Chapter 3 — Rewritten

~July 15, 2005~

Several days have passed since I returned to the past with my incredible power of time travel through handshakes, thanks to luck I managed to meet the two brats who in the future will be the bosses of the most powerful and heartless criminal organization from Japan, Manjiro Sano and Kisaki Tetta.

I have lived a few days with Draken and Manjiro, or Mikey, as he is known by all, and I must say that both boys surprised me a lot, although they are gang members, both boys are quite nice

Although Mikey, for some reason I feel that he is hiding something, it is difficult to explain, but there are occasions when Mikey emits a somewhat sinister pressure, this occurs when he has small outbursts of anger or while fighting against other gang members, they are for small almost imperceptible moments that nobody notices , unless you pay close attention, it looks like the guy has a full basement, a beast awaits under that adorable smile

Then there is Tetta Kisaki, since the day I met him near the river I have not seen him again, and honestly I did not make any effort to do so, I still could not think of a way to prevent these two from knowing each other

Everything would be so simple if I killed at least one of the two to prevent all that shitty future from happening, although I wasn't sure, the butterfly effect is a son of a bitch and I'm sure he would do his thing if I make a sudden change, I had to see how changes made in the past affect the future

Anyway, I decided that for now, I won't kill anyone, I guess Takemichi has a point where I've become somewhat compulsive since I came to this world, I'll have to do some of my mental training to better control my temper, I'm forgetting the teachings of that old shit and that's not good

After my body recovered a bit I started training my body, I was at the perfect age to develop my body and gain strength more easily.

I asked my mom for some money to buy some weighted wristbands and some clothes, my closet was full of pretty ridiculous clothes, our version of the past has terrible taste in fashion.

By the way, my mom is hardly ever home, I guess it's for work, it's extremely rare that we spend time with her, that's why our version of the past became a gang member, and the same reason a lot of brats are gang members in these days, fathers seem to have disappeared from this world, such motherfuckers

I decided that we would go back to the future, I needed to investigate more about the events that are about to happen, what I remember that is about to happen would be Draken's death during a gang fight, but I don't have the exact date and place where it happened

It is possible that the change in attitude in Mikey is due to the death of Draken, during these days that I have spent time with that pair , I could notice the great relationship that both have, they are always together wherever they go

So it's very likely that Mikey, losing Draken, let the beast escape, and that's where Kisaki, the bastard behind the shadows, used the unstable Mikey and took over ToMan turning the gang into what it is in the future.

That's the conclusion I came to with all the information Naoto gathered in the future and what I've seen in the past.

Although I sincerely believe that without or with Kisaki, ToMan would be corrupted if he continued to exist in the future, sooner or later both Mikey and Draken would end up corrupted, such is the world of crime.

"Hey, are you listening to me?"

I came out of my thoughts and turned to my right finding a quite adorable scene, Hina was making a cute pout while looking at me with some annoyance

["God, she's so cute"] — Takemichi murmured from the mental space, I nodded next to him, Hina is quite cute

"Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts" —I replied embarrassed while scratching the back of my neck

"It doesn't matter, we're here, this time we'll study at my house" — Hina spoke as she pointed to the apartment unit where she lives

Yesterday we agreed that she would help me study, as expected from the idiot of my past self, we failed almost all the subjects, seeing this Hina offered to help me study to pass the retake exams.

We agreed with Hina's idea for two reasons, first, we wanted to spend more time with her, and second, we need to see Naoto so we can go back to the future.

"Eh? Mom?" — A surprised Hina yelled.

"Welcome home, Hina, huh? ... who is your friend?"

I looked up and saw a middle-aged woman in the living room of Hina's apartment, she had a great resemblance to Hina, so I assumed it was her mother

"Good afternoon, I'm Hanagaki Takemichi, nice to meet you" — I greeted while bowing slightly

"Oh, so you're Hanagaki-kun, Naoto told me about you, you're Hina's boyfriend, right?" Hina's mom asked with a smile.

"MOM!!" — an embarrassed Hina shouted — "we'll be studying in my room, don't bother us" — Hina yelled as she dragged me to her room

'Hehehe, Hina looks cute when she's embarrassed' — I thought amused seeing Hina's blushing face

"Wow, I've never been in a girl's room before" — I muttered as I looked around Hina's room curiously.

["Liar"] — Takemichi muttered.

{"It's not my fault that you're a failure"} — I replied while raising my middle finger

"Stop snooping around so much, have some tact" — Hina scolded me as she pinched my cheek

"I am sorry"

After Hina calmed down a bit we started to study, but we were interrupted when the door was opened, it was Hina's mom who was carrying a tray with what seemed to be juice.

"I'm sorry, they came so suddenly that I had nothing prepared, even considering that this is the first time that Hina brings a boy home" - Hina's mom spoke

"Oh, no problem, don't worry about it" — I replied as I received the tray and put it on the study table

"That's enough mom, go now" — Hina got up quickly and started to get her mom out of the room

"Well, well, aren't you going to let me talk to your boyfriend?" Hina's mom asked in an amused tone.

"MOM!" — Hina shouted again while blushing

I smiled amused to see Hina embarrassed, it was the first time we saw her like this, after she managed to get her mom out of the room we started studying

Fortunately, the knowledge of my previous life will also serve me in this world, practically everything was the same as in my world, except that here the humans are very beautiful, in addition to being abnormally strong, and for some reason there is time travel that activated with a handshake

Throughout the afternoon, Hina helped me study, although I already knew the topics I pretended ignorance so that Hina would explain to me, she was very good at teaching, and I bet she would be a great teacher

"Now that I remember, thank you for helping my little brother when he got involved with those delinquents" - Hina said after we finished our study session

"Uhm... oh!, what happened that day" — I murmured in surprise — "it was nothing, I was quite surprised when I found out he was your little brother"

" Hehehe, I had forgotten to introduce him to you" — he replied while smiling — "…my dad is so busy that he hardly ever spends time at home, but even though Naoto hates our dad, the other day out of nowhere he said: I'm going to grow up to be like dad

I raised an eyebrow not understanding what Hina was saying.

"My dad is a policeman"

"I see... the truth... I think it was he who helped me" — I replied while remembering that day


"I think he will become a great policeman" — I said while remembering Naoto from the future

"...Takemichi-kun, you've changed" — Hina spoke as she rested her face on her hand

"Oh!...what do you mean?" — I asked with interest

"Uhm... it's like you've become kinder, happier, and more mature, I feel like I'm talking to someone who is much older than me, although sometimes you behave like a child" —Hina replied while smiling amused

"... now that I think about it, my mother, Akkun, and the boys also told me something similar" — I replied with a doubtful tone — {"It seems that they have started to notice my abrupt personality change when I travel in time"} — I muttered as I looked at Takemichi in my mind space.

"Perhaps it's a part of you that I don't know... I want to know more about you, Takemichi-kun" — Hina spoke as she stared at me and gave me a beautiful smile

"I also want to know more about you, Hina"

In that the sound of fireworks began to be heard, we both decided to go up to the terrace to watch the fireworks show that had just started

It was a wonderful sight, I hadn't seen a show like this for many years, this brought me a beautiful memory of my previous life, I turned to my side and there was Hina looking up at the sky with a beautiful smile

I approached her and took her hand, Hina was surprised for a moment, and then she blushed, she was quite embarrassed, but she didn't reject the gesture, so we continued watching the fireworks while holding hands

["... I never had so much fun in my past life, I want us to stay here forever, I don't want to go back to the future… because…Hina isn't there anymore"] — Takemichi muttered as he took control of our body

He had asked me for a moment of control, which I gladly accepted, he also deserved to share time with Hina

{" I feel the same, but if we don't go back, we won't know what to do to prevent Hina from dying, since for some reason they gave us this ability, we have to take advantage of it as much as possible"} —I answered seriously, Takemichi nodded in approval to my comment

After the fireworks finished we went back down to his apartment, Naoto was by our side, at some point he had gone up to see the fireworks without us noticing

Like the little bastard that he is, he started making fun of us because he saw us holding hands, I had to hold Hina so she wouldn't kill her brother

"See you tomorrow at school, Hina… Naoto, can you come with me for a moment? I need to talk to you alone" — I spoke while hugging Naoto by the neck

"Me? ..."

