Chapter 4 — Rewritten

~July 20, 2005~

'...Moebius...there wasn't any information in the future about that gang's crimes...Osanai...I guess it wouldn't hurt to go back to the future to investigate that asshole.'

At that time I was jogging on the side of the river that is near my house, on my back I was carrying a backpack with some heavy stones and some weighted wristbands on all four limbs.

During my entire training routine I kept approximately 70 extra kilos, quite a lot for my current body, but surprisingly I was getting used to it abnormally fast

After another ten minutes I managed to reach the entrance of my house, my whole body was bathed in sweat due to all the exercise I had done

"I'm home" — I yelled as I entered, but as usual I received no answer

I went up to the second floor and went to the bathroom, after taking off my clothes, I submerged my body in the tub of ice water that I had prepared before going out to train.

"Oooaaaaaah!... the water is perfect" — I murmured as I felt my muscles relax

Taking a nice cold bath after an intensive workout was the best feeling in the world

After 10 minutes I got up from the tub and started to wash my body, the exhaustion and muscle pain had greatly diminished

Dressed in black pants and a tank top of the same color and a red jacket, I left my house, it was almost time to meet Mikey and Draken, with my headphones on I walked through the quiet streets of Shibuya towards Mikey's house

The memory of what happened the night before kept coming back to my mind, almost and I lose control, I didn't think that the union with Takemichi would affect me so much


I sighed annoyed as I looked at Takemichi's almost transparent body, he was sleeping, a few days ago we discovered that if he did this he could delay our fusion.


A small shiver ran through my body when I remembered my desire to kill, that feeling was more addictive and stimulating than the strongest drug that man has invented, having your animal instinct unleashed was so fantastic that I had become addicted to it

If it hadn't been for my teacher, who found me that day, I might have taken that last step and abandoned my humanity altogether.

I was afraid of going back to being that bloodthirsty monster that I was in the worst moment of my previous life, if that were to happen, no one could stop me.

"Oí Takemichi! You have the guts to ignore me, you fucking bastard" – Draken grabbed my shoulder as his face showed annoyance

"Uhm... Draken, what's up with that face, are you constipated?" — I took off my headphones when I saw how Draken's patience ran out

"And whose fault is it? I've been talking to you, but you just ignored me" — spoke an annoyed Draken

"Really?, I'm sorry friend, I was lost in my thoughts" — I murmured while feigning embarrassment

"Tch! It doesn't matter, come on, we have to go wake up Mikey" — Draken began to walk while putting his hands in his pockets

"*Sigh*... I'm hungry" — I muttered as I followed him — "By the way, those Moebius guys, are they bastards like that all the time?" I asked curiously.

"It seems so, I had already heard that they were a somewhat violent gang, but it is the first time that they attack innocent people, this time they crossed the line, that bastard Osanai is going to pay dearly for what he did" — Draken growled as he squeezed fists, he looked really angry

"I agree with you, if I don't break all the bones of that bastard, I won't be satisfied" - I replied with the same tone of voice

"Hoh!, trying to sound cool, I just hope you don't get your ass kicked and cry like a girl" - Draken spoke with an amused smile

"Uhm...don't underestimate me, in the last few days I've been training, it's not fun being the one who gets beat up all the time"

"hahaha I understand you, there was a time when I also had to be beaten by bastards older than me, it was frustrating, but it helped me plant my feet on the ground, I had become very arrogant by those times" - Draken spoke while a smile appeared on his face

"Oh! so ToMan's grand vice-commander has seen the heaven of losers, it's hard to believe"

"Those bastards were cowards who fought in groups, if they attacked one by one I would have easily defeated them" —Draken growled

All the way to Mikey's house we chatted pleasantly, Draken told me a little about him

He told me that he was born in the red light district of Shibuya, he never knew his father and his mother was a prostitute who abandoned him when he was 2 years old, he was taken in by the owner of a "massage" center where he grew up surrounded by pink towels and lotion , which explains his mature attitude compared to boys his age

He also told me how he met Mikey, being a boy with a much bigger body than boys his age, little Draken started looking for a fight against bigger guys as he no longer had rivals.

But one day he met some 3rd grade high school delinquents who beat him up in a group and left him in his underpants, it was the only fight where the powerful Draken was defeated.

At that time little Mikey was also beginning to create a reputation, apparently there was a rumor that he had beaten up a motorcycle gang leader who was in high school, this was heard by that group of thugs and they wanted to hit him because, according to them, Mikey was an arrogant boy, so they sent Draken to find Mikey

As a lover of fights, Draken went to find Mikey at his school, he wanted to fight the rumored boy first before taking them to the group of bullies, but was disappointed to see Mikey's appearance, Draken thought he was small and weak,so he decided to take him in front of the group of small-time thugs

It was then that Draken managed to see the incredible strength of little Mikey, who with extreme ease defeated all those thugs that Draken could not defeat, from that moment both boys became friends

I was able to notice the great affection that Draken has for Mikey, and I can also confirm that Mikey feels the same for Ken, which is why it is quite difficult to believe that they both had such a serious conflict that it ended with Draken's death.

But that's why I'm here, to find out what the hell happened for both of them to fight, I have an idea that this internal conflict has to do with Moebius, so I decided that I'll go see Naoto later to go back to the future and investigate a little more to that gang

After a few more minutes of walking we stopped in front of a large oriental-style house, a girl with blonde hair was sweeping the entrance, it was Emma who, seeing us, greeted us with a beautiful smile

"Emma-chan? What are you doing here?" - I asked curiously seeing the girl I met yesterday

"Hehe, I live here Take-chan" — Emma replied while giving Draken subtle glances, but the boy didn't even notice

"Emma is Mikey's sister" — Draken spoke as he walked to what looked like a garage

"Oh! so you're Mikey's sister" — I muttered as I stood next to Emma — "And where is that dwarf?"

"In his room, possibly he's still sleeping" — Emma answered as she pointed to the place where Draken was going.

"What a bastard, he made me come so early and he's still sleeping" — I mumbled with annoyance making Emma laugh

We both followed Draken and entered Mikey's room, snoring could be heard even outside, the little bastard was sleeping soundly while hugging what seemed to be a blanket, he looked adorable, it is very difficult to believe that this guy will be the leader of the future most dangerous criminal organization in Japan.

["Looks like a child"]

{"Oh!, so you finally woke up"} —I quickly got into my mental space

["Yes… I just wanted to ask you something… Could you let me spend one last time with Hina? I feel that soon we will unite completely… I would like to spend one last time with her as myself"] — Takemichi asked with a weakened voice

{"No problem, but… I would like to investigate a little more about that internal conflict and you suck at it"} — I said with an amused tone

["hehehe…I guess so"]

{"You should sleep, I've noticed that this slows down the union between us, I'll wake you up when we meet with Hina, okay?"} — I spoke as I crouched down in front of Takemichi, who smiled before closing his eyes

Leaving my mental space I saw a somewhat funny scene, Draken was shaking Mikey with the intention of waking him up, but Mikey did not wake up no matter how loud Draken yelled, for which he had to dress him and comb his hair himself while cursing his friend

"Draken is always in charge of coming to wake him up every day, he is also the one who takes him to school" — Emma spoke as she looked at Draken with tenderness

"It's like his father" - I said with an amused tone, Emma nodded while putting on a cute smile

"Are you going to stay for breakfast?" Emma asked.

