Chapter 65

Tai and the others landed beside a large Castle that was nestled in the middle of a large city circling it, Tai walked up the steps with Mal and Phelps behind her.

Una was securing the dragons and having a look around the place, at the entrance was a middle aged man that had dark blue hair and a young man who had the same color hair.

" ahh welcome to my home, I was expecting to see your mother Lillian with you" He said as his eyes darted from side to side, I bow my head like Una taught me to show respect.

" no my other mother is with me" Tai said while glancing behind her to Una climbing the stairs with eight of our twenty guards and I seen the young man roll his eyes, I immediately clenched my jaw and having to close my eyes to calm down at his disrespect towards my mother and my Queen. A beautiful woman with dark purple hair arrives at the door, when I see her pink eyes I swallow hard stepping forward and offer my hand. A small frown appears on her face as her brother stands in between us. The father cleared his throat and motions us inside, narrows his eyes at his son.

" This is Luke, My eldest daughter Larissa and oh there she is Lucy...My name is Alderson" Alderson said while leading us into the dining hall. Tai looked at both the girls, Lucy had light pink hair with purple eyes while her sister had dark purple hair and pink eyes, Tais heartbeat was deafening in her ears. Lucy looks over at her and gives her a shy smile, while Larissa kept staring at Tai and her neck. Her teeth kept itching to bite the girl sitting across from her, Tai was feeling a similar feeling about marking both girls. She sees Luke's arm move and a fearful look now on Lucy's face, sweat started to form on Tais brow and her canines grow.

(" I'm going to rip his head off") Tai thought to herself as her eyes turn black even the sclera, Una notices.

" Count Alderson can you have Lucy show Tai to a restroom, Luke clicks his tongue.

" I'll show her the way" Luke said, Una slams her hand on the table and glares toward the man.

" You shall not !!" Una said while raising her voice, Alderson glares at his son.

" Sit down and dont speak or move from there, Lucy will you show her the restroom" Alderson said while smiling at his daughter, she quickly moves from her seat.

" Yes father" Lucy said with a kind smile while Larissa frowns staring down at the table, slept fidgeting with her fingers and Una looks over to her.

" so Larissa have you found a mate yet" Una said while sipping her cup of tea, Larissa was caught off guard. (" yes just now")

" N-no not yet" She stammered out while her eyes avoid Unas, she could feel Unas smirk on her face and she raises up from her seat.

" I'm going to check on my sister" Larissa said as she quickly left the dining room, she seen Tai and Lucy talking in the hallway and she quietly walks to them. Tai tucks a piece of hair behind Lucy's ear causing her to blush and then Luke quickly shows up.

" Lucy I need you to come with me" Luke said grabbing her arm, Larissa pushes him away from her.

" no it's fine Larissa" Lucy said while Luke drags her down the hall, Tai hisses at theman bearing all four of her canines. Larissa steps closer to Tai, she sniffs her and licks her neck while holding Tais waist.

Tai already was starting to transform, she could feel her mates fear and pain. Larissa pushes her into the room they were close to and kisses her.

" you cant do something right now it's not the right time, if your mothercant Bargon for us we'll run without you having either of us" Larissa said while her hand travels down the outside of Tais pants.

" mmmm I see that your more than ready for us, but I have to go to my sister" Larissa said exiting the room, Tai watches which room she goes to and returns to the dining room.

" ahh where did my daughters go " Alderson asked while clenching his fist, Tai giveshim a serious look.

" your son rudely took Lucy away and Larissa went after them" Tai said while Alderson waves a servant to him.

" tell luke to remain in his room the rest of the night and bring my two daughters" Alderson hisses then politely excused himself from the table. Tai leans over to her mother and whispers in her ear.

" I want both of them before we leave" Tai said and drinks the wine from her glass, Una smiles at her daughter.

" are they mates" Una asked with a knowing smile, both girls enter the dining room and Tai raised up wanting to go to them, Larissa mouths no to her and then her father enters. Lucy sits down and winces in pain when her back touches the chair.