I nodded while looking at him seriously, he hesitated for a moment, but then he widened his eyes in surprise.

"Don't tell me that you..."

I quickly covered her mouth so she wouldn't continue with what she was going to say, Hina was by our side, I couldn't let her find out that I was a time traveler

Also if I told her I came from the future, he might not believe me, he might even think I've gone crazy.

After saying goodbye to Hina, I dragged Naoto to the parking lot of the unit where she lives, I made sure that no one was around, it would be troublesome if someone heard me.

"Are you the Takemichi-kun of the future?" Naoto asked with some doubt.

"Yes" — I answered seriously surprising little Naoto — "Apparently you didn't doubt me, I'm glad of that... thanks to you we can save your sister" — I answered with a smile


"I know you're confused, I don't blame you, but I just want you to remember the words I said to you that day" — I said seriously, Naoto nodded while staring at me — "Well... protect Hina for me, Naoto, that's all what I can tell you... I want you to keep this envelope, for no reason you can open it before July 2, 2017... and lastly... don't forget save my ass, it's fine" — I spoke while handing him an envelope sealed

Naoto looked at the envelope curiously and then put it in his pants pocket, I nodded satisfied as I extended my hand, Naoto hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he shook my hand.

Again I felt that electric shock run through my body, while my vision darkened, almost immediately I opened my eyes, my environment had changed again, I was no longer in the parking lot of the unit where Hina lives, but I was in the what seemed to be an apartment

I got up from the bed where I was lying, carefully removes the IV that I had in my arm while observing my surroundings, to my right was a blackboard with multiple photos and information of the most important members of ToMan, on the other side a large amount Of papers

There was no doubt that this was Naoto's apartment from the future, the sound of a keyboard being used caught my attention, it was Naoto sitting in front of the computer

He immediately turned to my direction while holding his head, it was seen that he had a little pain,

"What's up!" - I greeted with a smile - "It worked Naoto, your crazy idea really worked, travel to the past" - I spoke with emotion, but I stopped when I saw my appearance reflected in the mirror of the room

"Takemichi-kun, you finally woke up... yes, I know, I read your letter, besides... it's painful to receive the memories of the previous future" — Naoto spoke while massaging his head — "Eh? ... were you this tall before ?" — He asked confused while pointing at me.

"Not that I remember…" I muttered in surprise as I looked at my reflection.

My height had increased considerably, from 1.65 which was my height before my first trip to the past, now I am approximately 1.84, I had a much more defined musculature than the previous future, also my clothes had changed, I no longer had the cheap clothes that I managed to buy with my miserable salary in the DVD store, if not something much more expensive and of quality

{"Looks like your idea really worked, our past selves followed the training I wrote in the past"} — I muttered as I entered my mental space and looked at Takemichi

["Hehehe, it's good that it worked"] — Takemichi answered in a weak voice.

"So you remember the previous future?" - I asked after leaving my mental space

"Yes... it's weird, it's like I have two sets of memories, although there isn't much difference between them, by the way, I read what you left me in your envelope, I investigated what you wrote me in your letter while you were going to the past" — Naoto replied as he went to the computer

I watched Naoto while he was typing in front of the computer, the boy looked pretty fucked up, his complexion was somewhat pale and he had big bags under his eyes implying that he hadn't slept much

'He seems much more affected than the last time…' —I thought seriously as I stood next to the computer—"When did you open the envelope?" I asked curiously.

"On July 2 of this year" - replied as he continued typing

In the envelope I gave to Naoto from the past, I gave him a brief summary of what I had discovered in the past, both my thoughts about Mikey and Draken's personality, the little encounter I had with Kisaki, and a few other things. that I thought would be relevant to mention

Apparently Naoto from the past listened to me and did not open the envelope until the date I indicated, so it did not change the future too much, if he had read that information before I am sure he would have done something crazy

"It was as you thought, Ken Ryuguji died in the past, to be more specific it was on August 3, I have a few excerpts from newspaper articles from that time" — Naoto spoke as he showed me his computer screen

"…a motorcycle gang from Shibuya got into a fight in a parking lot…a high school student was stabbed in the abdomen with a sharp weapon during the confrontation and died…identified as 15-year-old Ken Ryuguji…" I muttered as I read the article on Naoto's computer

"There are also numerous posts on the internet made days before the incident, according to them, it was an internal conflict within the gang known as ToMan, there was a small confrontation between the 'Mikey faction' and the 'Draken faction'. , this eventually led to Ryuguji's death" — Naoto said while looking at me seriously

"Internal fight?... it's hard to believe that those two have fought, they are practically inseparable... something must have happened between those days... damn, after that ToMan went to hell" — I muttered while I continued reading the articles

The news of the massacre of the members of a motorcycle gang called Moebius appeared on the computer, it was a week after Draken's death, with more than 25 fatalities, the main suspects were the captains of the gang known as ToMan

Several news began to come out that named ToMan as the suspect of different crimes, but it just stayed there, only suspicions, it was evident that for some reason the police decided not to continue investigating these incidents, you did not need to be a genius to know the reason

"...Naoto, do you know what I did in the past after Draken's death?"

"Huh? Didn't your memories get overwritten after you came back?" - asked a confused Naoto

"No... after giving you the handshake, I woke up here, I don't remember anything that my past self has done" - I answered with annoyance

"...I see" — Naoto murmured —"After Draken's death you moved away from the gang world, months later you broke up with my sister for some reason, she never mentioned the reason, but she was really affected by it…" — Naoto spoke while looking at me coldly, I flinched a little at Naoto's gaze

"Did I break up with Hina? ..."

"Yeah… after you finished high school you moved and continued your studies, and now you are an ordinary employee of a shitty company, by the way, they threw you to other train tracks, almost and I can't save you… the guy who threw you to the tracks wanted to make sure that you died, it was as you thought, your future changed drastically" — Naoto spoke while sitting on the sofa in the living room

"It wasn't in the same place, so how did you find me?" I asked curiously.

"...After my sister's death, I opened your envelope that same day, with the help of my contacts I was able to locate where you worked and I followed you, so I managed to save you when they threw you on the train tracks" - Naoto replied while looking at nothing

'… so he… saw Hina's death twice…' — I thought as I looked at Naoto's emaciated state

The truth was that I lied to Naoto, I remembered a bit of the past, more specifically, I have memories of my past self after I took possession of Takemichi Hanagaki's body, for which I have two memories where they announce the death of Hina on the news, that was something painful, seeing the death of the woman you love twice is not easy, much less if you witnessed it personally, Naoto must be devastated right now

I got up and went for a beer to Naoto's small refrigerator, I needed to relax a bit to decide what action to take at this moment, after uncovering it I stood in front of the blackboard where Naoto had the photos of the most prominent members of ToMan

They were the same as in the previous future, except for one, a guy with curly plum-colored hair, he looked like an asshole, the funny thing was that he seemed familiar to me

"Naoto, who the hell is this asshole? I don't remember him being in ToMan in the previous future" — I asked as I ripped out the photo and showed it to Naoto

"Uhm?... it's true, in the previous future he wasn't... if I'm not mistaken he's a big shot of ToMan, his name is Atsushi Sendo"

"Damn, but if it's Akkun, hahaha, what an asshole face he has in this photo" - I laughed when I saw Akkun's photo

"This is strange, it is assumed that in the previous future he was arrested for stabbing Masataka Kiyomizu when he was 16 years old, he was nothing more than a small-time hooligan"

" was because he changed his past... thanks to the fact that we met Mikey, Akkun didn't stab that bastard, he also became a ToMan administrator" — I said seriously as I looked at Akkun's photo — "Apparently he didn't move away from the gang world… it's annoying not remembering the past" — I muttered with annoyance

"I understand…Takemichi-kun, can you get in touch with Sendo?"