"I hope so because I'm starving" — I murmured while rubbing my belly —'Uhm... this is going to hurt' — I let out a big resigned sigh, I had already accepted my fate

A wild Mikey threw himself at my back making us fall to the ground

"Got you Takemicchi!" — Mikey spoke in a childish tone.

"Mikey, that hurt" — I mumbled as I got up from the ground

Mikey just smiled while he kept hugging me, I sighed again as I got up from the ground, it took me a bit of work because I had the weighted wristbands on

"Mikey, I want Take-chan to have breakfast with us" — Emma said as she approached the door of Mikey's room

" Sure, that's why I told him to come, let's go Takemicchi, to the kitchen!" Mikey said in a childish tone as he pointed to the door.

I sighed tiredly as I followed Emma and Draken, they were both smiling as they watched me carry Mikey on my back, he had fallen asleep again

We went to the kitchen of the Sano family house, after leaving Mikey on the couch in the living room I went with Emma to the kitchen, I offered my help and she accepted.

"Wow! You are a very good cook, Take-chan" — Emma praised me as she stood next to me

"I had to learn or I would die of hunger" — I answered while adding the egg mixture to the pan, we were preparing some Omurice — "My mother is hardly ever home, so I had to fend for myself" — I added while in a quick movement I put the dorayaki to bake.

"I see, if you want you can come to breakfast with us, I don't think Mikey or Grandpa will care" — Emma spoke as she prepared the dishes for breakfast

"Thanks for the invitation, I'll think about it"

After a few minutes the breakfast was ready, with a shout from Emma, both Mikey and Draken approached the dining room, it was funny to see Mikey's reaction when seeing his face drawn on his Omurice, Emma had told me that Mikey usually makes childish tantrums if his food doesn't please him, which is why I came up with that and it seemed to work

The grandfather of the Sano brothers also joined us, Mr. Mansaku Sano was a very nice man, he told me that he had a dojo in the back of his house and that he taught Karate classes

He kindly offered to train me when she found out how Mikey met me, I refused, but Emma forced me to accept, she told me that if I was weak I couldn't protect Hina, apparently after they left the parking lot both girls chatted a bit and they became friends

After finishing breakfast Mikey went back to sleep, Draken cursed his commander again while trying to wake him up, but his effort was in vain, according to Emma this happens every day

With Mikey asleep, Mr. Mansaku took me to his dojo, apparently he wasn't kidding about training me, after taking off my shoes and wristbands I stood in front of my new teacher

"What are those things you just took off?" Grandpa Mansaku asked curiously.

"They are weighted wristbands, they are somewhat light, they only weigh 10 kilos each" — I replied while doing some stretches

"Oh, very good choice, so you will gain more strength and speed, as well as greater muscular resistance, warm up a bit and then I will teach you some movements that will help you defend yourself better in a fight , here, put this on" — he grandfather approached what looked like a warehouse and took out a white Karategui and threw it at me

I caught the garment and went to change, after a brief warm-up the class began

Mr. Mansaku taught Karate, he was very good at it, you can see that he has a lot of experience in combat, all the movements he taught me were very suitable for street fights, I guess he must imagine that I am a gang member just like his grandson

The class was entertaining, albeit unnecessary for me, after all, having my life on the brink of death due to my work as an assassin gave me a tremendous amount of experience in life and death combat.

But even so I enjoyed the class, it brought me a bit of nostalgia to see Mr. Mansaku perform some Katas in front of me, the times I spent with my teacher came back to my mind

I remember the day we met like it was yesterday, that day I was about to cross the line that I tried to avoid after I had sunk into darkness for the loss of my fiancée and father-in-law, but then he came, and gave me the biggest beating I've ever taken in my life, just remembering it makes me cringe

Even though he was hired to kill me, he spared my life, he took me in and helped me out of the abyss into which I had fallen due to my loss, he taught me everything he knew, he was my teacher, my friend and my father, like I would have liked to have been able to hug him one last time before he died, but as always life brings me like his dog and does not even allow me to live in peace

"Fucking brat!! You are ignoring me!!" An annoyed Mansaku grunted as he rolled up the sleeve of his Karategi.

"Hahaha, but what are you saying Miyagi-san, I wasn't ignoring him" - I spoke with a smile

"Hah! Miyagi-san?" - he asked confused

"Oh! Come on, haven't you seen Karate Kid? I want you to teach me the crane kick" — I said while imitating the legendary crane kick

"Hahaha, as if that thing would work in a street fight, come on, repeat the Katas I just showed you, make a single mistake and I'll make you wish you were dead" — Mr. Mansaku replied with a terrifying look

The class continued for a couple more hours, Mikey had finally woken up, and he seemed surprised to see me train with his grandfather, then he started throwing a tantrum because according to him, it wasn't fair that he played with his grandfather if I had promised him yesterday that I would play with him, seeing this grandfather Mansaku decided to finish the class

The old man asked me to come three times a week in the morning to continue training, I accepted because I needed an excuse when I will start to use my skills fully, it would be strange if I suddenly become a skilled fighter overnight.

I said goodbye to Emma and Miyagi-san, a nickname that didn't seem to bother Mr. Mansaku, so I decided to call him that way

We left Mikey's house and looked for some place to fool around, first we went through an arcade and went in to play for a while, I kicked the ass of the most powerful ToMan couple in all the games we played, this was thanks to Takemichi's memories, that bastard is very good at playing video games

After getting bored we looked for a place to eat, Mikey was already hungry, we entered a restaurant that Draken knew and ordered

Mikey threw a tantrum again when the children's menu he ordered had no flag, but Draken came to the rescue, pulling a flag out of his jacket and placing it in Mikey's food reassuring him.

He told me that since he already knew that Mikey would not eat anything if his food did not have a flag, he always carries flags when they go out to eat, after eating Mikey went back to sleep

"Is it like this every day?" - I asked while pointing to Mikey

"Yes, it's a bit annoying, but I'm used to it..." — Draken answered with a smile, but seconds later a tic appeared in his eye while the veins on his forehead began to stand out and without taking it anymore he roared with annoyance —"Damn, Mikey! I've had enough! Shut your damn mouth!"

" blablablablabla ... I can't eat anymore, Kenchin" — Mikey stammered as he curled up in a ball in the restaurant seat

"*Sigh*… gosh, what am I going to do with you?" - Draken sighed as he approached his friend and carried him on his back - "Come on Takemicchi, we'll make a visit to the hospital"

"Uhm, is anyone hurt?" I asked as I followed Draken

"... we're going to visit Pah's friend's girlfriend" —Draken spoke as he approached the door —"You know what to do old man, put it on my account"

"I understand, don't go to die, brats" - with a kind smile the restaurant owner said goodbye to us

The owner seems to know this couple, it was strange to me that they didn't say anything to us with all the noise that Mikey was making, in fact, there weren't even any other customers in the business while we were there

We walked quietly while we talked a little about motorcycles, a subject in which Draken had a lot of knowledge since he told me that it was one of his greatest tastes, he even told me that when he was a minor he had the strange dream of having the lower part of his body turned into a motorcycle

"Hahaha, so you wanted to be a motorized centaur?" I asked with amusement, making Draken blush a little.

"Do you have a fucking problem?"

"Hahaha, of course not, even I've had some childhood dreams" - I answered while crossing my arms behind my head

"And what would that dream be?"

