I said before please take a seat and relax, this is a tournament for them but for us it's a source of entertainment so treat it as such." I said before sitting back into my chair while Rufus went to get some refreshments with Alaric behind him at the chance for more snacks.
"Ash-tan that was mean! I haven't seen you in so long and you ignore my hug? Also I told you to call me Levia-Chan!" Serafall cried out behind me while on the ground.
"I won't call you Levia-Chan and I live in Romania so I don't know why you want a
Japanese honorifics?" I said in confusion while she lifted herself off the ground and into her chair with a sad expression on her face. It's just a little bit of fun for me and Serafall but to her little sister it seems horrifying and her expression shows it. I'm sure Serafall will get a lecture from Soma later.
"Looks like you guys are already having fun without me. Did I miss anything?" Azazel said with a smile on his face as he came from his teleportation circle while the silver haired child behind him looked around with interest. "This is my foster son Vali, he's the wielder of Divine Dividing I told you about. Slash/Dog couldn't come I'm afraid."
Even if I didn't know the story I would be able to tell who he is, his resemblance is way too close to Rizevim to not notice though he seems more meat headed than anything.
As for slash/dog not coming? That's probably a good thing since if he brought any more firepower than this people would get restless and start acting like idiots.
"It seems you're all already here. I hope I'm not too late?" Michael said with a kind smile on his face as he shook both mine and Sirzechs hand and sat down on his own seat. What a good guest, following the rules and structure, unlike the person behind him.
"Ashera have you grown at all? No it seems not… are you eating enough? You need to eat more if you want to grow big and strong, you know?" Gabriel said with an innocent expression as she hugged me to see if I've grown at all.
"How many times do I have to explain? I'm not going to grow anymore since my body has evolved!" I basically shouted at her. Every time we meet we do the same stupid thing! "Whatever, just sit down and wait for it to start, it shouldn't take long. And Azazel the bar is over there." I said while pointing towards the next room over for Azazel. If he was going to find alcohol anyway I may as well make him pay for it. Man this is stressful for no reason. I thought this would be a good time to relax but apparently not.