"...possibly so, I hope he has kept his promise" — I murmured as I drank all the beer in one gulp — "I should go back to my apartment to look for his number, I want to ask him some things"

"Since Atsushi is a ToMan admin, it's very possible that he's changed, are you sure you want to contact him?" Naoto asked.

"No problem, if he changed for the worse, I wouldn't mind giving him a beating to straighten him out" — I said as I walked towards the exit of Naoto's apartment

We got into Naoto's car and went to my apartment, according to the few memories I have, I live in an apartment that I bought a year ago, having a better job, my life changed completely compared to the other future

Along the way we discussed a bit about my ability to time travel, apparently, I travel exactly 12 years in time, either to the past or to the future, the trigger is the handshake with Naoto, and the changes made in the past affect the future

They can be like saving Naoto from his death and then saving me from becoming a human pancake.

Or, they could be disastrous to the point of the unimaginable, or so I think, since I once saw a movie where a group of three friends traveled through time through a bar bathroom, and because of a certain action that the protagonists of the movie the future went to shit, and the truth is that I don't want to experience anything like it

'I wonder if there will be cops and time killers like in that movie... Hahaha, that would be crazy' —I thought with amusement as I got out of the car— "Huh? The lights are on, who's inside?" — I muttered as I walked up the stairs to my apartment.

"Takemichi-kun, don't tell me you have a partner?" - Naoto asked me while looking at me with a threatening smile

"No, but I have some friends with rights, maybe it's one of them" - I replied with a lustful smile

"Hoh!, so you're being unfaithful to my sister, damn gigolo" —Naoto growled as he was surrounded with a threatening aura

"I broke up with Hina more than 10 years ago, so I'm not being unfaithful to her, besides, it's just sex and that's it, don't confuse love with pleasure" —I answered as I took the keys out of my pants

When we opened the door a pleasant smell assaulted our nose, it was the aroma of Ramen, I walked towards the living room and saw a girl with black hair sitting in front of the small table while watching television

"Take-chan?" The girl asked after eating the noodles from her mouth.

"Akane-chan, did you order Ramen for me?" - I asked as I approached her, my stomach growled at the smell of the pleasant aroma of Ramen

"You're finally back, where have you been?... you had me worried" — Akane murmured as she gave me a big hug that I gladly accepted.

Akane, a co-worker where I currently work in this future, is apparently one of several girls I've slept with in this future

Akane has a beautiful face with beautiful emerald eyes, and a very sexy body which I did not hesitate to give her a quick grope, an adorable moan escaped her lips making her a little horny

"Ouch! What the hell Naoto? Do you want to turn me into an idiot? Hits to the head are dangerous" — I grunted angrily as I let go of Akane and rubbed my head

"Damn pervert! Stop wasting your time! Find Sendo's number and let's get out of here" — growled Naoto angrily.

"Tch! I was just giving my friend a friendly hug, you don't have to be jealous" — I growled as I headed towards my room

"Take-chan?, who is this adorable boy?" Akane asked in a flirtatious voice as she approached Naoto.

Naoto, seeing Akane approaching him, began to get nervous, I smiled amused to see the serious Naoto blush as he felt Akane pressing her large breasts on his arm, apparently my brother-in-law is somewhat shy with girls

"He's the brother of my childhood girlfriend" - I replied before entering my room

I immediately went to the closet and opened the last drawer, after taking out some objects I found what I was looking for, it was a small notebook

In the past, after leaving the park where Kiyomasa got his ass kicked, I talked to Akkun only.

We made a promise that we would save our phone numbers so that we could meet in the future, and no matter what we became in the future, we would always be friends.

I smiled a little remembering that conversation and started flipping through the little notebook where all our high school memories were.

["Wow, how nostalgic, I wonder how the others are?"] — Takemichi muttered from my mental space

{"I don't know... Akkun is now a high command of the current ToMan, it is likely that he has changed... also, according to the information collected by Naoto, none of the other boys are in ToMan... I hope that just like me they have away from the world of crime"} — I answered seriously

After flipping through some more pages I found Akkun's number, I took my cell phone and started dialing the phone number, surprisingly it was ringing, seconds later someone answered, I smiled when I heard his voice, I told him I wanted to see him, he accepted immediately and he gave me an address where we would meet, I wrote it down and then hung up the call

I left the room and went to the living room where I found a very interesting scene, I saw Naoto unconscious on the floor, he had a somewhat strange expression while some blood came out of his nose, next to him was Akane laughing out loud as she held her stomach

"*sigh* Akane-chan, what did you do to him?" I asked as I approached Naoto

"hehehe, I only told him how we met, and then what we did during that whole night" —answered Akane mischievously— "he's a very adorable boy, he looks like a little sheep, he shouldn't get together with a wolf addicted to sex like you" — The girl added while smiling

"I guess you're right" — I said as I crouched down and carried Naoto like a princess — "Take a picture of me, I'll use it to fuck him up later" — I passed my phone to Akane who immediately took some photos while laughing with amusement

"Hehehe, they look adorable" — Akane murmured with a giggle, her Fujoshi side came out.

I smiled as Akane kept taking photos in different positions, a little saliva trickled from her mouth, she seemed to be having fun, I had to snap her out of her fantasy so she could return my phone

"Well... I'll go out for a few days, don't burn my apartment, it's a pain in the ass to have to repaint everything" — I said as I put my cell phone away and opened the apartment door

"IT WAS ONLY ONCE!" Akane yelled as a deep blush appeared on her face.

"See you later, Akane-chan" — I said goodbye while carrying Naoto

I put Naoto in his car in the back, he was mumbling some incoherent words, I wonder what that girl said to him

After I put the address that Akkun gave me into the GPS, I started driving in silence, on the way Naoto woke up and immediately started scolding me and calling me a pervert and various other things, I guess it's because of what Akane told him

I showed him the picture that Akane took of us, it was as I imagined, the boy was so embarrassed that his face looked like a ripe tomato, the little bastard ended up throwing my cell phone out the car window, Naoto makes some pretty funny expressions when he gets angry

Half an hour later, we arrived in front of a huge and luxurious building in the central area of Tokyo, after checking that it was the right place I headed towards the entrance

"Takemichi-kun, is this really okay? I mean, walking into a place like this ... Sendo is now a ToMan admin remember?" — Naoto spoke while holding my shoulder

"... «friendships don't change so easily», I would have told you that before, but I can't guarantee that anymore, ToMan rotted, and most likely its members too, so we must be prepared for the worst, if possible , it's better that you don't go in, if something happens I don't think I can protect you" — I answered seriously while looking at Naoto

My answer seemed to surprise Naoto quite a bit, he stared at me for a few seconds and then smiled

"You've changed, Takemichi-kun, now you're much more trustworthy...also don't underestimate me, I'm not the brat who was bullied by petty criminals anymore, so come on, Sendo is waiting for us" — Naoto spoke as he headed towards the entrance of the building

I smiled when I heard his answer and then followed him

Entering the building we were greeted by a guy dressed elegantly in a white suit, next to him was a row of beautiful girls dressed elegantly and sexy, they looked at us flirtatious while trying to get our attention, the place was a high end brothel

"Welcome gentlemen! Tell me, which girl do you like?" The man in front of us asked while putting on a business smile.