"Be a hero" — I replied with a smile

Something I had in common with Takemichi was our dreams, since I was little I always wanted to be a hero, I even acted like one when I was a brat, that earned me several problems that ended with me on the ground all beaten and crying

Despite all that I never gave up, I kept chasing my childhood dream until that day came, the day they showed me how cruel and ruthless humans could be because of their own selfishness

"A hero, huh? ..." — Draken murmured while looking at me out of the corner of his eye —"It's not a bad dream"

"Right? ... although the truth is that now I have a much better dream"

"Oh! And what would it be? Draken asked again curiously.

"... have a future where all my precious people are happy and safe" - I replied with a big smile and then I got serious - "And I swear I will" - I added with determination while clenching my fist

"I wish you luck, Takemicchi" —Draken said while smiling —"Mikey wake up, we've arrived" — Draken spoke as we stopped in front of the hospital

"Huh? Hospital? what are we here for?" Mikey asked as he yawned.

"A little visit"

We entered the hospital and as we always attract attention due to our clothing, being a gang member was not well seen anywhere in Japan, although no one would say it out loud due to the fear they have of gang members.

We walked through the long corridors of the hospital while Draken guided us, after a few minutes we arrived at the ICU (intensive care unit), after receiving instructions from a scared nurse we managed to find the room where the girl we came to see was

I frowned when I saw the unfortunate state in which the girl was, seeing all those medical devices to which she was connected made me angry, she had no fault in her boyfriend's problems, but even so she was involved in all this shit and I end up in this sorry state

A girl of about 17 who should be enjoying her teenage life right now was lying in a hospital bed in a coma with her life in danger, victims of sexual abuse are the hardest to recover from, I just hope she can bear and keep going

"Who is she?" Mikey asked disinterestedly.

"...she's the girlfriend of Pah's friend" — Draken answered seriously, I could tell that his commander's disinterest bothered him a bit, but not even Mikey noticed it — "Seven stitches on his head, broken teeth, retinal detachment in her left eye, and her ribs were broken from the beating, not to mention the damage caused by being abused by various sons of bitches… I heard that someone found her near a river with her boyfriend, so they called an ambulance.… she was a hair's breadth away from dying … she has been unconscious for five days" — a serious and angry Draken spoke while looking at the girl with some… guilt?

"...Moebius is ruthless..." - I muttered coldly as I forced myself to calm down, I was angry, for their own good those bastards better not end up in my hands or I'll make them wish they were dead.

"This is how Moebius treats his victims… only this time they crossed the line" — Draken grunted as he clenched his fists

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!! HOW DARE THEY COME IN HERE AFTER SENDING MY DAUGHTER TO THE ICU?!! GET OUT! GET OUT OF HERE! DAMN GARBAGE!" — a middle-aged man had appeared at a certain distance from us, behind him, a woman looked at us with resentment and fear, possibly they were the parents of the injured girl

"Dear, please calm down!" — the woman tried to reassure her husband, but it did not work

Instantly both Draken and I made a deep bow towards both adults, both were surprised for a moment, but the man did not take the gesture very well because he immediately got angry.


"Don't bow down to the Kenchin, Takemicchi, we didn't do anything wrong, anyway, why is this old man taking it out on us?" — a disinterested Mikey spoke


"Hah? Who do you think you're talking to?" Mikey growled with some annoyance.

But he was stopped by Draken, who grabbed him by the head and forced him into a forced bow.

"We're really sorry" — Draken spoke while holding Mikey

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" — Mikey growled as he tried to get out of his friend's grasp, but Draken wouldn't let him.

"We will take responsibility for everything that happened" - added Draken while keeping his head down

"With a trio of insects lowering their heads they think my daughter will be miraculously cured, HUH?...YOU ARE SOCIETY'S SCUM!!" — the man shouted as he clenched his fists in anger, it could be seen that he was resisting the urge to throw himself at us and hit us

Mikey got angry at what he heard and immediately wanted to refute, but Draken shut him up, which seemed to work because Mikey stopped resisting and stopped complaining.

The man looked at us angrily, seconds later his body began to shake, the anger and frustration he was feeling at this moment began to manifest through the tears that began to gather in his eyes

"... my daughter is in a coma... Why?... Why did my beautiful little girl end up like this" - the man spoke with a broken voice while the tears did not stop coming out of his eyes, his wife burst into tears upon hearing her husband's words — "go... we never want to see you" — the man spoke for the last time as he left with his wife

"…We are going to fight against Moebius soon… the matter in the delinquent world is established only by delinquents… all of our ToMan members have family, people they care about, we can't allow third parties to get hurt by our problems, and we can't make their families and friends cry... it's okay if you don't keep your head bowed, but keep a heart that cares for others, have some compassion" — Draken spoke as he glanced at his friend

The words said by the boy surprised me, Draken earned my respect, having such a mentality at his age is worthy of a true man, this increased my resolve to save him from his death, and it was not only to avoid Hina's death, yes no because i really didn't want him to die, he's a guy worth having as a friend

I could also see the reason why the current ToMan has not been corrupted yet, and that was because he had such a vice commander, with Draken in the gang it is difficult for him to be corrupted so easily

Akkun's last words echoed in my head, it was all Kisaki's plan, it is indeed a forceful move, getting rid of Draken is the easiest way to take over ToMan, without Draken to keep Mikey's human side, that darkness that lies inside it goes out without control turning it into a simple beast at the mercy of Kisaki

"... Kenchin you are very kind... I'm sorry, Kenchin... I'm grateful that you're by my side, you too Takemicchi" — Mikey spoke with a smile as we finally stopped bowing

"Takemicchi... why did you bow down if you had nothing to do with this?" Draken asked.

"Well, we're friends, right? Your problems are my problems, it's that simple" — I replied unimportantly

I saw how Draken and Mikey smiled happily at my answer, Mikey approached me and put his arm around my neck as Draken usually does, but being shorter than me he looked funny

"Trying to sound cool, huh? Mr. Hero" — Mikey spoke with a mocking tone

"Eh? Don't tell me you heard that" - I asked somewhat embarrassed

"Hehe, come on Kenchin, the hero will catch us" — Mikey started running towards the exit while making fun of me, Draken also played along and followed his friend

I took one last look at the girl and then started chasing the pair of idiots, those damn brats kept making fun of me which made me angry

After leaving the hospital we took a walk through the center of Shibuya, without realizing it had already darkened, I said goodbye to both boys and headed towards Hina's house, I wanted to return to the future for which I needed to see Naoto

Just like last time, I wrote a letter asking him to investigate Moebius and Osanai and then shake his hand, I woke up again in Naoto's apartment from the future.

"Come on, I'll take you where Osanai lives" — Naoto was in front of me while massaging his head — "Put this on, things have gotten complicated" — he spoke as he handed me a cap and sunglasses

"Did I change something?" I asked curiously as I put on my glasses and we left her apartment.

"...Akane is dead" — Naoto spoke

"… What happened?" I asked coldly as I walked by her side.

"... her had a car accident, apparently the brakes of his car were tampered with... you are the main suspect" - Naoto replied as he got into his car

I fell silent as I processed the new information, Akane has died, and her death is my fault, I have no doubt about that.

