Chapter 5 — Rewritten

~July 22, 2005~

"... I hope I'm not late..." — I muttered while pedaling as fast as I could

A few minutes ago I was at home preparing to pay a friendly visit to the bastards who attacked the girl, I was not going to allow scum like them to go unpunished for what they did, I know I have no right to decide that, but i don't give a fuck

But then the cell phone of the guy I talked to under that bridge began to ring, it was a call from one of the guys he was going to visit, apparently the damn bastards enjoyed what they did to the girl and wanted to repeat it

They had organized days before and today was the day they were going to carry out their despicable plan, even with what happened today with Osanai none of the other bastards wanted to cancel their evil plan.

By this time they had already kidnapped their two victims, who from what I was told both girls are Osanai's classmates, dialed to notify the owner of the phone that they were about to start.

I managed to imitate the voice a bit and order them not to start without me, I just hope that the idiot I hit has enough power to persuade those bastards

After a few more minutes I managed to visualize the textile factory that had been abandoned years ago, the building was in a very lonely area, it was the perfect place to commit a crime without anyone bothering you

Six motorcycles were parked at the entrance of the abandoned building, I looked up and saw some light on the second floor, it is possible that the bastards are there

Before entering I walked around the building and left my bike in the back, there was a perfect exit to escape in case something bad happened

I untied the bat and the wrench that I tied to my bicycle and entered the building, I silently headed towards the stairs and went up to the second floor, the screams of two girls asking for help caught my attention, they were in the last room on the second floor, I also managed to hear the disgusting laughter of the fucking brats, they seemed to enjoy the fear of their victims

I slowly approached the room, but I stopped when I saw one of the Moebius members leave the room, he headed towards the stairs while huffing angrily, apparently they had sent him for something.

Taking advantage of the poor lighting, I waited in a corner for the brat to approach, I smiled mischievously when he passed by me without noticing my presence.

In a quick movement I got behind him and jumped on his back while applying a The Lion Killer with all my might.

My victim was caught off guard so he didn't even have a chance to fight and within seconds he was rendered unconscious due to lack of oxygen to his brain.

I quickly put him in one of the empty rooms of the factory making as little noise as possible, I didn't want to attract the attention of the other brats, I took the adhesive tape off my backpack and gagged him, I also tied his arms and legs in case he woke up

When I finished, I went to the room again, I squeezed my two weapons tightly when I saw six bastards surrounding two girls of about 17 years old, both were naked and being groped by those bastards who had disgusting smiles on their faces, I even saw some of them masturbating

"Why the hell is Goro taking so long?" — asked one of the bastards as he actively fondled the poor girl's chest who was begging him to stop.

"I don't know, but let's get the hell started, I already want to fuck these bitches" — added another while grinning like a lunatic

"Then I go first..."

While they were still focused on contaminating the two girls, I quietly walked up to them, raised my bat, and swung it at the head of the first bastard who intended to soil the girls.

I made sure that the blow would only stun him, even though he wanted to kill them, the promise I made to Takemichi stands.

My attack took effect and the first bastard fell on the girl in a semi-conscious state, this caught the attention of the others who were surprised to see me behind them.

I took advantage of the fact that they were still confused to immobilize another opponent, I swung my bat which successfully hit the temple of another Moebius member, who due to the blow fell to the ground like a puppet without strings to hold it

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!!" yelled one of the four guys as he quickly pulled up his pants

"I'm Batman" — I replied as I swung my bat towards the legs of my closest opponent.


The squeal of a pig was heard as my bat crashed into the calf of another opponent, unfortunately my bat broke into pieces due to this, I clucked my tongue while jumping backwards creating distance from the other three remaining gang members.


"I'LL KILL YOU FOR THAT, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" - the gang member yelled through tears while holding his right leg

I smiled with disdain under my improvised mask, although the bastards did not stop releasing threats, it was obvious that they were all terrified, they knew the consequences of being discovered red-handed, which made them lose their cool

"Who are you?" asked a gang member as he put his hand in the pocket of his pants

"I'm your father, but your mommy hasn't told you" — I responded with a mocking tone trying to anger my enemy, but then I remembered something —'Hah… it's true!!, now I'm only 14 years... old, that joke already it's not valid... by Kami, I've made a fool of myself' — my face blushed due to embarrassment


My words seemed to infuriate the gang member as he rushed towards me while holding a knife in his left hand, I quickly took out the wrench I had hidden on my back and waited for the attack.

The other two gang members also launched the attack along with their partner, one of them had also taken out a knife and the other had grabbed a somewhat rusty pipe that was in the room.

I dodged the first gang member who tried to stab me and I countered by swinging my wrench at the arm where I was holding the knife, the gang member let out a cry of pain as he dropped the weapon to the ground

I was forced to duck narrowly avoiding the rusty pipe that was meant to hit my head, the attack ended up hitting the first gang member who cursed his partner for missing his attack

While he was apologizing, I approached the tube gang member and hit him in the testicles with the handle of the broken bat that I was still holding in my right arm, to later attack the temple of the first gang member who continued cursing me with my wrench, both fell to the ground while they let out cries of pain

Before I could catch my breath, I shifted my body to the side, dodging the last gang member who had stepped up behind me and tried to stab me in the back.