"*Whistles*… What elegance that of France! — I said while observing the place — "What's up!, I came here to meet with Sendo-san, could you tell him that Hanagaki Takemichi has arrived"

"Do you want to meet with the administrator? ...Allow me… Hey! A ragged-looking visitor just came in, did the boss have an appointment with them?" - The guy spoke through his earpiece with a doubtful tone while looking at me with disdain

A vein swelled on my forehead when I heard him call me ragged, as he was dressed only in shorts and a black shirt, he was very out of tune with the place where we were, what made me angrier was that Naoto's bastard didn't he stopped laughing behind me because of what the other idiot said

"Good heavens! Hanagaki-san, why didn't you tell me earlier, if only you had told me that you were the administrator's best friend, I would have let you in right away!" - The idiot in white spoke while putting on a forced smile - "Follow me, I'll take you to Sendo-sama... make way, two VIPS passing by!!" — the guy in white began to show us the way

Annoyed I followed him with Naoto, after going up the elevator we arrived at what seemed to be the meeting room, this was just as luxurious as the entire building, the idiot in white left the place leaving us alone

There was a bar in the room so I went over and poured myself a Scotch as I sat on the couch.

"Hey Naoto, I saw that the blonde in the lobby caught your attention, do you want me to ask Akkun to let you debut with her?" I asked as I took a small sip of my drink.

"Hah!... what the hell are you saying, Takemichi-kun" — Naoto yelled as he turned as red as a tomato

"Hahahaha, don't deny it virgin brat, you couldn't stop looking at that hot blonde's breasts" - I spoke with a mocking tone - "jujuju, so you like girls with big breasts huh? Naughty boy"

Naoto turned so red that even an apple would envy him, I laughed amused, it was fun to bother Naoto, I waited a few moments until I felt someone arrive in the room

"Haaa!, What a good Whisky, you do know how to choose the drinks, Akkun" — I said as he turned behind us

" hahaha, I'm glad you like them Takemichi, look at you friend, you haven't changed much, well, you've gained some muscle, you're not a dwarf anymore" - Akkun replied as he sat on the couch in front of us

I smiled when I saw Akkun, he had changed a lot, he no longer had his characteristic pompadour, at this time he had short black hair, he was wearing a white shirt and black pants, he had both arms almost completely tattooed, he looked something thin and had many dark circles, his face was somewhat emaciated, he looked like a drug addict

["Is that Akkun? His appearance has changed quite a bit"] — Takemichi spoke from our mental space

"So you finally cut your pompadour, you look weird without it... I'm glad to see you friend" - I said while smiling genuinely

"You want to meet Mikey-san, don't you Takemichi?" Akkun asked with a small smile.

I made a confused face upon hearing his question.

"Hmmm! …I've been waiting for you all this time, Takemichi…let's talk outside, I want to discuss this just you and me, understood?" Akkun said as he got up and walked towards the exit.

I nodded and asked Naoto to wait for me, he accepted, but not before warning me to be careful, I thanked him as I went after Akkun, we went up some stairs and reached the terrace of the building

"Takemichi! How are you, friend?" — Akkun spoke happily as he hugged me by the neck

"Not as well as you, but I'm not complaining" - I replied while returning the gesture

"Hahaha, I'm glad to see you after all these years, it's been a long time, since middle school right?"

"That's right, 10 years... friend, time flies by"

So we started talking about the past and all the crazy things we did in our high school days, it was a good talk, after a while we both stayed silent admiring the landscape from the terrace, Tokyo looked beautiful at night

"...That guy who came with you is a policeman, right?" Akkun asked breaking the silence that had formed

"Yeah... he's Tachibana's younger brother, though I guess you already knew that, right?" I answered calmly

My answer quite surprised Akkun who turned to see me

"…hey, do you remember?, in the summer, the day you faced Kiyomasa-kun after everyone left you said to me: if we all take different routes and meet again when we are adults? What will we talk about when we all meet? …" — Akkun spoke while staring at me

"Yes... that day was crazy" - I answered with a smile

"Well, what do you think about this ...the one who pushed you towards the train tracks... it was me" - Akkun spoke seriously while looking into my eyes

When I heard Akkun say that, I was shocked, both Takemichi and I couldn't believe what he had just told us, I felt a strong pain in my heart, disappointment, and sadness invaded us, we simply lowered our eyes and remained silent.

"You should have died there but that guy saved you, Naoto Tachibana! He seemed like he knew you were going to fall on the rails...this might sound strange, but...Takemichi... could you maybe be able to travel back in time?" — Akkun asked as he took me by the shoulders.

His question surprised me a lot, I didn't understand how he had come to that conclusion, although I knew he was right I wouldn't accept it

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"You traveled to the past and then asked Naoto Tachibana for help, THAT WAS WHAT HAPPENED, RIGHT? OTHERWISE IT WOULD BE VERY RARE!" — Akkun said as he shook me — "he should have known, or he couldn't have saved you, RIGHT?, IT'S TOTALLY STRANGE! NO?" He yelled as he shook me harder.

"STOP AKKUN!" — I yelled as I pushed him —"...then it was's hard to believe...after all you were someone who wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice himself for his friends, you were so kind and trustworthy...I would never think you would try to kill me" — I spoke to while I looked up, with tears falling from my eyes, it hurt us to know that Akkun was the one who tried to kill us.

Akkun looked down, looking embarrassed, then turned his back on me and walked over to the terrace railing.

"Takemichi... at what point did things change?" — he spoke with a muffled voice as tears began to drain from his eyes — "... now I'm one of Kisaki's soldiers... everyone in ToMan follows Kisaki's orders... we haven't seen Mikey-kun in years"

I was going to answer him, but I felt as if someone was watching us, I quickly turned to the place where I thought I had felt the look, and there it was, you couldn't see his whole face, but I knew it was him, Tetta Kisaki, he saw me and He smiled cheekily and then left the place, he was about to go after him, but...

"Mikey changed after Draken died" - Akkun spoke again

Akkun? - I asked confused when I saw my friend climb on the railing of the terrace

"Draken shouldn't have died, but that's how it happened, it was all his plan... Takemichi... Kisaki terrifies me..." — Akkun spoke while trembling with fear

"Kisaki?... Akkun, leave ToMan, if you help we could..."

"It's not that easy Takemichi..." — Akkun yelled, interrupting me — "...I can't believe it, ToMan has gone to hell and here I am, celebrating with dirty money" — he grunted in disgust as he turned to look at me —"...really I admired the way you stood firm against any adversity, you were my hero, Takemichi! …go back to the past and save her, protect Hinata Tachibana, hahaha, friend, that really is unconditional love" — Akkun said while smiling

"What the hell are you doing? Akkun get down from there" — I yelled as I approached him

I know I don't have the right to ask for anything, but... Save us all, Hero!" Akkun said before launching himself into the void with a smile

I ran quickly but I couldn't reach him, with horror I saw how my childhood friend fell to the ground and crashed on the hard pavement dying immediately from the impact, Akkun had committed suicide in front of my eyes

"AHH, AHH AAAAAAAAAAAAH" — I screamed as loud as I could while crying and falling to my knees, I felt frustration, sadness, helplessness and guilt, I kept remembering all the good times I spent with Akkun

I cried silently for a few minutes before I could calm down, the police had already arrived at the place, at this moment I was sitting on some stairs on the terrace, the police would not let me go since they needed my testimony

"Could you please give him some time alone?" - Naoto asked the policemen who were waiting for my testimony

"Okay...the police need to question the witness, right?" I mumbled as I stood up.

"...Takemichi-kun, don't overdo it, okay? Why don't you take a break?" Naoto spoke with a kind voice as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"...Naoto, while I'm providing the information as a witness, I want you to investigate all the relevant events that happened in the past from the moment you return to the future and investigate that bastard Kisaki" - I muttered in a low voice


"It was like I imagined, Tetta Kisaki is the one to blame for ToMan going to hell…Naoto…I'm going to save Draken, Akkun and Hina, no matter what I have to do, I'm going to save everyone, I swear! " - I swore while looking at Naoto in the eyes

Naoto just nodded as he left the place, I was taken to the police station to give my testimony, after several hours of interrogation they let me go

With low spirits I returned to my apartment, along the way I found a bar where I entered and got drunk, if it weren't for Takemichi holding me back I would go right now to look for Kisaki and kill him with my own hands

After having a few drinks I went to my apartment, when I arrived I saw Akane asleep on the couch, as I could I took her to my room and put her to bed on my bed, then I went to the bathroom to take a cold shower, Akkun's words they kept resonating in my head

"Tetta Kisaki... I won't kill you, but... you'll wish I will" — I groaned with hatred as the cold water hit my body.

