Chapter 66

Tai rose from her seat. she exited into the hallway and her demon form came back out while she paced.

" Lucy and Larissa why dont you take Tai for a walk and let her relax from the long trip" Una said while Mal stepped forward to follow the two girls out. When Lucy seen Tais Demon form she smiled widely and quickly went to her side.

" I think your even beautiful in this form as well" Lucy said with a blush, Tai pulled her over to a door and pushed her inside. Coats were hanging around them, Lucy laughed at the exasperated look on Tais face.

" come here let me look at your back" Tai said spinning Lucy around to where her back was pressed against Tais front. Lucy couldn't help to start breathing heavier at the close proximity between them and Tais hands was on Lucy's hips. She pulls the shirt up to see burn Mark's on Lucys back, she does a healing spell on her then places her hands on each side of Lucy's waist. She bent her head back to look at Tai with the help of light coming through the door cracks. A gentle kiss was placed on Lucy's lips, Tai swept Lucys silky, straight light pink hair behind her ear. Lucy kept moving against Tais front and Tai tried to meditate so she wouldn't have a erection.

" eh somethings poking my butt cheek...hold on" Lucy said while fumbling her hands around, she feels sharp pain at her member.

" ah ow shit" Tai said while Lucy had her hand around Tais shaft, the girl stood there still holding onto Tais member.

(" oh my divine what have I done") Lucy thought to herself, she just stayed in that position and then the door suddenly opened wide with Larissa and Mal standing there. Both of their eyes traveled down to where Lucy had her hand inside Tais pants and both had blood red faces, Larissa clears her throat.

" will you get your hand out of there" Larissa said while glancing down the hallway, Lucy was extremely embarrassed but she didn't want to let go. Tai reaches down, gently pulling Lucy's hand out of her pants and Lucy pouted. Larissa rolled her eyes and walks toward the front door, they could all tell she was pissed. Mal pushes Tai toward the princess, earning a glare from Tai and she walks ahead of the other two next to Larissa.

" why are you even mad, you touched it as well and Lucy thought I had something in my belt" Tai said causing Larissa to laugh at the excuse she just heard.

(" well Lucy isnt that innocent, but I don't think she knew Tais demon form is a intersex.") Larissa thought as she intertwines their fingers together, they both stop looking back at Lucy while Tai holds her hand out for her to hold. She smiles widely and runs up to her taking her hand, they went to a few stores.

Mal ended up buying out a few places with different spell books, items and potions. Tai came to a shop that had different beasts and a few races locked in cages.

(" how could they lock up others like this ") Tai thought while a woman with yellow hair and a voluptuous body walkup to them.

" Princesses I never thought I'd see you in my shop" The woman said with disdain apparent on her voice, Tai walks over to cages that had succubus, incubus, and imps inside them. On a shelf above them was hundreds of different eggs, Tai read that hatching them from eggs was a better connection with a familiar. Mal walks over to Tai.

" your mothers have millions of familiars that she keeps on Faunas and Asandras islands, if you want these other races try not to seem interested." Mal said while walking over to a cage full of small winged creatures.

" I'll buy these four cages and the six cages over there." Mal said, the woman smiles at Mal, she leans in closer her and whispers in her ear.

" of course love and I get off in a few hours would you like to get a drink" The woman said staring at Mals neck, Mal pulls out a whistle and six of her soldiers march over standing by the shop doors.

" I'm quite busy right now maybe a rain check, go purchase some wagons" Mal said to the woman and her men, she walks over to Tai who has already looked around the shop.

" purchase it all " Tai said while Mal mentally facepalmed herself, she turns back to the woman handing her money for her first purchase and then lays two bags of gold on the counter.

A smile went across the womans lips, she handed twelve pieces of gold back to Mal and then claps her hands. A man walks out with a handful of metal cuffs and two master cuffs, he walks over to the cages of the other races and puts a cuff on each of their wrist. Mal takes the master cuffs putting one on Tais wrist and her own, the soldies arrived with four large wagons with two horses pulling each one.

" Load everything up and you guys follow us, I want two soldiers to escort them" Mal said motioning to the slaves they just bought, the woman walks over to them.

" the stables will house your slaves " The woman said while watching all of the product being loaded into the wagons. Tai motions for a guard, the house that your staying in put the men in rooms and the women in the others. Make sure to give them clothing, meals and a hot bath, they each need their own bed.

" wait please our princess is locked in the back " A incubus said, Tai nodded at him and a guard took him with the others.

" I've just heard that you have their princess, I've been wanting a play much" Tai asked the woman smirks at Tai, she steps into Tai and takes her hand up Tais thigh. Larissa tried to go over to them and Mal stops her at the door.

" shes trying to help the succubus " Mal said while gesturing toward the wagon, Lucy pulls her sister away.

" Mal will be seated at that restaurant just tell her to come when she finishes" Lucy said dragging her sister away.

The woman goes through a door to the back room, a young woman with white and red hair and has the perfect body that would lock anyone down to her, she had four wings instead of two that were black and red.

" I wasn't gonna sell her she hasn't fed in a while, she refuses to eat and you know that they feed on essence right" The woman said walking over to unlock the cage, the succubus was so weak she could barely stand up.

" I'm guessing that I'll get a discount" Tai said while the woman nods at her and hands her the master cuff.

" what is her name" Tai asked while stepping closer to the succubus, the girl swings her hand at Tai.

Tai catches her wrist, she knows that if she doesn't feed now she'll die, she looks back at the woman.

The woman sighs taking the twelve pieces of gold and looks over to the succubus.

" her name is Nina and I'm Toya by the way" Toya said putting the twelve pieces of gold into a bag that had the Vampire kings crest on it.

" can I spend some time with her in here " Tai said causing the woman to chuckle, she nods her head and leaves the two alone.

Tai could feel the same fuzzy feeling in her chest that she has with the other ones, she pulls the girl to her feet.

Tai kisses the succubus neck and gently sucks on her pulse point, Nina kept trying to push Tai away from her. Nina's breath started to get heavy as Tais hand gently falls between her legs, the womans head snaps back as Tai gently rubs circular motions on her clit.

" ahhhhhh " Nina moans out while pulling off Tais clothes, she sees that Tais a intersex and quickly wraps her legs around Tai, she guides her head to Nina's entrance and slams into her. She take long, hard thrusts in and out of Nina while they kiss passionately. Nina buck's her hips in Rhythm with Tai her complexion already starts to look better, she wraps her arms around Tais neck and Tai thrusts faster inside of her.

" ahhhhhh haah ahhhn ohhh " Nina moans out as her legs shake, Tai moans out with her and cums inside of Nina she could feel Nina's insides massaging her like she wanted every drop.

Nina bites into Tais neck marking her, Tai does the same thing with Nina and they hold each other panting.

" I'll kill you if we keep having sex with each other" Nina said while looking into Tais eyes, Tai caresses Nina's cheek with her thumb.

" No that wont happen your my mate" Tai said while Nina looks at the Mark's on Tais neck, she takes her finger over each one.

" how many and why do you have so many" Nina asked while Tai pulls out of her and starts to get dressed, she pulls out a pair of white robes and dresses Nina.

(" why do me and my mother have so many mates, I need to get my hands on that prophecy") Tai thought while leading Nina out of the store, Mal takes them to the restaurant and Tai orders enough food for them, the soldiers and her new friends.