"Good move" - I congratulated the gang member while nodding my head, if it weren't for my abnormal reflexes surely that attack would have hit, this seemed to confuse the boy, who looked at me with some fear, his body trembled like jelly as he held his knife with both hands. —"Hehehehe... I smell your fear" — I spoke sinisterly as I walked slowly towards the terrified gang member

"DON'T COME CLOSE!!... I TOLD YOU DON'T COME CLOSE!!" - the last gang member yelled as he threatened me with the knife

I ignored his screams and continued slowly approaching the gang member, who began to back up until he collided with the wall of the room. When he found himself cornered, he threw himself at me while swinging his knife trying to cut me, a very stupid movement having only one knife as weapon

I dodged the pathetic attack while at the same time swinging my wrench at the gang member's wrist, he immediately dropped his weapon while crying in pain, I raised my leg and delivered a strong roundhouse kick to his head that sent him to the ground

I spun around and hurled the handle of my bat at the head of the tube gangster who had gotten up, I guess one hit to the balls wasn't enough.

"I guess I'll immobilize them first" — I muttered when I saw that the other gang members showed signs that they were starting to wake up, the resistance of any human in this world is incredible, it seems like he was in a damn action movie

I grabbed my wrench and swung it at the knee of the gang member still on the ground, a piercing scream came out of that gang member's mouth as he held his broken knee.

"Tch!, how noisy" - I muttered with annoyance as I punched him hard in the abdomen, making him shut up.

I grabbed his hair and dragged him to the center of the room, I scanned the place and saw the other five gang members lying on the floor, I kicked those who tried to get up, the lesson wasn't over yet, but before that I had to get my viewers out, I don't want to traumatize them more than they already are

In the back of the room were the two girls huddled on the floor, both were still naked, I frowned when I couldn't find their clothes anywhere in the room, so I approached two of the gang members whose uniforms were less stained with blood and I undressed them

With the gang outfits in hand, I approached the couple of girls who, when they saw me, began to tremble like Neapolitan flan, I can't blame them, they were almost sullied by a group of fucking bastards

"…take cover and go down to the first floor, call the police and tell them what happened" — I spoke with the kindest tone I could manage while I slipped them the cell phone of one of the gang members and the uniform

"W-who are you?" - Asked one of the girls while looking at me with fear, I guess having your face covered doesn't give you any confidence

"A kind Samaritan who was passing by ... whatever, cover yourselves, although I love admiring your nakedness I think that's enough, if my girlfriend finds out, I'm a dead man" — I muttered as I imagined Hina dressed as a bad girl and pointing a bat at me with spikes —'… I bet it would look hot' — I thought with a perverted smile

My comment seemed to embarrass the two girls, they both let out adorable screams while calling me a pervert, I turned around while laughing in amusement, as a man I won't miss any opportunity to feast my eyes on feminine beauty.

I left the room and went for my first victim, the idiot had already woken up, I took him by the hair and dragged him to the room where the others were, the two girls had already dressed in the uniforms I gave them

" Girls, if you want to get even with these bastards, this is your chance" — I said while kicking one of the gang members

"Eh, ah... me" — the girl who was holding her friend who was still crying nervously murmured —"T-thank you for saving us" — she said as she passed by me

"It's nothing... go downstairs and call the police... and also cover your ears, or you could have nightmares" — I spoke as I took out the knife and crouched in front of the guy who was gagged

"Wh-what are you going to do to them?... are you going to m-kill them?" asked the girl with obvious fear.

"No, but I'll teach them a lesson they'll never forget" — I answered coldly as I cut the tape that covered her mouth.

Before he could curse me I punched him in the face a couple of times making him squeal in pain.

"Get out of here, what I'm going to do to these vermin is not suitable for the public to see" — I spoke sinisterly as I turned to see the two girls, both nodded frantically as I left the room

I nodded satisfied to see that the two had run towards the exit, the grunts of pain caught my attention, four of the seven gang members had already regained consciousness, the speed with which they recovered surprised me a bit, then a sinister smile appeared on my face.

"Time for the lesson" - I muttered mockingly while snapping my fingers.

For the next five minutes the room was filled with screams of pain and pleas from the seven gang members, there's no need to be merciful to guys like them, so my lesson was a bit…bloody.

After I finished, I left the factory through the back door and walked a little away from the place, minutes later the whole area was filled with the sound of patrol and ambulance sirens, seeing that both girls were taken in a patrol, I left the place and I went to my house

["*Sigh*... there's no way to complain to you for what you did to them, those bastards deserve it"] — Takemichi spoke from my mental space

{"I'd send you to hell if you did, luckily, I made it in time and those girls were saved…it seems ToMan failed to intimidate them…I guess Shuji Hanma already took control of Moebius, that must have given them guts to do his misdeeds... it seems that everything is going as Osanai told me"} — I coldly replied as I continued pedaling.

["What are you going to do?"] — Asked Takemichi

{"...wait for... I want to know what is the reason for ToMan's internal conflict, although I already figured out what it is..."]