~July 19, 2017~

It's been 3 days since Akkun committed suicide, since I didn't know where they held his funeral I couldn't go, during this time I've been home alone, they fired me from work for missing almost two weeks, but I didn't care, I had money saved, also in a few days I would return to the past and this future would disappear

Akane has been with me all this time, apparently she had a fight with her roommate and decided to leave her apartment, for which she asked me to let her stay with me, I didn't refuse, I liked the girl.

Right now I'm going to Naoto's apartment, in the morning he called me letting me know that he finished investigating everything I asked him for, I knocked on the door and he opened it for me, he looked somewhat exhausted

"You look like shit, Naoto... here, I brought you Ramen" - I spoke while showing him the bags I had in my hand

"Ramen again? Well, it doesn't matter, I'm starving" - he murmured with a tired voice.

I entered his apartment, it was full of papers everywhere, apparently he received a new case about a new criminal organization, so he has been quite busy, we ate quietly while chatting about nonsense

"I researched more about the past and didn't find any other events involving ToMan, everything related to ToMan was recently deleted, and about Kisaki...there's no information at all, it's like he doesn't's evident that ToMan knows we're investigating them...Takemichi-kun...they changed my case...I'm no longer in charge of ToMan's investigation."

"*Sigh*...they bribed some high-ranking police officer to erase ToMan's record... *sigh*, Kisaki...I didn't think they had that much power..." — I sighed with annoyance as I opened another beer — "...that night I believed seeing Kisaki… it's as if he knew we were going to see Akkun… Naoto, ToMan has us under surveillance, it's better to be more careful" — I spoke seriously while taking a sip of my beer

"...shit, what are we going to do now, Takemichi-kun?" Naoto asked as he clenched his fists.

"I will return to the past, I have to avoid Draken's death at all costs, I have just two weeks to find out what was the internal conflict that separated ToMan in the past" —I spoke seriously as I got up from the chair

"I understand… August 3rd, don't forget that date and Save Ken Ryuguji! That's your current mission! ...«Mikey» who changed after Ryuguji's death, «Atsushi Sendo» who feared Kisaki and committed suicide, «Hinata Tachibana», my sister, who was killed by the current ToMan after becoming a criminal organization...yeah This mission is successful. You will save them all!" - Naoto spoke

"Count me in, I'm definitely going to save Draken!" I stated with determination.

Naoto nodded while a smile appeared on his face, he got up from the couch and stood in front of me while extending his hand, I nodded while shaking his hand

My vision darkened, I felt electricity run through my body, the sign that I was traveling to the past was so strange, but at the same time comforting, I knew that I could change that horrible future where I lost my beloved and my best friend.

My vision returned, I blinked a couple of times trying to adapt to my surroundings, then I opened my eyes in surprise, I was sitting in an armchair while in front of me a pretty and sexy blonde girl was slowly taking off her clothes, she stopped when I was only in underwear

["WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!"] — yelled a surprised Takemichi from my mind space

{"I'd like to know that...*sigh* damn Takemichi, don't tell me you cheated on Hina?"} — I grunted annoyed as I lifted Takemichi by the neck

["Of course not… I would never do it, Hina would kill me if she found out"] — Takemichi quickly started making excuses

{"Then why the hell are we alone with a girl who is only in her underwear?"} I asked coldly as I looked at Takemichi's ghostly figure

["I-I don't know, this is very different from my past life, when you took over my body, I was still a virgin"] — Takemichi stuttered

{"...hahaha, I know, I was just kidding"} — I laughed amused when I saw Takemichi's terrified face —{" Still, how the hell did our version of the past end up here? ... did we end up fooling Hina in the past?...that explains what Naoto said and why she got upset when I asked're trash"} — I spoke in disgust while raising my middle finger.

["Hah!! I don't want to hear that from you, damn gigolo, you even slept with our boss from the first future"] — Takemichi yelled at me angrily as he returned the gesture

{"That's right, but I wasn't dating anyone, you miserable cheater, if I were in a relationship I would never do that... I hope your penis falls off... stupid shit-michi"}

["We are the same person, if my penis falls off, yours will fall off too, asshole"]

{" Ah!'s true...forget that"} — I laughed nervously as I left my mental space

The girl in underwear approached me and climbed on top of me, I must say that she is quite beautiful, fair skin, honey-colored eyes and blonde hair, as well as a well-developed body for her age

'this girl'

"No kisses, okay?" The girl spoke seductively while touching her lips.

I sighed internally as I looked at the girl in front of me, it was adorable to see her trying, but her body didn't say the same, she was terrified, she was afraid of what we were about to do

I gently placed my hand on her cheek, she immediately tensed at my touch.

"*sigh*… Until when are you going to continue with this?" I asked quietly as I tried to look her in the eye.

"Huh, what do you mean?" - He mumbled confused while avoiding my gaze again

"It's more than obvious that you don't want to do this"

"What are you talking about?" — she asked with a somewhat aggressive tone —" Kyaa !!"

A small cry of panic came from her lips when I took her by the waist and brought her closer to me, with the other hand I squeezed one of her breasts, just out of curiosity

The girl immediately began to tremble visibly, her face had paled as small tears began to form in her eyes.

"You see? Your body is shaking, you're afraid of what we're going to do... Tell me, is someone forcing you to do this?..." - I asked with a little anger

"And... I... I" - stammered the girl as tears trickled down her cheeks

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, come on, get dressed, you've already shown me enough" — I spoke gently as I released her and turned around

The girl nodded and began to get dressed while sobbing, at that the phone of the karaoke booth where we were meeting began to ring, I went over and answered the call, it was the karaoke service letting us know that our time had already run out, so I asked for an extra 10 minutes.

I turned around and saw that the girl had already finished dressing, she was sitting with her head down, she looked like a scolded girl

I slowly approached and sat next to her, we stayed in silence for a moment, I waited for her to calm down a bit so I could talk to her

" Well, will you tell me why you were about to have sex with a stranger in a karaoke booth?" I asked in a calm tone as I took the drink I found on the table.

"You are not a stranger" - the girl murmured in a low voice

"Oh, do you know me, uhm…by the way…what was your name?" I asked with a smile

"Eh?...don't you remember my name?" He asked in a confused voice.

"Hahaha no"

"... you're an idiot" - the girl murmured while making a cute pout

"Hahaha, I guess so... only an idiot would try to have sex with a girl when he already has a girlfriend" - I replied while rubbing the back of my neck

"Hah!! Do you have a girlfriend!!" he yelled in surprise


"...then why did you agree to have sex with me?" The girl asked curiously.

"Uhm... I just wanted to see how far you got, I honestly thought it was just a joke, but I was surprised when you took off your clothes, by the way, nice bra" - I replied while smiling mischievously

"You are an idiot, perverted and unfaithful, Takemichi-kun" - the girl's face blushed a red color so intense that it competed with the ripest tomato ever seen, she pouted as she punched me in the arm

"Hahaha, that hurt, well, what's your name?" - I asked again as I took a sip of my drink again

"Hah! you really not remember my name?"


"*Sigh*... I can't believe it, I was about to give my virginity to an idiot" — the girl murmured with annoyance


"My name is Emma, don't forget it again, understand?" — the girl introduced herself while frowning

"Hahaha, it's obvious I knew your name, I just wanted to annoy you" — I spoke with an amused smile —'So Emma, nice name' — I thought as I watched Emma's eye twitch.