"Damn!!" — I yelled as I hit the wall of the parking lot, as if it were glass, the concrete began to crack due to the blow, I quickly approached the car and yanked out the Naoto car license plates and threw them on the ground

When I got into the car, Naoto handed me a folder with several papers to then start the car's engine, I read the little information about Moebius that he managed to collect, there was nothing important, a motorcycle gang of high school youth that was dissolved due to the massacre of a quarter of its members in 2005

I threw the papers behind the seat when I didn't see anything that would help me, I clenched my teeth in anger as I clenched my fists until they cracked, the memories I lived with Akane kept going through my mind, knowing that she died hurts me too much

'If only I hadn't visited Akkun' — I thought as I leaned back on the seat

There was practically no change in this future, it was simply the repetition of the previous one, I came back from the past, I met Akkun and again I witnessed how he committed suicide, after a few days I met Naoto again and traveled to the past again, and during those days Akane died

If I had written to Naoto that it was not necessary for me to meet Akkun, it is possible that he would not have committed suicide, and we would not have alerted ToMan, so Akane would still be alive, it is only a possibility, but it is better than seeing him die your friend and find out that the girl you lived with for several months died because of you

I took out the pack of cigarettes from my jacket and lit one up, Naoto complained to me but I just ignored him.

'Uhm… they're following us'

Through the rearview mirror of the car I managed to see a black car without plates following us, since we left Naoto's apartment they have not stopped following us blatantly, I turned to see Naoto, and apparently, he had also noticed, his body was tense

"Naoto, do you have a weapon?" - I asked seriously as I opened the guatera, I smiled when I saw a revolver, I quickly grabbed it and started loading ammunition into the drum of the revolver.- "Too noisy, but it will do the job" - I murmured as I turned the drum

"Takemichi-kun, drop the weapon, it's dangerous if you don't know how to use it" — Naoto scolded me as I tried to take it away from me

"Calm down, I know how to use it much better than you" — I growled as I lowered the car mirror

"Takemichi-kun… what are you doing?" - asked a nervous Naoto

"We're being followed Naoto, I know you already noticed, I'm not in the mood for a chase, so we'll do it the simple way, which is... eliminate the rats"

"Don't kill them!!" Naoto yelled as he looked at me fiercely.

I clicked my tongue while in a quick movement I put my body out the window of the car while pointing towards the car that was chasing us, three detonations were heard, almost immediately the car that was chasing us swerved to the right colliding with the car that was by your side

Chaos broke out when the cars behind didn't brake in time and started to crash into each other causing a chain reaction, possibly there will be many injured and if any of them are unlucky they might die, but it's not like I care, after of all I did not kill them directly

"Shit, Takemichi-kun, what have you done? Please tell me you didn't kill him" — Naoto yelled looking in the rearview mirror

"I just shot him in the shoulder...he should be fine...I think...anyway, speed up, we don't have much time, I bet Kisaki sent more guys after our head...*sigh*... I didn't write you in the letter so you'd be careful while you investigated ToMan" — I spoke coldly as I reopened the glove box and started reloading the revolver.

"It wasn't necessary for you to do that Takemichi-kun... you hurt innocent people" — Naoto replied seriously

"I know... but it is necessary, or do you want them to kill us? If one of us dies, it is possible that they will never be able to travel to the past again"

Naoto frowned before heaving a deep sigh.

"...this is no longer a child's game, first Akkun, now Akane... ToMan wants to eliminate everything related to me... those bastards... if they want war, I give them war" — I grunted while clenching my teeth

"...calm down, I understand your anger... when my sister died in front of me I felt the same so I understand you very well, but... at least we can remedy this, right?"

"*sigh*... I know, it's just that, even buddha has a limit in his patience, and mine is already running out..." — I spoke angrily while taking out another cigarette — "tell me that none of your fellow police officers knew that you investigated Osanai" - I asked seriously

"No, I investigated that long before we visited Sendo, I also did it from my superior's computer, there shouldn't be a problem"

"Uhm... you're too naive" — I mumbled as I lit another cigarette, I needed to calm down

After a few minutes we arrived at a seedy neighborhood in Tokyo, after parking we headed towards a unit of apartments much more mediocre than the one I lived in in the first future

"Takemichi-kun, give me the gun" — Naoto spoke seriously as he stood in front of me

"We don't have time for this shit, Naoto... ToMan isn't going to beat around the bush anymore, Akane's death is proof of that, so come on, we don't have time to waste" — I said as I walked past Naoto and headed towards the stairs.s—"What apartment is it?"

"The third" — Naoto replied while letting out a long sigh

I went upstairs and headed to Osanai's apartment and kicked it open.

" Aah ! … who are you?"

The startled scream of a man was heard inside the room, upon entering I found a room in a mess, garbage everywhere and the smell of spoiled food, it was practically the same situation in which I found the room of Takemichi when I first occupied his body

In front of the small television was a black-haired man in boxer shorts.

"What are you doing Takemichi-kun?" Naoto asked me with an annoyed tone when I entered the room, but he stopped when the unpleasant smell of the room forced him to gag in disgust.

"He is Osanai?"

Naoto nodded and then left the room, I approached the scared man who tried to back away, I bent down and grabbed him by the hair and then hit his face on the TV, the man's cry of pain alerted Naoto who quickly entered the room


"Shut your mouth, Naoto, go out and watch, we may receive company in a few minutes" — I ordered Naoto who refrained from replying when he felt my murderous intent

I looked at Osanai who did not stop screaming while holding his face, he had made some cuts that did not stop bleeding, I grabbed him by the hair again and hit his face on the ground followed by some kicks in his ribs

" Aaahg !!... s-stop... please" — murmured a bloodied Osanai as he covered himself

"Nobutaka Osanai, eighth leader of Moebius, I need answers and you, damn trash, are going to give them to me" — I took him by the hair again and pointed my gun at his head — "I guess you already know what will happen to you if you refuse, TRUE?" — I asked with a smile as I pulled the spur from the revolver's hammer.

"I'll talk, I'll talk, just don't kill me" - Osanai begged as her body trembled visibly

"Draken, do you remember that name?"

"… and me"

"He was stabbed to death in August 2005, I know you know who killed him, so you will tell me or your brains will be scattered throughout this putrid room... you choose" - I threatened as I placed the barrel of the revolver on Osanai's forehead

My threat seemed to be enough to make him talk, so Osanai immediately began to tell me his side of the story.

It turns out that the attack on Pah's friend was orchestrated by Tetta Kisaki, who manipulated Osanai into attacking the boy along with his girlfriend in order to bring Moebius into conflict with ToMan.

The plan worked and ToMan declared war on them, but Osanai was afraid, he knew that if he tried to fight ToMan head-on he would lose, so Kisaki suggested that he attack them off guard, which he did.

During a ToMan meeting, Osanai ambushed them and attempted to take down ToMan's top brass, but ended up being a total failure, ending up embarrassingly losing to Mikey and then getting stabbed by Pah.

After that day Osanai lost everything that Kisaki had helped him achieve, his gang was slaughtered by ToMan as revenge for Draken's death and he had to go into hiding in order to stay alive.

It was there that he realized that it was nothing more than a Kisaki tool that, being no longer useful, was discarded, it is a miracle that he has left him alive

"... who killed Draken?" I asked coldly as I let out my killing intent.

"I-I only know that it was a member of ToMan, Kisaki manipulated him into killing Draken... I don't know who he is, I swear!!" — answered a terrified Osanai

I stared at him to see if he was lying to me, but apparently he wasn't.

"Last question, what day did Pah stab you?"

"...I-I don't remember"


"I-it's been more than twelve years, I don't remember when that happened... please don't kill me" — Osanai stuttered when she saw my annoyance

I frowned, this was the most relevant information, but it seems I won't be able to get it

"You will live, but..." I muttered as a terrifying smile appeared on my face.