Half an hour later I got home , I took another bath to clean the blood and sweat, after drying myself and getting dressed I went to the garage and put the gloves and mask in a metal bucket and burned them, both were covered in blood, so I I was lazy to wash them

During the way back I got rid of the things that could link me to the attack on those idiots, it would be troublesome if the police are after me

After putting on comfortable clothes I went to the kitchen and prepared a snack, so much effort had made me hungry.









~July 29, 2005~

It's been 7 days since Pah was arrested for stabbing Osanai, the day after he was arrested I went to the correctional facility with Draken to visit him, but they didn't allow us to see him since only family members could meet him.

So we could only wait outside and give their parents moral support, we also brought them some provisions, although they didn't need it, after all Pah's father is rich, but the gesture is what counts

From what his father told us, Pah will be locked up for two years because Osanai managed to survive, if that idiot had died Pah would have to spend about 7 years in prison

That same day we also found out some interesting news, apparently 8 Moebius members were found with serious injuries all over their bodies, seven of them were castrated and brutally beaten, their injuries were so serious that to this day they are still in a state coma, the last one was the luckiest, he only had a broken arm and leg and a fractured jaw, at least he wasn't castrated.

According to the only witnesses, those bastards tried to sexually abuse them, but just in time they were saved by a masked man, who is the main suspect in both attacks against the Moebius members, I wonder who it could be?

It was also from that day that ToMan's internal conflict began, in the end what I had imagined happened.

The ToMan has fractured into two parts, Mikey's side, which does not agree with Pah's arrest and wants to get him out of correctional facility, on the other hand, Draken's side, who respects Pah's decision to turn himself in for what he did

Draken and Mikey began to argue, neither wanted to give in to the other so the discussion escalated in intensity until they were both totally furious, from what I heard from Mitsuya, if it weren't for the captains they would both end up fighting until they killed each other

The most troublesome thing is that the normal members of ToMan are also arguing among themselves, yesterday afternoon I had to separate two members who were fighting because of this conflict, ToMan is really about to go to hell

Kisaki Tetta, what a terrifying boy, without even getting his hands dirty, he has already defeated the star gang of this generation

"A perfect plan... it would be a shame if a time traveler ruined it" — I muttered as I got up from the tub of cold water —"Although Mikey disappointed me a little... he may have the presence of a leader, but he doesn't think like one , Draken would be a better commander than him... although I expected it, after all, in the future Kisaki ended up winning..." — I stood in front of the bathroom mirror while drying my body

I smiled when I saw my body a little more robust, the training was paying off, although it was to be expected, the training designed by my former teacher focuses on getting the most potential out of the human body, a few more months of training and I will be able to fight no problem against someone bigger than me

I walked to my room while I was naked, that my mother was not at home has certain benefits, when I remembered her I gave a big sigh, yesterday she returned from his supposed work trip, during the short time he was at home she behaved strangely, it seemed that He wanted to tell me something, but she didn't have the guts to do it.

In the end, she preferred to go to a meeting with friends, she left me much more money than the previous times as a prize for having passed the recovery exams and she told me that tomorrow we would have a serious conversation with me.

After getting dressed I decided to clean the house a bit, which didn't take me more than an hour, when I finished cleaning my stomach was rumbling, so I decided it was time to prepare breakfast.

As I walked towards the kitchen the doorbell began to ring, lazily I went to the door, possibly it was Akkun or one of the boys in our group.

When I opened the door I was tackled by a girl with golden hair, the girl hugged me tightly while sobbing, it was Emma

"Emma-chan? What's going on?" I asked worried when I saw Emma clinging to me, I looked up and scanned the street to see if someone was following her, but I didn't find anyone besides a certain girl who was looking at me with murderous eyes.

I ignored the girl who was killing me with her eyes and stroked Emma's hair trying to reassure her, during the days that I have gone to Miyagi-san's dojo I have become closer to Emma, I consider her my little sister

"...Mikey and Draken keep fighting, and it gets worse and there's a side of Mikey and a side of Draken...ToMan has been split in two" — Emma muttered as she continued sobbing

"*Sigh*... Are they still arguing about it? I thought they'd relax after a few days since they're always fighting like cats and dogs"

"It's usually like that, but... this time it's different" — Emma began to cry as she tightened her hug —"D-Draken will be fine, right?... I'm afraid Mikey..." —

"Huh? you care more about your crush than your brother?" I asked curiously

Emma was silent for a moment, I observed her expression with curiosity, apparently she wanted to tell me something, but she seemed to be doubting if she should do it, in the end she let out a small sigh

"...when Mikey gets angry, he loses control and changes completely... he could harm Draken if the situation continues like this... Take-chan, please help me" — Emma murmured as she buried her head into my chest, my shirt wet from her tears.

"Calm down, I'll talk to that pair of idiots, I'll manage to make them see reason, so stop crying, I don't like to see you sad" - I said while tenderly caressing her hair

Emma nodded while little by little she stopped crying, Emma's eyes were red showing how much she had cried, it was obvious that she was quite concerned about this matter with Mikey and Draken

"Have you had breakfast yet?" I asked while wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Nope" - Emma replied like a little girl

"I see, let's have breakfast together then, just let me call our other guest... Hina, do you want to have breakfast with us?" I yelled as I looked towards the post that was on the other side of the street.

"Huh?... Hina-chan? What are you doing there?" Emma asked in surprise as she saw Hina come out from behind the pole.