"I'm going to hit you" Emma growled as she raised her fist

"Hahaha, I was joking, Emma-chan, don't get violent, you look ugly angry" - raise your hands in surrender

"Hum... whose fault do you think it is?"

"hehe, sorry, I won't do it again"

"Uhm... it's good that you understand your place" — Emma spoke with a pleased smile.

We looked at each other for a moment, and then we started laughing, the tense atmosphere had disappeared, Emma had finally calmed down completely.

"Emma-chan, you didn't answer my question" — I spoke while looking into her eyes

She immediately averted her gaze as her face turned red again.

"...if I tell you... won't you laugh at me?" Emma mumbled weakly as she fidgeted with her fingers .

"I won't laugh, I promise you" - I swore with a serious voice

Emma nodded satisfied upon hearing my answer, seconds later she began to tell me her reason for asking me to have sex with her.

It turns out that Emma has a crush on a boy, but despite the countless times Emma has tried to get his attention, the boy ignores her.

So it occurred to her that maybe her crush doesn't her because she considered her "a child", so she thought that if she became "an adult", maybe her crush would notary

Which is why she came up with the brilliant idea that the fastest way to become "an adult" was to lose her virginity to some random guy and then use it to make her crush jealous.

A plan that she considered perfect, so seeing that I knew her crush, she approached me and suggested the idea of having sex without commitment, as my version of the past is a bag of hormones, I don't hesitate for a moment to accept

"Emma-chan, you're quite an idiot brat" - I said seriously while looking at Emma


"It seems you didn't realize how dangerous and stupid what you were about to do was…tell me, what do you think would have happened if you met some dangerous guy, someone who wouldn't have stopped even though you begged them to? , you might have been hurt because of your stupidity" — I spoke seriously while staring at her

Emma just lowered her head as she put on the face of a scolded puppy.

"*Sigh*...did you at least bring protection?" - I asked with a tired voice, receiving a refusal from the girl - "My God, even that... don't you know that you can get pregnant if you don't use a condom? Or that you can get an STD?... you idiot brat, haven't you Had sexuality classes?" — I asked while looking at Emma, for some reason he was angry

"I... I... I'm sorry" — Emma mumbled as she cried again.

"*Sigh*'s okay, luckily I was the one who humored you, if it had been another boy we have no idea what would have happened to you...listen Emma-chan, please promise me that from now on you won't you're not going to do anything stupid, okay?"

Emma nodded obediently, I smiled tenderly as I wiped away her tears and gently stroked her head, for some reason I felt the need to protect this girl no matter what the cost, I guess that's how it feels to have a little sister

"And about your crush, who is the lucky bastard that has you all crazy? Do I know him?" I asked with a mocking smile.

"…it's Draken" — Emma murmured as a pink tint colored her face.

"Uhm... so it's Draken... I didn't expect that, Emma-chan, you have it quite difficult, that guy doesn't think about anything more than Mikey and his motorcycle" - I said with an amused tone as I remembered the guy I have to save

"I know... I think he doesn't like me" — Emma spoke with a sad tone

"I couldn't tell you that, but if you really like him, don't give up, be firm with your feelings, and be yourself, don't try to pretend to be someone you're not, I wish you luck, Emma-chan" — I said while stroking his head

Emma smiled sweetly as she nodded, when she wasn't trying to act like an adult she was quite a childish and adorable girl, she reminded me a bit of Mikey

"By the way, have you declared your feelings to Draken yet?" — I asked with a mocking smile.

"Eh!, ah!... I... I haven't done it yet" — Emma murmured as she blushed again, she could even see how a little steam came out of her head

"*Sigh*...Emma-chan, how do you know Draken doesn't like you if you haven't even told him your feelings?... Wait, don't tell me you expect Draken to figure it out on his own?" — I asked curiously.

Emma nodded while looking at me with some embarrassment, I sighed while massaging my forehead, this girl was stupid, although she had no right to say something, I was also an idiot, I guess that's why I like the girl, between idiots we understand each other

"*Sigh*... I have no idea what to advise you, I'm as bad at love affairs as you are" — I spoke as I got up, Emma pouted upon hearing my comment — "Uhm... maybe you should ask Hina for some advice , I could help you with something, at least it's better than your crazy ideas" — I said while frowning


"She's my girlfriend" - I replied with a smile - "And it's better that I go, her extra classes should have finished, I want to take her home" - I murmured as I opened the door

"Hehehe, Take-chan, you're not going to leave here until you tell me everything about her" — Emma spoke while smiling mischievously and holding my arm

" *Sigh*... I guess there's no problem" — I muttered as I resigned myself to my fate

After I told her everything about Hina, Emma let me out of the Karaoke booth, the sky had already gone completely dark, I sighed with annoyance when I saw the time, possibly Hina had already gone home

After exchanging numbers we said goodbye with the promise that we would go out again, of course without the intention of having sex like this time, but as friends.

I smiled seeing the girl run while waving goodbye, then let out a long sigh, I asked myself what would have happened if I hadn't changed with my version of the past, would I really have cheated on Hina?

I got into my head space and cursed stupid Takemichi again, I even kicked him a couple of times, but it wasn't the smartest idea, I forgot for a moment that I also share his pain

"For our own good, Hina must never find out about this" — I murmured as I walked towards my house

"What should I not know, Takemichi-kun?"

"WAAAAAAAGH!!" — a masculine shout came out of my mouth upon hearing Hina's voice behind me — "... Hina? What-what-what-what are you doing here?" I stammered as I quickly turned around.

"He came back from my extra classes, what are you doing here, Takemichi-kun?" — Hina asked as she brought her face closer to mine as looked at me with terrifying eyes

"Hehehe, I was at karaoke with a friend, I'll introduce her to you later, okay?" - I answered with a smile, the face that Hina was making was killing me with tenderness, with a quick movement I took her briefcase and started walking next to her

"Uhm... I see... today you're the adult Takemichi-kun" — Hina said as she linked her hands behind her back.

"Eh?... what do you mean?" - I asked confused

"These days you've been acting cold to me at school, but now you're quite nice, it's like you're someone else"

I frowned slightly listening to Hina, the attitude of my past self was somewhat troublesome, our attitude is very different, it is more than obvious that those around me notice when I abruptly change my way of acting, besides, my past self is an idiot, and what happened with Emma is proof of it

The sound of my cell phone ringing brought me out of my thoughts, I took it out of my pants and checked who was calling me, it was Draken

("Hey, Takemicchi! What are you doing?") — Draken asked from the call

"I'm going home together with Hi..."

("Who the fuck cares! Just come to the Mushashi shrine, the one near the Tama river, everyone will be there") - Draken interrupted me with a bored voice

"Wait! I'm with… Tch! that bastard hung up on me" — I muttered annoyed when I saw that Draken had hung up the call —'Fucking brat' — I thought with annoyance as I put my phone away

"Takemichi-kun?" Hina asked curiously.

"It was Draken, he asked me to go to a place, but that can wait, first I'll take you home"

"That's not right, Takemichi-kun, you better go, it might be important."

"I will only go after I have left you at your house"

"Uhm... Then I'll go too!" — Hina spoke while smiling

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, come on, we can't keep Draken-kun waiting" - he replied with a cute smile

I started to walk towards the place where I would meet Draken, a quite comfortable silence formed as we walked calmly through the lonely streets of Shibuya.

Just being with Hina calmed us down a lot, all that stress that we brought when witnessing Akkun's death in the future began to disappear

"Takemichi-kun, what is the most important thing to you?" Hina asked breaking the silence.

"Uhm… The most important thing for me? ...I guess it would be to protect my precious people" — I answered with a smile —"Which one would be yours?"

"Oh, that's very kind of you, Takemichi-kun… mine would be times like this where we don't have to do anything, just walk together talking about whatever, the time I spend with you, Takemichi-kun is what is more important to me" — answered Hina with a beautiful smile

I froze for a moment hearing what Hina said, then I walked over to her and hugged her tightly, Hina looked surprised but immediately hugged me back.

