Chapter 72

( Tais pov )

I was taking a walk early in the morning, we all went to bed last night while all of us except for Ari slept in the same bed. Len and I awoke up before sunrise feeling restless, the Alphas daughter only said we'd have a meeting with the Alpha at nine in the morning.

" I guess it feels weird for you to find out about this being a wolf village " I said to Len grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers. I feel my heartbeat quicken with the shy smile she gives me, I pull her into a deep kiss.

" I've missed you " I said while placing my forehead against hers, she cups my cheek giving me another kiss.

" I've missed you my love " Len said as we continued our walk, I knew she felt uneasy in this village especially being around a different pack.

We just kept walking around the vast village. Len stopped sniffing the air, a low growl comes from her and then her ear twitches.

( I find her very cute with ears and tail now )

" Tai someone is hurt I smell the blood and hear the cries " Len said running toward the treeline off the path, when I ran through it felt like I ran through thick moist air. I ran fast trying to keep up with Len when she suddenly stops at a young man who looked to be no more than 15 years old. Len started walkimg toward him, I felt an uneasiness wrap around me and grab her hand. A deep thick growl came from the man who stood up straight, his eyes were so blood shot that it looked as if they'd bleed red. We watch him shift into a lycan standing on two feet, he looked malnourished and as if he had mange.

" Len get ready to run back to the path " I said slowly backing up with my arm in front of Len, this lycan stood at almost 7' tall and had foam dripping from its mouth.

" now " I said pulling out a silver sword from my spacial ring, I hear other growls coming from behind him and see over two dozen lycans approaching me. Len already ran down toward the way we came in and I wanted to make sure she didn't come into contact with any of these diseased lycans. I felt warm moist air hitting the back of my neck as if something was panting behind me, all I could do was swallow and I slowly turn to see a large muzzle bent down lining up with my head. I dodge the snapping jaws coming at me and twist and turn away from the swiping claws coming toward me. I use the sword to slice off a few claws coming at me and stab a few of the werewolves. I get hit across the face with one of the beasts fist, it sends me flying in the opposite direction I needed to run and when I flew now through a couple trees a branch stabs me through my side as I roll down the mountain.

I'm at the bottom of the mountain, I try to raise up and feel pain shooting throughout my body.

" FUCK !! " I scream when I make my self stand, I see the werewolves running down the hill and quickly change into my demon form. I've lost to much blood to change or to use blood letting, I run as fast as I can in the ravine I've found myself in and then start climbing up the side of the mountain that's in front of me.

I turn around to see the beasts are right behind me, their even snapping at each other when one gets to close to the other. I climb up on the flat surface, I see a house that is carved out from the mountain itself and I run to it when I'm suddenly tackled to the ground by one of the wolves. I watch a large fireball hit the beast in the chest throwing it away from me as a flurry of fireballs hit them making them scatter back down the mountain side. A woman with sandy blonde hair and pale green eyes pulls me across the ground as I feel the thick wet air surround me and then she stops pulling me past several wooden posts and boulders.

" come with me " She said as she helps me to my feet, I felt her staring at my wounds with concern and she seems to be searching my body for something.

We enter into the stone house, she sits me up on a large dining room table and cuts my shirt off.

" I'll have to pull out the pieces of wood it won't heal like this, are you with the group who visited " She asked and I nodded my head yes, should out jade slip and let's them know that she has me.

" my name is Taki my mother is a truth seerer and I'm a healer, what is your name " Taki said while laying a tray down with different instruments of sharp objects and scissors. Taki picks up a long pair tweezers, she pulls out all of the broken of wood from the branch and looks at the wounds carefully. Taki sighs in relief, she bandages me up and a knock on the door brought her back from her thoughts.