Hina approached us while avoiding our gaze, her face looked a bit flushed due to the embarrassment of being found out.

"Why were you hiding, Hina?" I asked as I gave her a big hug.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, TAKEMICHI-KUN?" asked an embarrassed Hina as she was hugged without warning.

"Hehe, I just hug my pretty girlfriend" — I spoke with a smile as I released Hina —"What were you doing hiding there? Your look was scary"

"Eh... I ... I saw Emma-chan sad so I followed her, I was surprised to see that she was coming towards your house, Takemichi-kun... I didn't know you were so close to Emma-chan" — Hina murmured while making a cute pout

"Hehe, during this week I've grown quite fond of her, you know, I've always wanted a little sister, I guess I see Emma-chan as one" — I answered while looking at Emma —"*Sigh*... come on, let's go inside, I'll prepare breakfast" I opened the door to let the two girls in.

"Takemichi-kun, is your mom home? I-I'd like to meet her" — Hina asked as her cheeks turned reddish again.

"jujuju, Hina-chan wants to meet her mother-in-law" —Emma sneered making Hina turn as red as a tomato

I smiled funny when I saw Hina being teased by Emma, I was happy to see that both girls got along well, Emma told me that she doesn't have any friends her age because everyone fears her because she is the sister of ToMan's leader

"I'm sorry Hina, but my mother isn't home, I guess I'll introduce her to you another day" — I answered as I walked towards the kitchen —"You can wait in the living room, I'll let you know when breakfast is ready"

"Can we go to your room?" Emma asked with a playful smile.

"Uhm...I guess it's no problem"

"Great... come on Hina-chan, let's see if Take-chan has perverted things hidden in his room" — Emma dragged Hina to the second floor of my house

"... thank goodness I threw away the porn magazine that Makoto left the other day" — I muttered as I walked towards the kitchen.

I started to prepare breakfast, I decided to cook tamagoyaki and some pancakes, to accompany some delicious hot cocoa, I bet Hina would like it

When breakfast was ready, I called both girls who went downstairs immediately, I heard Emma grumble with annoyance for not finding anything suspicious in my room, I was pleased to see that she was no longer as depressed as when she arrived

After we finished having breakfast, Emma and Hina left, they invited me to accompany them, but I refused, I had to talk to the pair of idiots.

I took my skateboard out of the garage and locked my house, it was time to visit Mikey, during the trip I was lost in my thoughts, the words that Emma told me confirmed my suspicions

Others might find it hard to accept that Mikey could lose control to the point of hurting Draken, but I don't think so.

During the time that I have spent with Mikey I have noticed that there are certain moments where the boy loses control for seconds, when that happens the boy gives off a sinister aura, at the same time his attitude changes completely, he becomes cold and ruthless, like a beast eager to destroy everything in its path, a beast that does not distinguish allies or enemies

'*Sigh*… who would have thought that we would be so alike…' — I thought as I remembered my past life

Minutes later I arrived at the Sano family's house, at the entrance was Miyagi-san sweeping the sidewalk.

"Uhm... Brat, what brings you here? There's no training today" — Miyagi-san spoke with a smile as he continued sweeping.

"I came to talk to Mikey, is he still asleep?"

"Yes, can you wake him up? ...Emma left early and I don't know what time she'll be back"

"No problem, have you had breakfast old man?"

"Yes, but Manjiro not yet... can you prepare something for him? I don't want him to burn down the house, the children who are training today will be here soon" — Miyagi-san said as he entered the house

I nodded and went to Mikey's room, the boy was still asleep, I tried to wake him up, but in vain, the bastard didn't wake up no matter how much I shook him

For a moment it occurred to me to throw him to the ground, but I erased the idea from my head and began to dress him and comb his hair as Draken usually does.

"Uhm?...Ken-chin?" Mikey murmured as he woke up.

"Nope, I'm Takemichi" — I said while carrying him on my back —"You thought it was Draken, huh? I bet you miss him a lot" — I spoke with an amused tone

"... I don't miss that idiot at all" — he muttered with annoyance

"If you say so, what do you want for breakfast?"

"OMURICE!!" Mikey replied like a little boy.


I went to the living room and threw Mikey on the couch before going to the kitchen to make Mikey's breakfast.

"Hey… Takemicchi… do you think it was right for Pah to turn himself in?" Mikey asked as he approached the kitchen.

"Uhm… good question… I was honestly surprised that he did it, you know, sometimes we are afraid to accept our mistakes, even though we know we are wrong, but Pah I don't doubt for a moment, the bastard earned my respect, although I don't like to see him locked up , I accept your decision to turn yourself in" — I answered while I continued cooking

"…And if you had a way to get him out of prison, would you do it?" Mikey asked again with a serious tone.

"… Nope"

" WHY?!!" Mikey yelled as he hit the table.

"I would be being selfish by not respecting his decision, Pah knows that the way he acted was wrong and that's why he took responsibility for his actions, that makes him a great guy" — I answered with a smile —"So, although I don't like to see him locked up, I will respect his decision and support him from here outside" — I repeated again

Mikey seemed surprised by my answer, I watched as he frowned before letting out a big sigh, he pulled up a chair and sat deep in thought.