I punched Osanai's bloody face making him squeal like a pig, then stomped on his testicles with all my might.

Osanai's muffled cry was the last thing I heard as she left her room, outside a serious Naoto was waiting for me who immediately offered me his hand

"You must go, the police are coming here, they discovered us... did you manage to get anything?" - Naoto spoke

"Uhm... yes... what is necessary to save Draken... I hope that in the next future this has been fixed at least a little" — I said before taking his hand and shaking it

"Good luck, Takemichi-kun."

It was the last thing I heard from Naoto before traveling to the past, when I opened my eyes I discovered that at this moment I was lying in my bed, I looked at the clock and saw that it was 11 at night so I went to sleep

~The next day~

"197…198…199…and 200…wow, that was intense" — I muttered as I let go of the bar where I was doing pull-ups — "I'm surprised how quickly I gain strength, the only problem is…"

["I'm sorry"] — Takemichi apologized in an embarrassed voice.

"Tch!... It's annoying that you intervene when I'm fighting, that shitty brat almost hit us" — I muttered angrily

Before I came to this site I met a petty criminal who was stealing money from a nerdy looking guy, interesting thing was that brat saw me and tried to rob me too.

Normally there would be no problem taking care of someone like that, but suddenly Takemichi interfered, our body was paralyzed by fear and almost made that idiot hit us, it was very frustrating to feel how your body did not obey you completely, even with that disadvantage, the other idiot couldn't do much, a kick to the stomach was enough to defeat him

{"I understand that you are afraid of blows, but you have to bear it, remember that we are facing gang members, fights will be our daily bread, you must have guts or you will make them tear us to pieces"} — I spoke mentally as I began to run towards my house

["I'll try…"] — Takemichi replied before falling asleep

I sighed tiredly hearing his answer, I knew that his fear would not disappear overnight, but I thought he would make a breakthrough since he dared to challenge Kiyomasa, but I was wrong, his trauma is much stronger than I imagined, I just hope that in the most important moments it does not interfere

'Huh!... that's Akkun' — I stopped when I saw a boy riding his bike — '... it's true, he's alive here in the past' — I thought as I resisted the urge to cry

Akkun started walking toward me, he had that characteristic smile that he had shown me before he committed suicide, this only increased my desire to cry, but I managed to contain myself, it would be strange if I cry in front of him without reason

"Hey, Takemichi, what are you doing here?... ugh!, friend, you stink" — Akkun spoke while holding his nose

"I came from training, and fuck you, you're the one that sucks" — I replied annoyed while I felt a vein stand out on my forehead

"To train? a lazy like you?" Akkun said with a mocking smile.

"Tch! Do you want me to hit you?" I muttered annoyed while cracking my knuckles.

"Hehehe, it was a joke... and tell me, why do you train?" Akkun asked curiously.

"*Sigh*... the fight against the third graders opened my eyes, we are weak, if we want to survive in the world of gangster we have to become strong, so no imbecile will humiliate us again" - I replied with a smile, Akkun stayed looking for a moment and then smile

"Takemichi… you have changed"

"Hah!... what's that about?"

"Hehe... now you're much cooler, you're even friends with Mikey-kun and Draken-kun..." - Akkun spoke as a big smile appeared on his face

"Hahaha, stop it, you'll make me blush, you fucking idiot" — a big blush had appeared on my face as I smiled like an idiot

"Hey, are you going home?" Akkun asked as he pointed to the seat behind his bike. "I'll give you a ride."

I nodded as I sat on the back of his bike, we started talking about what we had done yesterday, I told him that I had been out with Draken and Mikey all day, and I even mentioned to him that Mikey's grandfather had decided to train me, it was fun to see his envious face since he also wanted to spend time with them, apparently he admires them a lot

"Hey Akkun, do you have any dreams?" I asked curiously.

"Why do you ask that all of a sudden?"

"You just answer"

"Uhm… a dream?… I guess to become a stylist" — Akkun replied

"A stylist, huh...sounds good...I bet you'll make it"

"Hey? What are you saying, I'm still not sure."

"YOU BETTER BECOME ONE!!" I yelled as I raised my arms.

"H-hey, stop it! What's your problem, Takemichi?" - Asked an embarrassed Akkun

"Akkun, I'll be supporting you all the way, so you'd better become a great stylist!" I said as a sincere smile appeared on my face.

"Eh…okay" — answered Akkun while also smiling

"Cool! you promise?"

"Yes of course"

"Well, if you don't comply, your penis will fall off"

"Hah! What the hell are you saying!"

"Hahaha, I will be your first customer"

"Hahaha, just don't complain if I mess up your hair."

"If you do, I'll kick your ass"

"Hahaha, go to hell"

We continued talking as we headed to my house, after a few minutes we arrived so we had to separate since he had things to do, Akkun understood and left since he had arranged to meet with the boys

I went home and as always mom was not there, I read the note that she left on the table and sighed for the message, apparently she would be gone again for a week due to her work

I wasn't an idiot, I knew that she had left with the man she is dating, I don't really care, after all whether it was me or Takemichi, neither of us had a close relationship with her, that was one of the reasons why Takemichi did not hesitate to flee to another city when he left high school

I took the money my mother left me for my expenses for the week and went to the kitchen, cooked some rice, and then went to the bathroom to take a cold shower to relax my muscles a bit.

"Uhm... I should get some money, I want a motorcycle, it's not fair that those brats have one and I don't" —I muttered as I dried my body—"...the High Table exists in this world? ... It's the only way I can think of to get some good backing and money...maybe I should ask Naoto to do some research..."

The High Table, an organization made up of 12 great crime lords, each of them leads one of the most powerful mafias in the world, this group is in charge of supervising everything that happens in the world of professional assassins, or that was what happened in my world, I don't know if it's the same here

"... immersing myself in that world again wouldn't be the smartest thing to do, but if I'm just a salesman there shouldn't be a problem... anyway, let the me of tomorrow take care of that" — I muttered as I turned off the rice cooker

I quickly made breakfast and ate while trying to think what I should do, if what Osanai told me is true, he will be stabbed by Pah one of these days, it could even be today since yesterday Draken told me that today he will have a meeting with the third ToMan's squad to plan their move against Moebius

If I prevent Pah from stabbing Osanai, the internal conflict should not occur, possibly Pah holds a grudge against me for that, but not that I care, the bad thing would be that Kisaki would modify his plan due to my intervention, although that could be fixed by traveling to the future

After finishing eating, I took my skateboard that I had stored in the garage and went out for a walk, I went to a candy store and bought several Dorayaki and Taiyakis, I also bought some boxes of milk to accompany

I went to the abandoned warehouse where they would hold the meeting, there was Draken, Mikey, Pah and Peh, I sighed tiredly seeing this, apparently today is the day that Pah stabbed Osanai

"Hello Takemicchi" - Mikey spoke with a smile

"We are in the middle of an important discussion" - Draken spoke seriously

"Hanagaki" — Pah growled as he looked at me with fear?

