chapter 28

( Tais pov)

I helped Len out from under the canopy then looked around to see any threats lurking around, I pulled out my high heaven grade sword and slowly walked ahead.

I couldn't sense any danger near, so I grabbed her hand pulling her over behind a few large trees.

I kept noticing Len sniffing my neck then rubbing her thighs together, I look into her eyes and they are lust filled.

(' shit now she wants to be lustful while we're out in the open')

I look around to see if I can spot her tree tent up in the trees, but I can't spot it from here.

We made it at least a few hundred feet from the camps barrier when I hard a girl crying, I noticed shes up a tree while two of the demon creatures below her.

" Len do you know that young girl" I said as she lookd up at the girl and I noticed far come across her face and she tried to run over to fight the beasts. I pull her back to me and hush her with my hand, shaking my head no at her.

I point to the top of the tree with my finger and Len follows my finger to the branches that's close to the one the girls at. Len nods her had climbing up the tree to the first branch and looks down at me and I smile widely at her.

I run up to the first beast swinging my word at it and the thing dunked under my swing, then it hisses at me. (' did it just hiss at me, it must be the poison that makes them not scared of me right now')

I watch them both circle me as one walks on two hooves and the other walk on four clawed paws. I know the one on all fours would hav figured out ho to get up the tree in no time and I i look up at Len who makes it over to the girl. They both look down at me, I motion to Len to move forward from tree to to tree top and she nods her head.

I take a few steps back as they both start circling around me, I fire off a fire ball hitting the creature that's standing on two legs. I hear it roar out in pain as it dashes towards me and swing my sword at its legs cutting off its foot.

The one on all four pounces at me taking its claw across my stomach, I run over to tebast that's on the ground and cut off its head. I dont know how these things handle being impaled, but I watch it turn to ashes and disappear before my eyes.

I keep my eyes on Len and the beast that is hesitating to attack me again, I notice it sniffing the air then turns facing the left of where we're standing.


Two arrows fly by my head as two arrows hit the creature andit runs towards themen who is firing at us, I take off running then jump up to a branch and make my way over to Len.

"Tai her leg is inured bad and I dont have a healing potion" Len said

I hold my hand over the girls leg, I say a quick spell then my hand lights up over her leg. I noticed a clean cut behind her knee andi know someone's injured her on purpose, I nod toward the barrier and sta at the rear for any attacks that should come at us.

Len points over to her tree tent, I notice that it's in the barrier and she has the barrier I left her around it as well. I see Emilia adtheothers sitting near the waterfall cave waiting for me, I don't know how they'll feel about Len and this girl. I pull Len into a passionate kiss and I can feel that shes just as hungry for me as i am for her.

" I'll lead you to your tent, but the girl will have to sleep until we know she wont do any of us harm" I said as I walk over to the girl then use a sleeping spell on her, I carry her to Lens tree tent and pull Len inside.

I dont want to leave her tonight, but I also don't want the others to go out into the forest right now.

" Len watch thir movements to pin point where they go and I'll be back later" I said then drop down to the forest ground, I side step when I land from the poison from earlier.

I make my way over seing Emilia, Sia, Kel and Elvenia run towards me, I pull them into a hug. I tell them almost everything about Len and these men that are hunting me, I also tell them about these creatures. I just didn't tell them that I was the one who made them and that I'm the one who killed the men that left our camp.

Emilia walks overto one of the four tents and lays down, I told everyone that I would keep watch tonight and I will keep watch but in Lens tree tent.

" Len ive explained to them who you are but not everything thing" I said and Len hold up her hand to stop me from finishing.

" I heard everything you said to them, dont worry i won't say anything" Len said as she sits outside the tent with me as we dangle our legs. I watch her scoot closer to me and it makes me smile like a idiot.