After a few minutes, the food was ready, I made him an Omurice and some dorayaki, seeing this his depressed mood improved a little.

"So you have a way to get Pah out... if I'm not mistaken it must be an unethical way, right?" - I spoke coldly while watching Mikey eat

"What?" Mikey spoke with his mouth full.

"I heard that the knife with which Pah stabbed Osanai mysteriously disappeared... Without the weapon, there is no concrete evidence that Pah was at fault for the attack... If someone becomes the scapegoat and takes the blame, Pah could get out without problems... Another option would be to bribe the judge by paying a large amount of money so that Pah is declared innocent... No... I think the former is the most feasible, they would not spend a penny and Pah would be free ...that's how you want to get Pah out of jail, isn't it, Manjiro?" — I asked with a smile on my face.

Mikey's astonished expression confirmed that my hypothesis could be correct, that's when I understood the reason why Draken was really pissed off, it's obvious that he would never agree to a plan like that.

"Is that the era of delinquents you want to create, Manjiro? ..." — I asked again while staring at Mikey —"... is that the path that ToMan will take from now on? ... Is this how the gang will deal with the consequences of their actions from now on?"

"I JUST WANT TO PROTECT PAH-CHIN!" - shouted an annoyed Mikey

"And Pah agrees with that decision? ..." I asked quietly.

Mikey didn't seem to like my comment as he began to look at me in a threatening manner, I frowned and I also looked back at him, for a few seconds we had a little staring battle that Mikey lost

"Pah made his decision... if it was a decision that caused him any harm, I wouldn't hesitate to intervene... but I don't think that applies this time... anyway, this is just my opinion" — I spoke as I got up and went to the kitchen

I took the Dorayaki that I had baked out of the oven and brought them to the table, Mikey was lost in thought as he stared at his food

"I just hope that your fight with Draken is resolved as quickly as possible… it's painful to see my friends fight, besides, you're not the only ones involved, all of ToMan is falling apart… don't forget that there are people who are under his command, they admire and appreciate them and at this moment due to their conflict they are also fighting... your gang is about to go to hell and you couple of idiots are not doing a damn thing to avoid it" -I spoke coldly calling again Mikey's attention , who only looked down while clenching his fists

I stood next to Mikey and stroked his hair while smiling slightly, Mikey looked at me confused.

"*Sigh*... For once stop being so selfish and think about the people around you... very well, I have to go... think carefully about what you're going to do and no matter what decision you make, I'll support you..." — I said before heading to the exit —"Ah!...I almost forgot...Manjiro" — I spoke while stopping halfway

Mikey looked up curiously.

"If you make Emma-chan cry again… I'll kill you!" — I said as a smile graced my face.

I saw Mikey's face instantly pale, the boy nodded frantically while his body trembled slightly, I guess my murderous intent managed to make it clear to him that I wasn't kidding.

"Eat everything I prepared for you... I don't like that you waste food, understood" — Mikey nodded again, smiled satisfied and I continued on my way to the exit

I said goodbye to Miyagi-san and the children who were training in the dojo and headed towards the place where I had arranged to meet Draken.

'… I hope my words have been of some use, if not I'll go ahead with plan b…' — I thought while skating through the streets of Shibuya

When I got there I saw the boy sitting on the grass in front of the river where Mikey told me his dream, he looked thoughtful as he looked longingly at the place where they told me they had their first fight.

"Takemicchi... why did you call me?" Draken asked seriously.

"You should know by now" — I answered as I stood behind Draken —"They should talk... this is getting out of control"

"*Sigh*... I know... and I stand by my opinion, I'll respect Pah's decision... if you come here to try to change my opinion, you'd better leave, Takemicchi"— Draken spoke seriously as he got up

"I wouldn't do such a problematic thing, but... in my opinion you should clarify things once and for all, because of you two, you couple of idiots, all the people around you are fighting..." — I spoke with annoyance while taking my skateboard

Draken frowned as he looked at me with some annoyance.

"What, am I wrong? ... ToMan didn't divide because of you two" — I asked seriously as I stood in front of Draken

"*Sigh*…I guess you're right…I'll talk to Mikey…but I won't change my mind…"

"Great, I hope you two can talk civilly…or do you need someone to take care of you?"

"Tch!... don't treat us like brats, Takemicchi" — Draken growled with annoyance

"It's not bad to act like a brat, just that there are times when one needs to behave appropriately... great, I already sound like an old man" — I muttered annoyed.

"*Sigh*...I got it, I hope that idiot got a lecture too"

"I don't play favorites...anyway, that was all I had to say, I'm out of here."

"Wait!... do you have some time? I want you to accompany me to a place"

"Uhm... sure, where are we going?" I asked curiously

"I need to buy some parts for my motorcycle" — answered Draken as he began to walk

"Tch!... it's true, you also have a motorcycle" —I muttered annoyed.

Some 15-year-old brats have motorcycles and I don't, that bothers me, while they enjoy a good ride on a motorcycle every day, I break my legs riding a bike or skateboard, that's unfair, I'm 28 damn, I want one too

"Hehe, and not just anyone, it's a Kawasaki Zephyr 400" — Draken spoke proudly

"Shut up! Listening to you brag makes me even more pissed off"

"HAHAHA, if you heard its engine you would fall in love instantly, Zephyr is the best" — Draken boasted with a big smile making me even more angry

"Tch! ... You asked for it!" — I muttered darkly as I grabbed my skateboard, Draken started to run while laughing out loud. —"Don't run! … can't you see that I'm going to kill you!" — I yelled as I chased Draken.