"What's up, I was passing by and I remembered that they would have a meeting, I've got candy, does anyone want?" - I said with amused tone while showing the bag

Mikey quickly approached me and checked the bag, he quickly changed his serious face to that of a happy boy, with a quick movement he grabbed more than half of all the desserts, and the flavored milks that I had bought

Draken also approached and took something, the other two saw me somewhat uncomfortable so I approached them and offered them, in the end they accepted and each took a dessert

"I take it you're talking about your fight against Moebius, right? Do you want me to go?" - I asked while biting a taiyaki

"Uhm... no problem, you can stay" - Mikey spoke while his cheeks were full like a squirrel

"I understand, by the way, you should be careful with those guys, honestly I would like us to stop the conflict with them" — I said while I continued eating

Immediately the four looked at me with clear annoyance

"What are you saying, Hanagaki?" — growled an annoyed Pah — "Stop the conflict? Perhaps…"

"*Sigh*... But I know they won't because I don't want them to either..." - I interrupted Pah, my comment seemed to confuse the four guys - "Moebius is the kind of gang I despise the most, so I'm not opposed to them getting their asses kicked, but... I have a bad feeling... so even though I want those bastards to pay for what they did, I'd rather they leave this conflict... they're all too angry right now, they're not thinking straight... they might do something stupid that ends in tragedy" -I spoke seriously while looking at Pah.

He immediately averted his gaze as he clenched his fists, that was the only clue he needed to guess that he already intended to stab Osanai.

I sighed internally while I looked at the boy, I understood very well what I felt at this moment, that anger, the helplessness and frustration of knowing that the bastard who hurts your friends walks around without consequence make your blood boil with rage.

"...I wouldn't like something to happen to you when we just became friends, so consider it" — I spoke while looking at everyone

Mikey and the boys looked at me with a slight smile, even Pah was looking at me with less annoyance than before

"Takemicchi, thanks for your concern, but we're going to fight Moebius" — Mikey spoke with a confident smile — "And we'll win"

"I understand... although the truth is, I was expecting it" - I said with an amused tone

"...Maybe it's not a bad idea to see what Moebius is up to, what do you think, Mikey" — a calm Draken spoke as he looked at his commander

"Kenchin, are you challenging ToMan?" - Mikey spoke coldly

"Hah! It's not about that at all" - Draken replied as he stood in front of Mikey

"Yes, that's what it's about" - Mikey spoke again while narrowing his eyes

'There it is again…that creepy presence' — I seriously thought as I looked into Mikey's dark eyes.

Without anyone else being able to feel it, at this moment Manjiro Sano was emitting a creepy aura that a boy his age shouldn't have, even I was getting goosebumps, my whole being was screaming at me that he was dangerous

But the sounds of multiple footsteps brought me out of my thoughts, I turned towards one of the exits and managed to see several guys approaching, the other entrance was the same, we had been surrounded

"Sorry to interrupt your little group discussion, but… you guys keep saying Moebius this, Moebius that… would you mind not repeating our name like that? You're going to wear it out, high school babies" — a high-pitched and arrogant voice was heard behind us

It was about a tall guy with a standard bleached delinquent Pompadour, narrow eyes that made him look menacing, he has a diagonal scar on his forehead and wears a red gang outfit and white boots, on the left sleeve are written the words "eighth-generation president", was Osanai, the current president of Moebius

"You are…! OSANAI!!" - shouted a furious Pah

"Hah!'re noisy, small dick" — Osanai spoke as she took out a comb from her pocket and adjusted her hideous hairstyle

'Uhm... it looks different from the scum I hit in the future' - I thought disdainfully as I looked at Osanai

"Damn bastard" — growled Pah

"Hey, I'm two years older than you, he's bastard lord for you" — answered Osanai with a mocking tone as she pointed her comb at him

This seemed to enrage the already angry Pah who immediately ran towards Osanai.

"RAAGH!" — Pah yelled as he threw an overhand right into Osanai's face.

But this was easily dodged by Osanai with a good hip swing as he countered with a right hook that sent Pah to the ground.

"Well... so after all they are just spoiled brats" - an arrogant Osanai spoke

"PAH-CHIN!!" - a worried Peh shouted when he saw his captain fall to the ground

'So boxing, huh?...Out-Boxer if I'm not mistaken, but he's still a beginner' — I thought as I looked at Osanai with more disdain

"Tokyo Manji Gang?...why don't they change their name to bratty brat alliance... I heard they're looking for a fight against Moebius." — Osanai put on a smug smile as she snapped her fingers

Immediately all the gang members who had surrounded us began to approach us while they hurled insults at us, you could see that nobody took us seriously

"So we come to strike first, Mikey-chan...this is war" - Osanai mocked as he stood in front of Mikey who had gotten up from where he was sitting earlier.

'uhm...there are about forty or fifty guys, I guess we're going to have some fun' — I thought with amusement as I looked at the children around me

My control over my body was practically perfect when the original Takemichi was asleep, I just hope he doesn't wake up and want to take control to run away from the fight

"You still need all these guys for a surprise attack on some bratty brats though... that just fits your image as an idiot, doesn't it, Osanai-kun?" - replied a calm Mikey, he had already stopped emitting that strange aura

"HAH, I can't hear you, you're too short, louse!" Osanai mocked as he placed his hand on his ear.

'He is quite arrogant, hahaha and to think that in the future he is nothing more than a loser' — I thought mockingly as I looked at Osanai

"Hey... who the fuck do you think you're looking at, brat?" Osanai growled in annoyance as he stood in front of me.

"Heh... I see a scum spitting shit" — I replied with an arrogant smile

Osanai was furious at my comment and immediately threw a right hook towards my face, I smiled amused at the brat's pathetic blow as I backed away a bit dodging the attack

'I guess I'll give Pah a hand' — I thought as I twisted my left foot on the ground and put all my weight on my right foot and delivered a low kick to Osanai's calf

The pain was noticeable on Osanai's face who, due to the blow, lost his balance a little, which I took advantage of to attack

I closed the distance while throwing an uppercut from below while taking a small jump, the gazelle punch hit Osanai on the chin who grunted like a pig as he staggered somewhat disoriented

A fierce grin spread across my face as I culminated my attack with a straight right with my full body weight towards Osanai's solar plexus.

With a dull sound Osanai fell to the ground as she tried to catch her breath, the last blow got the result she was hoping for.

Everyone present sucked in a breath as they looked at Osanai on the ground, everything happened too fast that no one reacted to what had just happened



Several cries from the members of Moebius began to be heard upon seeing their leader on the ground, some even tried to get closer, but a look mixed with my murderous intentions was enough to make them back

"Pathetic... is this all the Moebius leader can do?... Tch!, you pathetic scum, it seems you are only capable of hitting defenseless women ... you don't know how much I want to destroy you myself, but there is already someone who will take care of that, damn worm" — I spoke coldly as I watched Osanai clutch her stomach — "all yours, Pah" — I said when I turned around and raised my hand.

Pah got up from the ground while a fierce smile had appeared on his face, he raised his hand and we collided in an epic moment, with a satisfied smile I stood next to Draken and Peh

"You do like to show off, don't you, Takemicchi?" Draken asked with an amused smile.

"Hahaha, I guess so... the Hero must be great" — I replied while giving a thumbs up, Draken rolled his eyes when he heard me

"Those moves weren't taught to you by my grandfather, right?" Mikey asked.

"No, I saw it in a movie"

"Osanai!!, your fight is with me, damn idiot" — Pah yelled while cracking his knuckles

Osanai grunted in annoyance as he slowly stood up from the ground, he winced when he tried to stand on the foot where I kicked him earlier, I smiled satisfied seeing this since my punch did hurt him, so Osanai won't be able to fight one hundred percent, which is why Pah has a better chance of giving him a good beating and venting his anger a bit

"Damn brats...I'm going to kill them..." Osanai growled as he wiped the saliva from his mouth. "YOU...I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" — He pointed at me while he looked at me with resentment.


