Chapter 19 The Ultimate Secret

 We walked over and saw a person lying in front of the old woman from a distance.

  "Little brother?" An ominous thought flashed through my heart, and then I felt it was impossible. It wasn't that he wasn't here, it was that he couldn't be here.

  The man was completely encased in black mud goo, surrounded by a few vine-like things. The fat man tore them off, revealing three bronze chains.

  It was these three chains that fixed the man here, and he was not washed out along the mud.

  The man was curled up and looked very fat, and he didn't know if it was a real person.

  "What's the matter? Is there really a god of diarrhea?" Fatty said, "Did you die here after diarrhoea collapsed?"

  "You mean those things were produced by this person just now? Then how long did he work diligently to pull it."

  "Haven't you heard a song? I want to play another five hundred years." Fatty said. Zhang Haixing sighed and looked at the ceiling, obviously speechless to us.

  Fatty said: "Old sister, don't do this, these one-liners not only won't hurt our professional skills, but they can also liven up the atmosphere."

  "Stop talking nonsense, let's see what it is." Zhang Haixing said, "Aren't you tired like talking about cross talk?"

  "Yi Gao people are bold." The fat man glanced at Zhang Haixing and me, reached out and touched the man.

  The man's surface didn't have any depressions, it was hard, and he could feel the fat man's hand exerting strength, but there was no change.

  "It's petrified." Fatty said, obviously relieved, "It won't be alive, even if it is alive, it can't move, we can pee on him."

  "Are you sure? Maybe it's the Vajra gourd baby." My heart was about to jump to my throat, and I pressed myself to speak witty.

  "If the King Kong Gourd Baby is dreaming, we can tell by looking at his face. If we are dreaming, I hope it is Astro Boy." The fat man also said, making a move of tearing off something on his face, but the action belongs to the action. , Fatty and I glanced at each other and didn't reach out. Zhang Haixing looked at us both: "Are you fucking interesting? Do you want to go back and have a couple of mouthfuls of milk to strengthen the courage to come back again?"

  Fatty grabbed her hand: "If this is the place of God, then the glory of unveiling the veil of God must belong to Fatpa, I follow Xiao Tianzhen and often lose money, and now I can't even lose the honor. get out of the way for me."

  "Stop talking nonsense, just stay there. Auntie won't give you honor." Zhang Haixing said angrily.

  Fatty made an absolutely non-negotiable expression and stared at Zhang Haixing for a long time.

  Zhang Haixing was too lazy to be poor with him, so she retracted her hand, and the fat man took a sip, and said in his mouth, "You better be the Seven Fairies, or Chang'e, or the Weaver Girl."

  I thought to myself, according to the fat man, this is definitely not a god, because the diarrhea god will not stay in his excretory organs, it is at most a roundworm in the rectum. As soon as the thought crossed my mind, I knew I was too nervous, and my mind was forcing my mind to wander.

  After reading for a long time, the fat man slowly began to tear the black mud from the man's body.

  The mud on his face was ripped off at once. After pulling it apart, he took a photo with a flashlight. Under the torn area, there was a white group of bones.

  Fatty continued to pick up, and soon, a strange face appeared in front of us.

  It is not a stone or a fossil, but something like jade, a translucent white jade with many black veins showing through it.

  Around the face, there are many cobweb-like things entangled. We flipped the flashlight and found that these things were petrified, but with force, those things would shatter, and they were not very strong.

  The surface of the face was severely cracked and angular, and it was an old man. The clothes on the neckline were all rotten, and they should have been washed away by the mud just now. Now only some fibers are left, and some Tibetan silverware that is not very perishable is still on the body.


  "No, it's a cocoon." Zhang Haixing said, and suddenly she started to tear off all the black mud from the person's body.

  Soon, a translucent human body appeared in front of us. Miraculously, we found that the clothes on his body were still intact.

  It was a leather jacket soaked in mud and hardened.

  "Are you a Tibetan?"

  "No, it's a Han Chinese." Zhang Haixing lit another cigarette and tore off an ornament from the man's neck—a jade pendant. She handed it to me, and I could tell it was Han Chinese.

  "Can you tell what age?" I asked. The style of the jade pendant is very simple, and there are not too many details for me to judge.

  Zhang Haixing shook his head and said, "It's useless to know what age it is, even if you know who he is."

  "OK, let me summarize. In this bronze door, there is a Han corpse tied to the ground with iron chains. Is this the ultimate that your patriarch said? This ultimate is a little weak."

  "No, this person must be an outsider. You see, the bronze iron chain is real iron, and then driven into the ground to fix it, we have to take a closer look."

  He looked completely alone, and he was curled up in a natural posture. He was very fat. The fat of the whole person fell to the ground, but it was hard when pressed.

  "There is actually a person sloughing here." Zhang Haixing said, shining his flashlight on the jade man's chest. We found that all the black batting lines all converged into a black mass on the chest.

  "Do you know what this is?" I asked her in surprise.

  "I came well prepared, and I don't completely know what we can see. This is corpse jade. It's a strange jade that people's corpses petrify into under certain circumstances. We have opened many more than three Some similar situations will be found in ancient tombs of ten centuries. This kind of corpse jade has evolved for a long time and needs a very stable environment. In other words, it is a specific environment that makes the corpse petrify very, very fast, even It can maintain the basic form of the corpse. It's just that most of the corpse jade will wrap the corpse in it. This one is very special. I have never seen this kind of whole corpse become like this."

  "I seem to have seen it before." I had a flash in my heart, but I couldn't remember when I saw such a thing. "Then why is this thing here?"

  "We can't know this, I only know that in our family's records, there seems to be something forming in the chest cavity of all the corpse jade. Look at these black cotton wool, all the corpse jade we have seen before, these cotton wool are scattered. In the corpse, but there are signs of accumulation in the chest cavity. In this case, the cotton wool is almost concentrated in the chest cavity. This corpse jade should be very old. Come, let's knock on its chest cavity and see See what's inside." She took out her mountaineering pick.

  The fat man was on the other side of the corpse and waved to her: "Don't knock, you come to see me. It's already broken." He lifted the corpse vigorously and let us see the back of the corpse. Those cobweb-like things shattered all at once, and crumbs fell down.

  The weight of the corpse does not seem to be heavy. He supported it by himself. We saw a large hole on the back of the corpse, which was full of black jade slag. Fragments are still under the corpse, and the chest cavity can be seen to be empty.

  "It's empty, nothing, maybe just a natural phenomenon."

  "It's not what you think." Zhang Haixing's expression changed, "Could it be that something ran out of the body?"


  "I don't know, but that thing must be in the mud just now, it was washed outside." Zhang Haixing said.

  "Not necessarily." The fat complexion also changed suddenly, he pointed the flashlight to the side of the cave, and pulled the gun off.

  I remembered how he felt just now and started to hold the gun.

  When we turned back, we immediately saw where Fatty was looking before. A black shadow appeared in the dim darkness. This thing was in a half-hunched state, shrinking in the darkness, and seemed to be looking at us.