Chapter 20 The Incomprehensible Riddle

  "Who is it?" Fatty shone his flashlight directly, and it came out at once. On the bronze ground on one side, something rose.

  That thing is like a pillar, about the thickness of the mouth of a bowl, and about half the height of a person. It is engraved with very, very complex patterns. The fineness of the patterns on this pillar is even more delicate than that on the surrounding walls. times.

  On either side of the column, there are two wing-like things hanging from the top of the column, also bronze.

  "A flying stick?" said the fat man.

  "Is there any mechanism under here?" I tapped the ground, and the fat man walked towards the stick. After walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped and pointed the flashlight in another direction.

  In that direction of his light another pillar of the same appeared.

  He turned the flashlight little by little, and we found that with this corpse as the center, every four or five steps, a pillar rose up, forming a circle around the corpse.

  "What the hell are these?" The three were silent for a while, and the fat man muttered to himself again, "I have to say, this is a bit boring."

  "This is the bracket." Zhang Haixing said, "Originally, this body should be covered with something like a cover. It should be something we triggered, and these pillars rose to push the cover up. But where did the cover go? "

  "Yeah, it's empty here. Fat Master, I'm most afraid of empty places, and I won't even pick up a drop."

  "What did we trigger?" I was still concerned about this. "Our weight triggers it?"

  "Maybe the disc under our feet has a design that can feel the weight change, and then we walk up and the mechanism is activated."

  "Try it," I said, making a gesture at them, and all three of us backed out of the disc.

  Sure enough, after hesitating for a moment, the surrounding pillars slowly and silently descended into the ground.

  Zhang Haixing squatted down, looked at the edges where the pillars were joined to the ground, and said, "The gaps are cleverly hidden in the patterns. Do you think there will be many such mechanisms in this room?"

  "You mean, there's something in these walls?"

  "Otherwise don't you think this place is very empty?" Zhang Haixing said.

  I sighed, and if a place appears to be empty, it means there is something hidden in the walls here. This statement seems a bit self-deceiving.

  But if there is really nothing, is the little brother also like this bird after entering the bronze door? Then doesn't he stare at these iron walls in a daze every day?

  What a horrible way of life.

  Maybe. This is really the case. The so-called ultimate is nothing. An empty room, the end of everything, is nothing. So all the things we imagined before are nothing but our own delusions.

  All things belong to yin and yang, yin and yang return to chaos, and chaos finally returns to absolute nothingness.

  I took a deep breath, and if that's the case, we've lost to a philosophical concept.

  No, it can't be like this, so many things have happened, it can't be like this, and the stuffy oil bottle is not such a squeamish person.

  At this time, the fat man said: "Naive, I remember you told me that your grandfather has a prerequisite for considering problems, which is a purpose. Everyone does something with a purpose."

  I nodded, this is a phrase my grandfather used to say.

  "Then you say, what is the purpose of this place?" Fatty said.

  "Don't listen to some unfounded truth, many ancients did things without a purpose." Zhang Haixing said, "Everything here may be completely willful or even superstitious."

  "The so-called willfulness and superstition have a reason, and the reason is the purpose itself. This is not without foundation." I said, "Fatty is right, especially for such a complex pattern carving, there must be a reason. , we can think from this direction." I touched these patterns, and suddenly my mind flashed, thinking of my previous experience in Qinling.

  "Direction thinking, direction, direction." I turned my head and asked Fatty, "Did I say these four words just now?"

  "Yes." Fatty said, "What's wrong, have an idea?"

  "Is there a kettle?" I asked Fatty.

  The fat man handed me his water bottle, I unscrewed it and poured all the water on the ground, and the fat man screamed that there was only so much left. I didn't have time to pay attention to him, I lay down on the ground and flashed my flashlight, watching all the water seep into the crevices, and began to flow down the crevices little by little, blooming like a flower on the floor full of crevices.

  The fat man looked at me in surprise and asked me, "How did you think of it?"

  "I've seen something like this," I said. "The water spreads out in these fine lines, preferably in a pattern."