This seemed to make Osanai angrier as she was gnashing her teeth as she continued to glare at me.

"ORA! I am your opponent, bastard" — Pah yelled as he threw a hook towards Osanai's face

The Moebius leader clucked his tongue as he blocked Pah's attack, again a pained expression appeared on his face as he was forced back a few steps, this seemed to excite Pah who immediately lunged at his opponent.

'What an idiot' - I thought as I shook my head

Pah's head fell back due to a strong right Uppercut that landed squarely on his face, Osanai had given a perfect counterattack due to Pah's carelessness, that brat, although he can't put his feet down properly he still has great force in his punches

"Bastard... I see, your style is boxing..." — Pah said as he wiped the blood that began to flow from his nose due to the blow

Osanai didn't reply and waited for Pah to attack, which I didn't expect too much as Pah lunged at Osanai aggressively again, a smirk appeared on Osanai as he stopped Pah's advance with a left jab followed by a hook right

Pah took a couple of steps back as more blood appeared on his face, but he did not give up and with a quick lunge he closed the distance and launched an overhand right that was barely blocked by Osanai.

Osanai went on guard as she blocked the ferocious attacks of Pah, who only threw blows left and right.

"Way to go, Pah! Beat that jerk to death!" - encouraged an excited Peh who looked admiringly at his captain

The members of Moebius also began to shout encouragement to their captain, who apparently believed that he was at a disadvantage, I turned to Draken and Mikey and they both had a slight frown on their faces.

'Apparently they also realized… *sigh*… Pah he's an idiot" — I thought as I shook my head

Osanai took a step back while dodging Pah's attack and with her right arm raised she launched a brutal counterattack with all her body weight, Pah immediately took big steps back while a good amount of blood shot out of her nose, possibly she was broken

"Tch!... in the end you're just a spoiled brat" - growled Osanai with arrogance

"OH SHIT! ¡PAH RECEIVED A BIG ONE!" — cried a worried Peh

"That punch couldn't even kill an ant," Pah muttered as he stumbled, his eyes turning white due to being half unconscious.

But he was silenced by a quick jab and hook combination from Osanai who had closed in on the wobbly Pah, the pain in his calf should have subsided enough for him to regain his footwork.

"Just a couple of hits almost knocked Pah down? ... Osanai is a beast!!" — Peh grunted as he tried to go help his friend.

"PEH!!" — Mikey yelled calling the boy's attention — "Sit down and watch… this is Pah's fight" — Mikey spoke coldly as he didn't take his eyes off the fight

"... I'm sorry Mikey" - answered Peh as he returned to our side

Recovering a little, Osanai began to hit Pah mercilessly, but he didn't finish it right away, he only threw jabs that made Pah stagger and made him bleed more, also his face began to swell from the constant blows, Osanai was torturing Pah

But still nobody interfered, including me, this was Pah's fight, if we intervened we would humiliate him more than he already is, besides he was the one who wanted the fight, as a man unless he dies or surrenders nobody is allowed to intervene, that's one of the gang rules

All of Osanai's subordinates were laughing and insulting Pah along with their leader, who was still throwing blows at Pah's already swollen face.

"Hahaha, hey! This trash just passed out on his feet!" - shouted an arrogant Osanai as he turned to see his lackeys

Upon hearing this, the members of Moebius began to ridicule Pah, they even looked at us arrogantly while throwing insults which we ignored, our attention was on Mikey, who had walked towards Pah who was about to fall to the ground.

"I'm sorry Mikey, I'm... a fucking disappointment" — Pah spoke with obvious frustration as he was held by his commander.

"What are you saying Pah-chin?... you haven't lost" - Mikey replied with a confident smile

Upon hearing this, all the members of Moebius began to insult Mikey, Osanai began to laugh out loud as he took his comb and adjusted his ridiculous hairstyle, he also took out a pack of cigarettes and one of his lackeys helped him light it.

"Tch!...Do you want some of the great Osanai too, Mikey-chan?" Osanai asked as she approached Mikey. — "HEY! ... IN A MOMENT IT'S YOUR TURN, BASTARD!!" — He yelled while pointing at me.


"Mikey-chan, you'll be dead in 10 seconds!"

Before Osanai finished speaking, Mikey's foot crashed brutally on his temple, in an instant Osanai's head hit the ground due to the brutal circular kick that Mikey gave him.

An overwhelming silence replaced the previous boisterous atmosphere, all Moebius members were stunned by what had just happened, their leader had been easily defeated in a single blow.

Even I was a little surprised, that kick was very good, it had strength and speed well executed, that kick restarts your life

"All those who believe that Pah-chin lost take a step forward... so I can kill them" — Mikey spoke coldly as he looked at the members of Moebius — "ToMan belongs to me, anyone who is behind me will never lose" — he added while smiled fiercely

All those high school youth looked stunned at the short boy who had destroyed their leader, they all showed looks of astonishment and fear when they saw the imposing figure of the Invincible Mikey

'Not bad... I guess they don't call him the Invincible Mikey for nothing' - I thought while looking at the blond boy - 'Heh... interesting' - I saw how Osanai crawled on the ground and discreetly took a broken bottle

"I'm sorry Kenchin, I couldn't help it" - Mikey apologized as he turned to where we were

"*sigh*…nobody stops you right Mikey?" Draken replied with a smile, but his face changed when he saw Osanai get up from the ground

" AAAAH!" Osanai yelled as she ran towards Mikey with the broken bottle, she intended to stab Mikey

With a quick movement I stood right behind Mikey next to Draken.

"Special Attack, flying shoe!!" I yelled with an amused smile as I kicked and my shoe flew into Osanai's face.

" Uuggh !!" Osanai growled when my shoe hit his face.

Seeing this Draken approached Osanai and grabbed the arm with which he was holding the glass bottle and then gave him a strong knee in the stomach that made the idiot Osanai spit a little blood.

"Osanai, I'll tell you why you lost, you got out of the way of a real offender, you attacked a boy's parents and raped his girlfriend, those are things that only a scum would do… listen up everyone!! try something like that, I will locate each of you and kill you myself!" Draken yelled while still holding Osanai down.

The members of Moebius recoiled in fear at Draken's words, the strength shown by both the commander and vice-commander created a deterrence in all those shitty brats.

"Your boss was beaten by our boss, Mikey!! Does anyone have a problem with that?" Draken asked as he glared at the members of Moebius, they simply lowered their eyes. "If no one has it... Then from now on, Moebius will be affiliated with the Tokyo Manji Gang!" He added while raising his voice.

No one answered again, everyone had lost their desire to fight, honestly it seems stupid to me, they were greater in numbers, they could at least try, but apparently they are just a group of cowards

I limped to where my shoe fell after throwing it away

"Did you really throw your shoe?" Peh asked with an amused smile.

"Hahaha, that was an overwhelming move" — I replied as I put my shoe back on

In that police sirens began to be heard, they were heading towards our direction

"Shit, the police" — Draken muttered while still holding Osanai

"Are you here to celebrate our victory?" — Peh I joke with a smile

"Let's get out of here, Takemicchi!" Mikey said as he threw my skateboard at me.