"I really am so lucky to have such a wonderful girlfriend" — I whispered as I continued to hug her, I saw how a pink tint took over her cheeks increasing her beauty —'The most important thing for me, is you... no matter what I have to do, I swear that I will ensure that you have a future where you are happy, either with me or without me' — I swore mentally while enjoying the warmth that Hina gave me

After a couple of minutes, I released the hug at Hina's request, apparently she was embarrassed that someone would see us hugging in public

Along the way I told him a little about Emma and her infatuation with Draken, he instantly showed a great interest in that and promised that he would help Emma to conquer ToMan's vice-commander.

After a few minutes we arrived at the place that Draken mentioned to me, we stopped at the temple parking lot, which unfortunately was not bright enough, this made Hina a little nervous

"Is this where I quote you Draken-kun?" Hina asked.

"Yes... apparently we arrived first"

* Brrrum , Brrrum ! *

The sound of noisy motorcycles began to be heard, everyone seemed to be heading towards the temple parking lot, seconds later the parking lot began to fill with several gang members riding their noisy motorcycles.

The boys wore gang uniforms consisting of a complete set of black with some white trim, gold letters were embroidered on the uniform, on the back it was embroidered "Tokyo Manji Gang", on the front it can be read "In the sky and the earth, only I am honored", and on the sleeves came the squad to which they belonged

It was the gang known as, Tokyo Manji Gang, or ToMan for short, I frowned at them, I knew right now it was just a gang of brats, but in the future, these brats would be responsible for countless deaths of innocent people, which included Hina

I clenched my fists and suppressed my desire to kill all those little bastards, from my mental space, Takemichi began to insist that I calm down, he could feel my desire to kill starting to appear, but it disappeared instantly when I felt Hina holding my hand

"Takemichi-kun, is this the right place?... I'm scared" — Hina muttered as she hid behind me.

" seems so, and don't worry, I'm here" — I said while smiling to reassure Hina

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT, ASSHOLE!!!, THIS IS NOT A FUCKING EXHIBITION!, GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" - Shouted one of the ToMan members as he aggressively approached us.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT, ASSHOLE? I'M GOING TO KILL YOU YOU DAMN ASS! - shouted another guy something fat while he also approached me

"A friend asked me to meet him here" - I spoke quietly while looking at the brat in front of me

"HAH!, THIS IS TOMAN'S MEETING POINT, WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU YOU COULD BE HERE? ANSWER!" — shouted the first gang member who approached me while holding my shirt

A fervent anger began to invade me, I felt like several veins began to stand out on my forehead due to anger, I clenched my teeth trying not to hit the idiot in front of me

["Calm down! I know you're angry, but you have to bear it, you can't go crazy right now, Hina is with us"] — Takemichi quickly tried to calm me down

{"I know, but...if Draken doesn't come and calm this asshole down, I'm going to break all his damn bones"} — I growled internally as I held the gang member's wrist in front of me —"Dude, you better not make me angry. , or you might regret it" — I spoke coldly while applying force to my grip

"Aargh!" — growled the gang member as he backed up a few steps —"BASTARD! GIVE YOURSELF FOR DEAD!" He yelled angrily as he tried to jump at me.

But immediately he stopped, I could see how his face changed from anger to terror as he looked into my eyes, I smiled coldly as I directed my killing intent at the brat in front of me.

The other gang member was confused by his partner's behavior, but immediately ignored him, he began to approach me in a threatening manner while he began to hurl insults at me, but he was stopped by a boy with short light purple hair

"Hey, are you Takemicchi?" The boy asked in a bored voice.

"Yes" - I replied as I shook the part where the other idiot had held me

I stared at the boy who had just arrived, his uniform was slightly different from the two idiots, on the right side of his chest the words: "Captain of the 2nd division" were embroidered.

"He's the Leader's guest, why the hell are you threatening him?" — the ToMan captain spoke with an annoyed tone as he kicked the two gang members in the ass — "Follow me, Mikey is waiting for you" — he added as he walked towards the center of the parking lot

I nodded as I took Hina by the hand and followed the boy, after passing through several gang members who looked at us somewhat confused, we arrived where Mikey was

The dwarf was sitting on the seat of his motorcycle while looking up at the sky, next to him was Draken

"Hello Takemicchi, sorry for the sudden invitation" — Mikey spoke while smiling warmly

"Huh? ... Why did you bring your girl?" Draken asked with a frown.

"I was with her when you called me, you should have told me it would be a meeting like this, also don't hang up while I try to talk to you, it's rude" - I spoke with an annoyed tone

"Ah! I'm sorry... Hina-chan, I'm sorry about the other day, I was just testing Takemicchi, I didn't mean to scare you" — Draken apologized as he bowed a little in front of Hina

"Hey! Don't worry, there is no problem, everything is super good!" Hina replied a bit nervous.

A small smile appeared on the serious Draken's face.

"HEY, EMMA!" Draken yelled as he turned back.

"... huh? What are you doing here Take-chan?" - A blonde girl dressed in a high school uniform approached, it was Emma, who seemed confused to see me here

"This bastard called me to come" — I replied while pointing to Draken — "By the way, she's the friend I was with a while ago" — I whispered to Hina who looked at me with gun eyes seeing that Emma seemed to know me — "Emma-chan, this is my girlfriend, Hina" — I introduced Hina, who blushed a little at my comment

"Do you know Emma, Take-chan?" Draken asked mockingly.

"Yes, she's my adorable friend" — I replied with a smile while patting Emma's head — "We met at Karaoke and we became super close" — I added while smiling like an idiot

I saw how a small tic appeared in Draken's eye when he saw that I caressed Emma, I smiled internally when I saw how Draken got a little jealous, apparently the girl had some hopes with the motorcycle addict

"As if I cared" — Draken growled as he turned around, this made Emma bow her head, so I patted her head to comfort her.

Mikey smiled with amusement at this and gave me a thumbs up, apparently he also noticed Draken's gesture, Hina also smiled a little and nodded somewhat satisfied, after all her strategy seemed to have worked

"Emma, take care of Takemicchi's girlfriend" — Draken spoke as he turned to look at Emma

Emma nodded as she approached Hina, after saying goodbye to Hina, both girls left the parking lot.

"Are you done, Takemicchi?"

"Yes, you can start now"

"Okay… HEY EVERYONE, COME CLOSER, THE MEETING IS GOING TO START!" — Draken shouted loudly, drawing everyone's attention — "Follow us, Takemicchi" — he added as he walked beside Mikey and headed towards the temple stairs

At that, all the gangsters ordered themselves and bowed as they made way for Mikey to walk towards the temple with Draken behind him.

I followed them as I watched all the ToMan members, most of them were on the list of suspects for multiple crimes, but like any ToMan member, none of them got punished for them.

Mikey appeared in front of all the members of ToMan, the boy surprised me a little to feel how his presence had completely changed

No longer the warm, playful aura he normally felt when spending time with Mikey, he now exuded the presence of a leader.

His mere presence inspired, strength, confidence and security, the qualities of a true leader, or so he would have thought if he did not know his future

"Today we are gathered to talk about Moebius…if we fight against them it would be a big conflict, if a fight happens, it will be when the Mushashi festival takes place, therefore… I want to hear everyone's opinion regarding this issue — Mikey spoke as he sat on the steps of the temple

"Moebius? I didn't know you had a conflict with them" — I asked Draken in a low voice.

"Mitsuya, tell Takemicchi about the matter" - Draken ordered the lilac-haired boy.

"... Moebius is a biker gang that is two generations above us, they currently control Shinjuku" — the boy named Mitsuya spoke

"Uhm... so ToMan still doesn't control Shinjuku..." I muttered while feigning surprise.

"No… ToMan controls Shibuya, Shinjuku is another story, besides, ToMan is still a new gang… and it brings the fight closer…"

Before Mitsuya finished speaking, we were interrupted by a ToMan member, who had come up behind me and tried to kick me in the back, but I saw him approach me seconds before, giving me time to dodge him.