  The three of us stood in a triangle and watched as the water flow was directed around by a strange force, the pattern getting more and more complex and weirder.

  After more than ten minutes, the direction of the water flow gradually stopped, and an indescribable complex pattern appeared in front of us.

  The three of us stood on the three corners of the pattern and looked down at the shape. After a full half hour of silence, the fat man said, "Is this a grass and mud horse?"

  I looked at it, my eyes almost flying, and then I sighed in frustration. It's true, this shape is nothing, but it really looks very much like an alpaca.

  If this shape is the answer, then we don't get any hints, and the problem is more complicated.

  "If we're talking to God, obviously we're interrupting God's nap," I said.

  "One more time, in the same place." Zhang Haixing said, "I see that the trajectory of these water movements is very smooth. I don't think it is accidental. Your method should be correct. Let's do it again in the same place. If it still forms in the end With such a pattern, the grass and mud horse must also have meaning. It doesn't matter."

  We waited for the water in the lines on the ground to slowly dry up. When the water was completely dry, Zhang Haixing took out her water bottle and poured it down again in the place where I poured the water.

  The water is still in the same state just now, and it quickly spreads in all directions along the lines like flowers.

  This time, the shape formed like an upside-down hairy egg.

  "God to sleep again, he told us to get fucked." Fatty said, "Why don't we wait until he wakes up."

  Completely different patterns, indicating that the flow of water is random. I pinched between my brows, squatted down and smoked, thinking I was really ashamed.

  This place is like a completely incomprehensible riddle. The riddle only has the word "Ultimate", without any direction of thinking or any hint, and there is no place for even any connection.

  It's like if you lead someone to a beach and tell them two words: Luzhu. Then walked away. The people here either look for sauerkraut on the beach, or they will come to a lot of advanced but Shinto conclusions: For example, there is nothing on the beach, but I have sauerkraut in my heart, so it is the same as if I have sauerkraut. .

  Zhang Haixing still didn't believe in evil, she said: "It's strange, but the water flows so smoothly in these patterns, it must be set up to guide the liquid."

  "Maybe it's not water, maybe it's just pouring wine, so the fat man said that it was very wise to bring some burning knives at that time. You pedantic people, regret it." The fat man poured his own Kettle: "Don't pour it, naive, we don't have any water. When something happens, we'll just drink each other's urine."

  "It's not water." I frowned, suddenly remembering the analysis after seeing those patterns in Qinling, and took a breath.

  "Not with water." I pulled out the dagger from my waist, "with blood."

  My movements were fast, and before Fatty could even react to it, he had already cut a hole in his hand.

  I have seen my brother cut his hands, and I have a lot of experience with this. The place where the little brother cuts his palm is the part where the snow flows the fastest and most easily, but it is easy to stop the bleeding.

  I paddled. It took two or three minutes to feel the pain. At this time, the blood had dripped onto the ground, and it began to spread along the lines like water.

  Moreover, this time, the speed was much faster than the water flow, and the blood quickly penetrated out of the pattern, like tiny tentacles, probing outwards.

  "The density of blood is different, and these patterns are specially designed for blood guidance." I said, "This time, I can't go wrong."

  "Fuck, go to the wall." Fatty said, the flashlight shone on the wall, and countless bloodshots started to climb up along the wall. With me as the center, the blood kept finding its own path, forming various patterns in these patterns. different paths, drawing a huge pattern.

  "That's right!" I secretly said, squeezing my palm tightly to squeeze out the blood again.

  "Do you want to stop the bleeding first?" Zhang Haixing asked, looking at my hand.

  I felt a little chilled all over, and I didn't know how much blood I bleed, but I shook my head because I didn't want to fall short. Although these blood threads are very thin, the space here is very large, and I don't know if the blood flowing now is enough.

  Say it to my limit. I wonder.

  "There are a lot of frames." Fatty said, "Your blood has drawn a lot of doors."

  I looked in the direction the fat man pointed, and when I moved my foot, my eyes suddenly darkened, and I passed out.