"HAHAHA, catch me first, asshole"

I won't deny it, he enjoyed acting like a brat, I guess it's because in my previous life I didn't get the chance to do it, I smiled as I stopped next to the exhausted Draken who was still laughing out loud, the bastard really enjoys bothering me

We went to the spare parts store that he always goes to and bought what he needed, without realizing it was already 4 in the afternoon, time flew by and we didn't realize it

"I have to go, Takemicchi... Mikey asked me to meet" — Draken spoke as he showed me his cell phone, Mikey had sent him a message

"Will the two of them be okay alone?"

"*Sigh*... don't worry, we'll just talk" — Draken spoke with a serious tone

"… I get it…"

"Okay, see you" — he said goodbye as he turned around

"Oh! wait!"

"Uhm…now what do you want?" Draken asked curiously, I smiled as I stood in front of Draken.

"Just this once I won't kill you for making Emma-chan cry..." — I spoke coldly as I stared into Draken's eyes and kept my smile — "But there won't be a second time..." — I added while letting out my killing intent

Draken's face had paled a bit as he sensed my killing intent, the boy nodded frantically as sweat ran down his face.

"That's great" — I smiled as I patted his shoulder —"I'm going home, see you later" — I said goodbye to the stunned Draken who only stared at me as I walked away —'it's the best I can do for now, I shouldn't put pressure on them or it could make the conflict worse' — I thought as I calmly skated towards my house

Now all that remained was to discover who would be the bastard that would stab Draken, according to Osanai the culprit was a member of ToMan, I have two possible suspects

One would be Peh, number two of the third squad, I have noticed him very angry about Pah's arrest, and seeing that Draken opposes Pah's release from prison, he may hold a grudge against him, the boy is very impulsive, he could end up doing something stupid

And the other would be Kiyomasa, while walking with Draken we ran into him along with his group, and although he greeted Draken with a smile on his face, the bastard emanated a strong killing intent

I guess he must resent Draken for treating him like crap in front of all those guys when they shut down the underground fight club he ran

The idiot has too big an ego and Draken crushed him like nothing, I must be furious right now, but since he knows he has no chance of beating Draken in a fight he stays quiet

'Uhm... now that I think about it... Draken and Mikey didn't intervene when Akkun and the boys were Kiyomasa's slaves, the fight club continued until I fled the city... that day they must have seen how they beat Takuya until he was almost dead and they did nothing ... Tch!... Did they only intervene because Mikey found me interesting?... that pisses me off'


Someone shouting my name took me out of my thoughts, I smiled when I saw that it was Akkun and the boys, they were all riding their bikes.

"Where have you been, Takemichi? We've been looking for you" — Akkun spoke as he stopped in front of me.

"Out there, hanging out" - I answered while greeting him

"We went to look for you at your house, but no one opened, is your mom still traveling?" Takuya asked.

"*Sigh*...she went out with some friends...she hasn't been home much lately"

"That sucks, my old man is the same" — Yamagishi spoke with a depressed tone

"Mine keeps bugging me with the idea of me becoming a monk" — Makoto growled in annoyance.

We all let out a big sigh, no one in this small group has a normal family, in fact, I've noticed that all the gang members I know are the same, what a fucking adult this world has

"Let's forget about the depressing stuff for now, Takemichi, do you want to come play soccer with us?" Akku asked.

"Sounds good, but first I want to eat something, I'm starving"

"You invite?" Yamagishi asked with a smile.

"Hum... I guess just this once" — I muttered with annoyance.

"Hahaha, you're the best" — they all spoke at the same time with a smile

I sighed as I began to walk towards the nearest restaurant, the boys began to follow me while they told me what they had done during these days that I have not gone to school

I managed to convince the principal to let me skip school whenever I want, the photo I have saved on my phone of him leaving a Shibuya hotel with a pretty girl from the gallant life had a lot to do with his decision

"I heard that you fought against Moebius" — asked Takuya


"Really…wow, how did you manage to make it out alive?" Akkun asked with a surprised voice.

"Osanai wasn't a big deal..." —I answered with a mocking smile as I remembered that idiot —'That idiot still lacks a lesson, being stabbed is not enough'

"So that rumor that you knocked Osanai to the ground with just two punches, is it true?" asked a surprised Yamagishi.

I nodded as I entered the restaurant, we looked for a free table and sat down, each one ordered what they wanted to eat, fortunately no one abused my kindness too much and they asked for a cheap meal, I sighed with relief, my wallet was not massacred

Minutes later our food arrived, my stomach growled at the sight of the delicious Katsudon that was placed in front of me.

"Is it true that Kiyomasa-kun's squad leader was arrested?" Makoto asked.

"Yeah... Pah was sentenced to two years in prison for stabbing Osanai, luckily that bastard didn't die, or Pah would be locked up for 5 years or more" — I answered before taking a big bite of my food.