I nodded as I caught my skateboard, I took one last look at Pah who was emitting a slight killing intent, I had made my decision, I turned and walked towards where Mikey was, but then I stopped and turned towards Draken and yelled


This surprised Draken, who looked at me confused, but then he realized, Pah had appeared behind Osanai while holding a knife, he had stabbed Osanai.

Osanai let out a groan as he felt the cold metal penetrate his body, Draken quickly pushed Pah away from Osanai.

"I will not forgive you, Osanai" — spoke a Pah blinded by hatred as he left the knife stuck in Osanai's back

This caught everyone's attention, seeing Osanai fall to the ground while a knife stabbed into her back surprised everyone, some members of Moebius who had tried to flee returned to help their leader

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, PAH?!" — an angry Draken questioned Pah, who looked at Osanai bleeding on the ground

I quickly approached Osanai and adjusted his head so that he could breathe properly, I noticed the position where the knife was buried, and sighed in relief, fortunately it was not a fatal stab, he would live, after all he was still alive in the future

The police patrols arrived at the warehouse for which we all had to run or else we would be arrested

"I'm sorry Mikey" — Pah apologized as he looked at his commander — "...Peh-yan, take care of the third division for me...I...I'll turn myself in" - he added as he looked at us with determination, some tears had begun to appear on his eyes, he had regretted too late what he had done

I got up and nodded in approval of the boy's decision, I patted him on the shoulder showing my support as I started to run

"Take care of them for me, Takemicchi" — Pah whispered to me with a sad smile

I nodded as I ran back, the cops were already starting to arrest some Moebius guys who were still in shock at what happened to their leader.

"Hurry up Takemicchi!" Draken yelled as he carried Mikey who apparently wanted to take Pah with him, he was also pulling Peh who kept looking at his captain in shock

"Kenchin, stop!!…No, I won't abandon him!! PAH! COME WITH US! THEY ARE GOING TO ARREST US ALL! PAH!" — a desperate Mikey yelled as he tried to break free from his friend's grasp

Pah was quiet as he turned around, I took one last look at the boy, I felt a bit guilty seeing the boy being thrown to the ground by an officer while being handcuffed, as I could have stopped him, but I decided not to

I kept running while I did not lose sight of my prey, without realizing it I separated from Mikey and the boys and followed a certain member of Moebius who was running desperate with the intention of losing the police

After a few minutes the Moebius member stopped under a bridge in an area very far from people, a graffiti with the Moebius symbol was painted on the walls implying that it was somewhere where the gang normally meets.

The gang member had stopped in front of the wall while trying to catch his breath, his body wouldn't stop shaking, what had happened to Osanai must have scared him

I walked slowly behind him, he couldn't even hear my footsteps because he was too lost in his thoughts.

"I must thank you for keeping you away from any witnesses, that makes things easier for me" — I spoke coldly, drawing the attention of that gang member, who quickly turned around

With a quick movement I threw a fist of earth towards the eyes of that gang member and gave him a strong kick in the testicles, a muffled cry escaped from the mouth of that brat as he fell to the ground and writhed like a tlaconete in salt

"You are Osanai's right hand man, aren't you?" I asked as I sat on top of that gang member and began to hit him in the face.

With a couple of blows my prey's nose began to bleed, he immediately began to scream in pain, but I didn't stop, I kept hitting him a couple more times until I saw that one of his eyes began to swell

"S-stop... please... please" — begged that guy while trying to cover his face

I clicked my tongue and got off of him and started kicking him in the ribs, when I got tired of that I took an arm and applied a grip, after applying enough force his elbow was dislocated making him scream in pain

"Come on friend, this is not even a part of what they did to that girl" - I spoke coldly while now taking a leg of the gang member

"I don't know what you're talking about!! Please stop hurting me!!" - shouted between snot and tears that gang member while trying to escape

"Heh… do you think I'm an idiot? …" — I asked while applying a Heel hook

" Aaah !... stop, that hurts, please...AAAH!... it's okay, I was one of those who attacked that girl" — the delinquent shouted desperately while trying to get out of my grasp

I smiled coldly as I applied more force and tore the ligaments in his knee, the gang member again let out a piercing scream as he held onto his leg.

I released him and then grabbed him by the hair and dragged him to the small river that crossed under the bridge, the smell of contaminated water assaulting my nostrils making me frown

But without thinking twice I plunged that brat's head into the river and began to drown him, as expected, he began to struggle violently trying to get out of my grasp, but as much as he struggled he couldn't do anything, after a few seconds of submerging it I took it out of the river and threw it on the ground

"Ugh!... you splashed me with this shit... anyway, you'll tell me the name of every bastard that raped that girl and how I can locate them, or you'll drown in this river of shit" - I threatened him while grabbing his hair again

"WAIT!!... I'LL TELL YOU!! ... JUST STOP ... I ... I don't want to die "- begged the brat as his body trembled violently, a small puddle of yellow liquid began to form under him, he had peed himself with fear

"That's up to you" — I muttered as I snatched the cell phone out of his pocket — "Wow... at least it didn't break"

The guy gave me the name and address of all the guys who beat up and raped the girl, they were 8 in total, they were all close friends of Osanai and they were all present at the fight today

Of course he was one of the eight aggressors, after all he was Osanai's right hand, it was evident that he would participate in the misdeeds of his leader

"Perfect, I appreciate your contribution, as a thank you let me give you a small reward" - a cruel smile appeared on my face as I spread the brat's legs

"What are you going to do?" asked a terrified member of Moebius

"Hehe... your reward" — I replied while stomping hard on the brat's testicles

He couldn't even scream from the pain, I bet I completely crushed them, it even hurt a little.

"You should be thankful, I usually kill scum like you, but just for today, I'll make an exception... you have two options, turn yourself over to the police and rehabilitate yourself to become a decent person, or ... die in the most painful way possible." — I spoke coldly while letting out a bit of my killing intent.

"I-I... I-I'll give it up" — he answered with a choked voice while trembling violently.

"Good boy... *sigh*, how satisfying it is to talk like civilized people, don't you think, Goro-chan?" - I asked with a smile, but I didn't receive any answer - "uhm... it's rude not to answer" - I muttered annoyed as I clenched my fist and punched him hard in the face, the Moebius member fell unconscious

["He's not dead, is he?"] — a frightened voice was heard in my head, it was Takemichi

"No... but it would wake up a bit sore" — I answered in a playful voice — "By the way, well done not interfering" — I murmured as I wiped my face from the blood that idiot had splashed on me

["…Osanai doesn't scare me"] — Takemichi replied while still lying on the floor of my mental space

"Heh... I didn't expect that, after all you're a coward" — I replied while typing the emergency number — "... hello, I found a guy injured under a bridge in this direction ..." - I spoke on the phone of the brat who he had just hit, if he didn't call an ambulance he could die, after giving him the address I hung up and started walking towards my house

{"You don't seem bothered by what I did"} — I asked Takemichi curiously

["You must have your reasons… although I would have liked you to stop Pah"]

{"... this can serve as a lesson to the guys of ToMan... more to Mikey... if he really wants to create an era where gang members are respected, he must know how to deal with this type of situation"} — I replied as I ran towards an alley, I had heard the sound of an ambulance approaching

"Yes what are fast" — I murmured as I continued on my way.

Before arriving at my house I received a call from Draken, he asked me if I was okay, he sounded worried, after telling him that he was close to my house he hung up the call since he had things to do

I sighed tiredly as I entered my sweet home, again I headed to the bathroom to take a shower, I wanted to get some sleep as I had things to do tonight

end of chapter