C15: Gambling?

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Now that we were all seated and calm we could finally watch the tournament. It's nothing complicated and in the end, it's only a placeholder since the real challenge will come from the people fighting for the position, in the end, most of them won't stay as progenitors.

Still, though it's interesting to see how groups are formed. Sona is with Rufus talking about administrative work since she wants to make a school in the future while Koneko is with Alaric snacking up a storm, Vali is watching the fights with an eager expression, and of course, I'm with the main group of Azazel, Sirzechs, Serafall, Michael and Gabriel. We're not doing much but we're having fun just lazing around.

To be honest I'm surprised Vali hasn't challenged me into a fight yet. Maybe he can tell when he's outmatched, good for him. That's an important skill to have or you'll die an early death. I didn't have it when I taught Rizevim and I died because of it.

"Ashera, who is that guy constantly looking at you? Even during his fights, he's only looking at you. It's impressive in a creepy way." Azazel said with a smile at my misfortune while I could tell Sirzechs and Michael began paying more attention.

"He's an annoying bastard but a strong one. He's the most likely one to earn the position of 3rd Progenitor." I said in all seriousness since he really does deserve the expectations but I really don't like him.

Still, the look of interest on their faces was amazing. So far he hasn't done anything incredibly impressive but they could at least tell he was strong so while hearing my expectations was surprising it was unexpected.

"So he's the one to watch huh? I was betting on the dhampir girl over there. She seems plenty strong and it doesn't seem like she's gone all out yet either. Any other people of interest for a bet?" Azazel said with Serafall and Gabriel nodding alongside him. Azazel still has his usual gambling mindset but he was right the woman was strong.

She was a woman wearing a simple white t-shirt and black jogging pants to allow for unobstructed movements. She had long white hair that was fairly common in this race but she had white eyes as well, a trait she most likely got from her human side, and a slightly clueless expression that would be mistaken as cold in most situations. Overall she was a strong competitor.

"Similar to the other two you've mentioned I believe the man over there hasn't used his full ability either, if I had to bet on anybody I'd bet on him. It's interesting how he isn't affected by the cross on his ear." Sirzechs said with a smile on his face, looking towards a scholarly-looking vampire.

"I would be inclined to agree. He seems to have a great mastery over magic making him a deadly foe for the more close combat fighters and judging by his body size and the fact he's only caught close combat so far it seems he isn't bad in that area either." Michael said, throwing in his own bet.

This particular vampire had short white hair parted to the right with bright red eyes under his black glasses. He had a cross earring that didn't seem to be hurting him and a black turtleneck shirt under an open red jacket showing off the necklace he was wearing. Overall he was a strong and stylish combatant.

"We'll see who wins in the end. I have no doubt they'll all earn a position anyway though. Still, what are we betting?" I asked with a smile on my face, fully confident of my bet. I would know his strength as I've fought him before so I know he isn't to be underestimated.

"I'll bet my best bottle of wine on that dhampir girl. I've been saving that for hundreds of years so there is no way I'm losing it here." Azazel said with a cocky smile on his face.

"In that case, I'll bet my personal 1000-year Devil's Bane wine. I'm confident in my choice so I have no issues betting against you all." Michael said oddly into this, is he a gambler?

"I'll bet my Blood Moon wine from the age of the first vampires." I said confidently, throwing my bet into the pile, metaphorically obviously.

"In that case, I'll bet the wine that the succubi recently gave me, they considered it their best masterpiece in history so it should be worth it." Sirzechs said with his usual smile on his face while Serafall looked at him horrified.

"I worked so hard to make them forgive us because of that damn Focalor heir and you just give away the fruits of my effort?! I was going to drink that with So-tan when she reached the right age!" Serafall shouted at Sirzechs with comical tears in her eyes while he just laughed her problems away.

"This is the final battle of the first day! The no-looking monster Ferid Bathory vs the cold warrior Ulva Amalia! This will be a battle to remember! Will both contestants enter the arena!" The announcer shouted in excitement while the crowd cheered as well.

"It seems we got our first match earlier than we thought." I said with a smile but I totally knew it was coming. I mean we all did, the brackets are literally right there.

"I'll be getting that wine Ashera. Don't come crying to me when you lose." Azazel provoked with a confident smile, one I returned while ignoring his taunt.