"Damn, I didn't think that fight was so scary" — Takuya muttered while frowning

"Uhm... that's what usually happens in gang fights... " — I spoke seriously while looking at all the boys

They frowned upon hearing me, and silence fell at the table when everyone seemed to be immersed in their thoughts, for my part I continued to devour my food.

"Hey, did you guys find out?" Yamagishi spoke, drawing everyone's attention.

"About what?" Makoto asked.

"Apparently the day Moebius was defeated by ToMan eight members were brutally beaten, I heard that seven are still in a coma" — Yamagishi told us with evident fear in his voice

"You knew it, Takemichi?" — Akku asked me.

"The day I went with Draken to visit Pah we found out, apparently they were the guys who raped Pah's friend's girlfriend" — I answered while I continued eating

"So the ones who beat up those guys were the ToMan guys?" Makoto asked.

"No...according to my contacts, those bastards were about to abuse two other girls, but then a guy came and saved them, then he gave them the beating of his life, I even found out that they cut off his balls" — Yamagishi replied while trembled

"Ugh!... that's really cruel" — Makoto spoke while covering his balls

"It's true, but... they deserved it" — Akkun murmured

We continued talking as we finished our meal, after finishing we left the restaurant and went to where we normally play soccer and spent the rest of the afternoon playing

When it was eight o'clock at night everyone went home, with skateboard in hand I walked calmly towards my house, I was exhausted, I was planning to take a shower and then throw myself into bed and sleep

"You finally show up, Takemicchi!!"

Mitsuya's voice took me out of my thoughts, I was surprised to see him standing in front of my house, the short-haired boy had an annoyed look while sitting on his motorcycle.

"Mitsuya, what brings you here?" I asked while looking for my keys.

"Let's go to the temple, Mikey asked me to take you with me, there's a meeting" — Mitsuya replied with a serious tone while offering me a helmet

"Uhm... I don't want to, I'm sleepy" — I walked by his side as I headed for the door

"Huh?...Takemicchi, wait!" — Mitsuya got off his motorcycle and ran after me —"Come on friend, do you want Mikey to kill us?" - he mumbled annoyed as he shook me.

"Kill me? Just for not going to a meeting" — I asked curiously

"Eh!...of course not, but surely he throws a tantrum if you don't go, you already know him"

"*sigh*... ok... let's go" — I answered reluctantly while accepting the helmet and putting it on

"Great, come on, we're running late" — Mitsuya spoke as he walked towards his motorcycle

I threw my skateboard into the garden and followed Mitsuya, I took a look at his bike before getting on it, this was a Suzuki GSX400F Impulse, a good motorcycle, on this one it had the ToMan logo, it also had some stickers of the band logo The Rolling Stones and Red Hot Chili Peppers

"I see you have good musical taste" — I praised while giving a big yawn

"Hehehe thanks" — Mitsuya muttered before starting the engine

With good speed he headed towards the temple where the gang meetings usually take place.

"And why the meeting? any fight?" — I asked curiously, Mitsuya was silent before letting out a big tired sigh.

"... I don't know... I just hope it's not what I'm imagining" — Mitsuya answered with a depressed tone.

"*Sigh*... me too" — I muttered with annoyance —'Could it be that both boys misinterpreted my words and both decided to send everything to hell? ... could be a possibility... if that happens and ToMan goes to hell I wouldn't mind at all, after all it was because of this gang that several innocent people died in the future... this would be the best...' — I thought coldly while enjoyed the ride at high speed

A few minutes later we arrived at the temple, the parking lot was full of motorcycles, apparently all the members of ToMan were summoned.

"Mitsuya, Takemicchi, what the hell did you take so long for?" Draken asked in an annoyed voice as he watched us go up the stairs.

"Ask Takemicchi that" — answered Mitsuya with annoyance

"Hah! ...well it doesn't matter" — he murmured as I walked among the boys until I stood in front of everyone —"THE MEETING IS ABOUT TO BEGIN!!" He yelled drawing everyone's attention.

In summary, the meeting tried to inform what happened the day that Pah stabbed Osanai, he informed everyone of the consequences of that act, which was the arrest of Pah and his sentence of two years in prison, and most importantly, it was decided that Pah would not be released from prison

This surprised everyone, various arguments started all over the place, but before they escalated they were silenced by a Draken yell.

"I understand everyone's discontent... I also thought the same... I thought that if I didn't get Pah out of prison it was as if I were abandoning him, but I was wrong... I was just being selfish... he made his decision and I will respect it" — Mikey spoke in a voice high

A small silence formed after Mikey spoke, the boys seemed to assimilate their leader's decision, some seemed satisfied, but others still seemed doubtful.

"Is there anyone who is still against the commander's decision?" — Draken asked aloud as he stood next to Mikey — "If that's the case, come forward and we'll listen to your complaints."

After a few minutes no one raised their voice, this surprised me a bit since I've been watching Peh and the boy doesn't seem happy with Mikey's decision, if so, why hasn't he raised his voice?

