Chapter 73

Len ran as fast as she could back to the trail like Tai told her to, when she enters the guards surround her and a large man who was 6' 6" and the size of a bear steps to her. They inspect her body, then nods to the man, he looks at Len with a serious expression.

" was there others with you " He said, Len shakes her head yes and then was about to exit the path again when the guards grab her arms.

" those wolves are infected, one bite ad you'll be a rabid beast Lars lost his son a couple hours ago " The man said when Una ran up to the group, she looks at the two guards that she was told would be watching the rooms and anger flashed through her eyes.

" Alpha Jong I was told that these two guards would be standing guard by my daughters room" Una said while the alpha looked at the two men who refused to look him in the eyes, they then looked at Len.

" they refused to listen to our warnings " one of them said while the other one refused to look up from the ground, Lens mouth drops open as her red eyes turned a darker color. " Lies ! No one was by the doors we went for a walk and smelled blood also cries for help " Len said moving closer to the men, Una holds her tightly and looks over to the man. " Your saying that my daughter just left ignoring your request and her mate is lying " Una hissed at the man who was caught off guard they thought since Len was a wolf that her mate wasnt the celestials daughter, the other man looks up at Una with a sad face.

" your majesty we did leave our post a hour early since we didn't hear movement " The quiet guard said as he looks at his Alphas red face, he wasn't gonna let the pack suffer for their mistakes and if the girl doesn't make it maybe she'll only kill them both.

" Alpha Jong, Taki has the girl she doesn't have any wound from the wolves and was injured by a tree she was hit through." Councilor Van said while running up to them and a wagon coming up behind him, Una puts Len in the wagon with Emilia following behind to get in and then looks over to Mal.

" let everyone know the reason not to leave the barrier and keep them inside until we get back " Una said, Ari runs up to them hopping up in the wagon with Una, Emilia and Len.

" I'm coming with you " Ari said sitting down beside Len, Una couldn't help but feel a ominous feeling coming over her and could feel a darkness surrounding this forest.

Taki waits outside for the wagon to show up, she went back in to her house where Tai was asleep on the table she ran her hands through Tais hair and kisses her cheek.

" I'm glad your ok, but mother is usually always right about staying away from my mate " Taki said as she felt someone standing behind her, Una steps into the house and runs up to Tai who is sleeping on the table. She pulls Taki into a tight hug, she gives a small smile to Taki and then goes back to her table.

" wake up baby " Una said while caressing her daughters cheek, she turns to Taki.

" could my family stay here while were helping the village " Una asked looking toward the sandy blonde headed woman, Ari, Emilia and Len show up at the door.