Mother Tension

Both the girls standing outside the kitchen, Shefali said, "don't say a single word at this time because aunt's mood is not good".

Sara releases her hand from Shefali's grip and says while chewing Kairi, "ahh! it's too sour, from where did you take this Kairi?"

"I have plucked them from the garden of the Buddhist temple", Shefali said.

"What! no one saw you, how you always escape from the eyes of Gardner, it's always impossible for me"

Shefali comes close to Sara's face and says in a whispering voice, "it's a secret trick baby you never understand".

"Whatever trick you used I am not interested in your secret trick, give me another slice".

"No babes, if you want to eat Kairi in this beautiful summer, go and pick it up from yourself".

Shefali puts another slice of Kairi in her mouth and goes outside, Sara goes behind her and said, "please my sweetie, cutie baby give me one bite".

"No, no--"

Sara murmurs to herself," you are disgusting, you are the witch of hell, you don't deserve to be called my sister".

Shefali answered from the outside of the house in a louder, "I hear everything that you said, my witch sister".

"you are a witch of the witches, never care about my emotions".

Shefali smiled, and reply to Sara, "same to you my witch sister, and all the words you said about me back to you not back to me".

Sara became irritated, clenched both her fists, and hit the door, "Ahh, Shefali one day I will kill you in summer and the reason behind it is a slice of Kairi, you always make me angry by doing this".

On the other side, in the kitchen, Sara's mother sat down on the floor and put both her hands on her head, speaking to herself, " God gives me patience these two girls are driving me crazy day by day, how the father of those two girls went away and stealing their responsibility on me, how I handle these girls nonsense?, how do I take care of these two, one is madly in love with another country hero, and she sees nothing but that hero, and every other day someone does some big drama, these two girls make me crazy, but what do I do, these two are my daughter, Shefali's father why do you leave this world and go to another world, Sara's father where have you disappeared? seven years have passed but there is no news from your side".

Sara's mother takes a long breath, gets up from the floor, and comes to her room, changing her clothes and coming outside of the house, outside of the house, Sara plays with her puppy, and Shefali plants some beautiful flowers near the house entrance, when Sara's mother sees both the two girls, she spoke without seeing their faces, "I am going to my work, both of you take care of yourself and have breakfast on time".

Sara saw his mother's face and said, "Mom, it's too early, it's 9 o'clock, and haven't even had your breakfast, why are you going too early for your work without taking your breakfast?".

Sara's mother turned his face towards them and give an angry reaction and said, "my stomach is full of crazy talk of you two, both of you are disgusting, God, give me patience so that I can bear the madness of these two, and give me the strength to keep both of these well under control".

Sara's mother leaves for her work while walking fast, Shefali steals her work and stares at Sara.

"What? why are you staring at me? it's not my fault if mom didn't have her breakfast".

" it's your fault sweetie, you are the one who always irritated aunty because of your madness toward Ye Joon".

"Okay, if it's my fault then you are involved in this too, why do you say, I am pregnant, today my baby became three months old", Sara spoke in Shefali's tone.

"it's Ye Joon who is the main reason behind all of the fight that happens in our house every day", Shefali responded by throwing the gardening tools on the ground angrily.

" Not to say a single word to my Ye Joon, I can tolerate everything but won't forgive you if you said anything bad about Ye Joon", Sara got up and answered by turning her eyes red in anger.

"Look, Ye Joon is the main root of the whole problem, you have gone mad, you are mentally disturbed, and you do not see anything other than Ye Joon".

" Yes, I am madly in love with Ye Joon, I'm addicted to Ye Joon love, I am sick of love, but you never understand because you don't love someone with the same passion as me".

" It's not called sweet lovesickness, it's called the mentally disturbed person and you are a mentally disturbed girl, and I don't want to become like you, you need a psychiatrist, not love babes".

Sara angrily stares at Shefali and took up her puppy on her lap and said while going inside the house " I don't even want you to be like me".

Shefali said to herself, "this girl is never going to change her madness keeps on increasing day by day, one day it will make a big bang, I'm sure about it, God gives the girl some brain to this stupid crazy girl".

------Buddha Temple

Sara's mother approaches the Buddha Temple gate and sees madam Seo Yeon talking to her fellow disciple, Sara's mother is madam Seo Yeon's assistant for two years, and stays with her from 10 in the morning till 7 in the evening and Seo Yeon is the leader of all the disciple in Buddha Temple for 7 years.

When Seo Yeon saw Sara's mother, she smiled and said, "Oh Shobha, you have come very early today, it is not even 9:30".

Shobha also smiles seeing Seo Yeon and reached out to her and said to her that " I got up early and all the morning drama was going on at home, so I come to you if you have any work then tell me".

"There is no work right now, I am going to the mango Orchard if you want you also walk with me and see how many mangoes are on the trees"

"Ok madam let's go", Shobha replied with her head down.

Both start going towards the mango orchard when they reached the garden, Shobha said happily after seeing the mango tree full of mangoes "madam this year are more mangoes than last year".

"Yes, Shobha Lord Buddha's grace is on all of us", Seo Yeon replied with a smile, The two walked around the garden for a while, then return to Seo Yeon's quarter.