'… Kiyomasa is looking at Draken with a lot of rancor…' — I thought as I turned to see the boy who was my attacker —'Shit… my body trembles unconsciously just looking at him'

I clenched my fists and closed my eyes trying to calm the growing fear that Kiyomasa's gaze was causing me, I was confused, the original was sleeping right now, so why was I afraid, this did not happen when I faced the Moebius bastards

'*Sigh*… damn Takemichi, you inherited your damn trauma to me' — I thought with annoyance as I turned away avoiding Kiyomasa's gaze.

"Since no one has anything to say, this matter is terminated... so there is no reason for us to fight among ourselves" — Draken spoke making the entire gang nod.

"Okay…When Pah is released, we'll have a big party!!" Mikey yelled with a big smile.


All the ToMan boys screamed with excitement upon hearing their leader, the internal conflict was over.

'So ToMan is still standing…*sigh*…I guess this is fine, now we just need to prevent Draken from being stabbed…' — I thought with annoyance as I sat on the stairs

"THE MEETING IS OVER!" Draken yelled.

The boys nodded and began to descend the stairs, the tense atmosphere had completely disappeared, I even heard several ToMan members apologizing to each other, everything seemed to be over.

'Peh and Kiyomasa…it's possible that one of them would stab Draken…shit, my body shakes just thinking about that idiot'

When I looked up most of the boys had left, I only saw Draken, Mikey and Mitsuya chatting

"I see that they finally made up, couple of idiots" — I muttered as I approached the boys

"I suppose so" — answered Draken with a slight smile

" You're the idiot" — Mikey growled as he pouted — "By the way Takemicchi, have you decided to join us yet?" Mikey asked with a smile.

"I'll think about it" - I answered lazily

"Hey! Not yet? Come on Takemicchi, just say yes" — Mikey murmured as he shook me

"I already said I'll think about it" - I murmured again while yawning

"You're weird, there are several guys who would like to join ToMan" — Draken spoke with a bored voice

"On the other hand, you refuse" — added Mitsuya with an amused tone.

"Well... I already have a dream too" — I murmured as I remembered the dream from the original —"Anyway, Mikey, Draken, have you apologized to Emma-chan yet?" I asked coldly as I looked at the two boys.

Both boys straightened up when they heard me, I frowned when they didn't answer me.

"I… I'll apologize tomorrow" — Draken murmured.

"I'll do it when I get home" — Mikey spoke with a nervous smile.

"I hope so..." - I narrowed my eyes causing both boys to nod nervously.

Next to him was a surprised Mitsuya, he looked at me with some astonishment while he gave me an amused smile.

"*Sigh* the way, I heard that there will be a festival on August 3rd, I'll invite Hina, Draken, you should do the same with Emma-chan" — I spoke while yawning

"Huh? Why the hell should I?" Draken growled.

"You owe her, you made her cry, be a man and assume your responsibility" - I said with a demanding tone

"Tch! ... it's fine" — Draken muttered with annoyance

"I'm going too" — Mikey spoke with a smile

"Uhm... no problem for me" — I murmured while yawning again —"Mitsuya, will you join us?"

"I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea, I could take Mana and Luna" — Mitsuya muttered as he touched his chin.

"Oh!... do you have two girlfriends? Not bad, Mitsuya" — I spoke with a mocking tone

"Of course not, they're my little sisters" — Mitsuya replied with a small smile

"Anyway, let's go Mitsuya, I want to sleep now, see you later, you couple of idiots" —I said as I went down the stairs

"YOU ARE THE IMBECILE!!" - shouted an annoyed Mikey

I went down slowly while sinking into my thoughts, I didn't like the reaction my body had when I saw Kiyomasa, I knew that my fusion with the original could bring me some inconvenience, but I didn't think they were that big.

'Scared… who would have thought that I would feel it again…*sigh*…no matter how many times you come back, I will always beat you' — I thought while smiling determinedly

"Uhm... what's wrong Takemichi?" asked Mitsuya while driving at a good speed.

"Nothing important" — I answered with a bored voice — "so you have little sisters?" I asked curiously

"Yes, there are two... Mana and Luna, they are a terrifying pair of girls" — Mitsuya spoke with a soft voice

"hehe… I bet so"

"By the way, I wanted to thank you for stopping those two… none of us captains could stop them from fighting… how did you do it?" he asked curiously

"Nothing special, I just told you what none of you dare to tell you..."

"Huh... what do you mean?"

"... I was only honest with my opinion..." — I answered with a serious tone

"I see...thank you Takemicchi...if it wasn't for you, ToMan would have gone to hell"

"It's no big deal…"

"Modest huh?" He murmured with a smile.

We chatted a bit while we got to my house, Mitsuya was a nice guy, I would say that he is just as mature as Draken, I wonder what happened to have that mentality at his age, I said goodbye to him and went into my house, I wasn't lying When I said that I was dying of sleep, I just threw myself on my bed and fell asleep immediately.

end of chapter













I'm sorry for the delay, but God f War came out and as a faithful follower of the saga I had to play it until I got 100% out of the game...

By the way, have you read the end of TR's manga?... Damn, who would say that the story that I've been following since it began has already finished... I honestly don't know what to say about its end, on the one hand, I like to see that the characters that I like have had a happy ending, but... those last two chapters were an insult to the whole story... *sigh*... what a fucking ending...

Anyway, life goes on, see if I can finish my version of this story, my free time is getting smaller and smaller, it sucks growing up…