chapter 29

(Tais pov)

I keep watching out in the forest I also know that I need to clean up this mess at day break and I will have to put all of them to sleep and handle this shit.

Len keeps nodding off so I wrap my arm around her waist, I know I have to lift that spell off the girl soon.

" Len get some rest when daylight breaks I will wake you" Len glares at me then rubs her temples.

" your not gonna wake me, so stop lying to me" Len said as she stands up stretching then offers her hand to me pulling me up and into her embrace. I feel her heart rate beating out of her chest, I cant help to feel happy feeling how she feels toward me.

I gently kiss her neck a few times as I feel her body heat up and I gently bite her neck, she pulls away from me looking down.

" I dont want to take the next step and you back out or turn me away, I've excepted how you are flaws and all." Len said

I roll my eyes at her accusing me of abandoning her, if I didn't do it from day one then I won't do it now.

" lets get you covered up and we'll talk more later" I said as I lead her to the bedding then tuck her in, I gently kiss her then mumble a spell putting her to sleep.

I walk over the branch leading out past the barrier I can sense the creature's further out and Five other that I'm guessing are the assassins. I run quickly from tree to tree using the big branches, I hear something flying towards me and I pull out my sword deflecting the incoming arrows.

I jump down and run towards a man I see hiding behind a tree I swing my sword at his head, he dunks then knees at my stomach and I managed to block his hit as I keep swinging my sword at him. I can feel vibrations coming towards us on the ground and the four legged beast rams its head into us both knocking us back a few feet.

"damn its stronger" I said as I look between them and the beast, right now the beast is a bigger threat so I squared up against it. The man took off running in the other direction, I search for a soul within it and all I feel is energy.

I swing my sword in a vertical cut and its tail broke through my defenses piercing my arm, I back up a couple feet. I run toward the beast using the tree to jump higher and bring my sword straight down through its side as it starts jerking me from side to side. I pull my sword out landing on my feet as I run toward it sliding underneath its belly bringing up my sword cutting its stomach open then its guts hit the ground. I dont stay to watch it turn into ash I run in the direction I seen the men run off to and I'm in a clearing then all Five men surround me.

I have my hand on my outer thigh to where my throwing knives are I quickly throw two at a time toward two of them injuring one and killing the other why I block a sword swing coming at my neck. I kick the guy in the stomach as I throw a fire Ball toward another hitting him directly in his chest.

When I was about to strike the one in front of me I feel a sharp pain in my chest and when I look down I see a sword sticking out of me.

I fall to one knee as I hear the men laugh as four of them standing in front of me, I feel that burning sensation spreading throughout my body and I scream so loud that the men started holding their hands over their ears.

"shit what Is she doing, kill her!!" one man screams out, I started transforming into my demon form my armor held up against this wrath form. It doesn't have the wings but the tail tears through my armor, on the flesh was the red and black colors covering my skin and my nails grew thicker, longer and my face turns more animalistic than my lust demon does as my mouth widens with razor sharp teeth. My ears grow longer than an elf's ear and my eyes turn yellow with red slits for pupils, the men started to run, but I appeared in front of them in a blink of an eye and swing my claw at his head taking it clear off his shoulders. I trip another with my tail and stomp down on his head making blood and brain matter shoot every where.

The other two men stay, changing into their wolves then circle around me when they both jump toward me I grab them by their necks and hold them both in the air. I expel the black veins from my hands and start devouring their souls, after I finish I gather all their bodies then use my blue flame.

I go back to camp change out of my armor storing it and dive into the water, I swim around for a while then clean myself up and go into my tent to lay down by Emilia. My wounds healed themselves after devouring their souls, I could feel their strength circulating through out my body. When morning comes Carra and the others will be here and Sia said a couple hours later my mother and mom will finally come, I've been regaining more of my memories since yesterday.