He was a guy with short dyed blonde hair, he was of average height and a little stocky, he had a scar below his lip on the right side, the gold letters embroidered on the chest of his uniform announced that he was a ToMan captain, to be more exact of the third division

At his side was a thin teenager whose height is above average for his age, he has short, light brown hair, apparently he was the vice-captain of the third division

"Hey, asshole, I'm not in the mood! Fuck off or I'll kill you!" — I spoke coldly while expelling my killing intent.

Like an invisible wave, my desire to kill was felt by all the members of ToMan, who immediately fixed their gaze on me, fear was present on the faces of most, who did not hesitate to take a couple of steps back as if they intended to flee the place

The captain who tried to hit me took a few steps back while looking at me like I was a monster, his vice captain had fallen on his butt when he tried to back away

My vision darkened for a moment as I got drunk on the desire to kill, a sinister smile began to spread on my face as I felt that horrible desire for blood begin to dominate me.

["STOP!!, DO YOU WANT TO KILL THEM ALL?!!"] — the shout of a furious Takemichi snapped me out of my trance

I saw how all the members of ToMan were sweating profusely, the only ones I saw a little better were Mikey and Draken, the others were frozen as they looked at me with deep terror

With an annoyed snort I stopped emitting my bloodlust and crossed my arms as I looked away.

Instantly the members of ToMan felt that the enormous pressure that crushed them had disappeared, they stopped holding the breath they had held for the long seconds that I made them feel hell on earth

I bet everyone must be wondering what the hell just happened, I can't blame them, they felt my urge to kill at almost full power, if it wasn't for Takemichi who somehow managed to bring me back to reality, these kids would have suffered a calamity

["You should be more careful, your temper is drastically worsening, if you continue like this you will return to those times where you were nothing more than a deranged madman, remember what your teacher taught you, don't let the monster out"] — he scolded me Takemichi from my mind space

{"I know…thanks for the reminder, I won't do it again…} — I replied embarrassed

Years of training to be able to control my inner demons went to hell when I came into this world, then if you add the death of the girl you love and then that of your best friend, and to conclude, you have those who were possibly responsible of said deaths in front of you, it is almost impossible not to explode in anger and go crazy

I know that the brats in front of me haven't committed such crimes yet, but eventually, they will, if it wasn't for Takemichi who asked me not to kill anyone, I would have already started "cleansing" all ToMan members in the past.

After all, dead dog, rabies is over

The place was taken over by an awkward and tense silence, all the members did not stop giving me looks of terror, it was as if they were seeing a monster, I sighed with annoyance, apparently I had left a very bad impression, although I honestly did not care, it is better to be feared than despised

I turned to the captain of the third squad and walked towards him, immediately the boy tensed when he saw me approach him

"I apologize for that, sometimes I get angry over small stupidities, I hope you'll excuse me" — I said while bowing to the captain of the third squad

"Eh... ah!... no... never mind" — he muttered before helping his partner up from the ground, he gave me a look before walking to where he was standing before

"I'm sorry Mikey, when I'm hungry I get in a bad mood" — I apologized again as I bowed to Mikey — "It's better that I go, I've already caused enough trouble" — I added as I walked towards the stairs of the temple, I intended to leave the place

"No problem Takemicchi, it was Pah who started it all, and you don't need to go, I want you to stay, can you do it for me?" Mikey asked with a smile.

I hesitated a bit, but in the end I decided to stay, since for some reason Mikey wants me close to him, I will not waste this and I will use it in my favor to save Draken from his future death.

"Takemicchi, don't hold a grudge against Pah, he's pretty pissed off right now" — Draken spoke as he stood next to me

"The leader of Moebius, some guy named Osanai got into a fight with Pah's best friend over some bullshit, Moebius members beat the shit out of Pah's friend, then raped his girlfriend right in front of him and left her an inch from death, he hung up his parents and siblings, and took all their money... the boy is so desperate that he ended up asking Pah for help... this is no longer a childish slap fight" — Mitsuya spoke as she finished telling me the reason for the conflict with Moebius

"I understand... I'm someone weak in fights, but you have my support to destroy those sons of bitches" — I said as I approached Pah and extended my fist toward him

Pah hesitated for a moment, but in the end he decided to answer my gesture while a fierce smile appeared on his face.

"I'm counting on you, Takemicchi" — I nodded at Pah's words

"Well Pah? Are you going to fight?" - Mikey spoke who had returned to sit in front of the members of ToMan

"They are two generations above our gang... we won't come out of this fight unscathed... it would be a bother for you, but... I can't stand it Mikey" — Pah spoke as he stood in front of Mikey while bowing his head

"That's not what I asked you… are you going to fight? or not?" Mikey asked me with a serious voice.

"I WANT TO FIGHT! I WANT TO KILL THOSE SON OF BITCHES!" A shout with furious emotions came from Pah, who had some tears in his eyes.

You could tell that the matter with his friend had hit a nerve and he wanted revenge, but he was hesitating whether to involve his gang in it.

"That's what I thought," Mikey replied with a smile as he stood up, "does anyone think it will be a big deal if ToMan helps Pah's best friend?" Mikey asked out loud as he looked at the boys under his command.

No one made a sound at their leader's question.

"Is there anyone who opposes going against Moebius considering what they did to Pah's friend?" - Mikey asked again, but again there was no answer -"... DO YOU SEE IT, PAH? THERE'S NOBODY!" Mikey yelled as a smile adorned his face,

This moved Pah, who shed a few tears to be supported by his companions, even I was a little surprised by the camaraderie of these brats

"LET'S CRUSH MOEBIUS!!" exclaimed an excited Mikey

YES!! - shouted all the normal members of the ToMan upon hearing their leader's statement

"On August 3, during the Musashi festival, we will have our decisive battle" — added Mikey, ending his speech

I frowned when I heard the date, it was practically the day that Draken dies, it is impossible that he tries to prevent the conflict between both gangs, after all even I want to destroy those sons of bitches

I could also destroy Moebius before the day of the battle, but it would be very risky, my body is still not trained enough to show my true abilities, unless I attack to kill, I don't think I can take on a gang by myself , for now

In that I feel like someone tackles me, it was Mikey, who had clung to me as if I were a koala

"Tell me Takemicchi, have you decided to join my gang yet?" Mikey asked as his eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"Uhm... I'm not sure yet, how about you wait a few more days for me?" - I replied calmly while holding Mikey so he wouldn't fall to the ground

Mikey started throwing a tantrum like a little kid upon hearing my reply, it was quite hard to believe that this kid was giving off such a great aura just now.

The interesting thing was that he only behaved this way when he was with Draken and me, whenever there was someone else, whether ToMan or someone else, Mikey would always act like the leader of ToMan, serious and calculating.

After I promised him that I would play with him all day tomorrow, he stopped throwing his tantrum, released me and got on his motorcycle and drove home.

Draken was kind enough to give me a lift home, all the way I had a somewhat awkward silence, but in the end it was broken by Draken himself when he asked me how long I had known Emma.

Of course I did not miss the opportunity and I began to bother ToMan's second in command, I said goodbye to the boy and entered my house, which as usual there was no one

I took a cold shower to remove the sweat from my body, I admired my body in the mirror which was beginning to show slight changes due to the physical training I am doing

"... this world is very strange, but at the same time interesting... even my killing intent underwent a metamorphosis" — I muttered as I remembered what had happened in the temple

Although I immediately frowned, I narrowly and completely lost control, in a world where my body is abnormally strong, it would be a calamity if I lost control, in addition to my physical training, I needed to retrain my mind, it would be disastrous if let the monster out

I threw myself on my bed while writing a text message to Hina, letting her know that I had arrived safely at home so as not to worry her, minutes later I was dragged into the world of dreams-

end chapter