Farm House

Shobha reaches home at night and when she comes to the main entrance the door was unlocked, she pushed the door and comes inside the house she sees Sara busy on her mobile lying on the sofa in the hall, and Shefali is busy watching T.V., she comes into the hall and keeps her bag on the table hall, looked at both of them with narrowed eyes, she said, "both of you eat something during the day, or have you been busy with TV and mobile since morning?".

Shefali looked back at Shobha and slow the volume of the TV she give a faint smile and said, "aunty, you have come home".

"Yes, I have come home, I am asking whether you both have eaten anything since morning or are you only engaged in TV and mobile", Shobha asked while taking off her shoes.

" Yes, I made lunch in the afternoon and both of us ate the lunch", Shefali answered looking at Shobha.

When Sara did not give any response to her mother and was still busy with her mobile then Shobha said in a little bit loud voice, "you are listening, who are always lost in the dream world, I have come home".

Sara removed her face from the mobile, she looked at her mother standing in front she said with a smile, "I am listening to you mom, you have come home, I helped Shefali to cook food in the afternoon and I have eaten food too, anything else you want to know".

" No, don't want to know anything else, I know you are busy in your dream world but at least ask your mother for a glass of water your mother has returned from work tired".

Sara looked at Shefali and said in surprise" have you not given water to mom yet?".

Shefali got up from the couch and said while going from the hall to the kitchen, "do you ever give water to aunt?"

Sara's mother sits on the chair and then casts a glance at Sara and then looks at her mobile, she sighed Sara hides her mobile beside her and said looking at her mother's face, "I am sorry mom, I didn't even know about your arrival".

"No, it's ok, I am fine, I feel now that Shefali is my real daughter", she answered back with a sad reaction.

" I am sorry mom", Sara said with a smile as she leaned back on the sofa.

"No it's ok I am alright, be busy in your dream world, but remember one thing it is good to like something but dreaming day and night of the same thing which you can never get is not good manners".

At the same time, Shefali takes a glass of water from the kitchen and gives it to Shobha, she takes the glass and started sipping water faster as if she is thirsty for a long time and after that Shefali sits down on the sofa to start watching TV again, Shobha said after drinking the water, "both of you should be ready by 8 O'clock, we have to go out".

" Where to go?", Shefali looked back at Shobha and asked in surprise.

"Ah, I forgot to tell both of you there is Mehra sir who has a big farmhouse we have to go to his farmhouse just a short distance from here".

"Mom why do we have to go to that big farmhouse", Sara asked.

"The wedding of the daughter of Mehra sir is the day after tomorrow and today he has many guests so he has ordered us to make bread for the guests, its a best opportunity to us we can make some extra money from this, so from tomorrow we will go to his farmhouse and do our best services with full of concentration so that makes Mehra sir happy".

Sara became sad she did not like the proposal so she said to her mom, "why do you go to these weddings and do part-time work of making bread, it is better that you do something else".

Shefali who was sitting in front of her, quickly looked back at her, "shut up Sara! you have a problem with everything except Ye Joon, ever do any work without any objection, if you don't like Auntie part-time job so from the next time if you need money don't ask her, you will manage with yourself".

" I do everything with happiness, but you know that making bread hurts my hand, last time when mom took an order, I had pain in my hand from a weak, that's why I was saying".

"Okay it's enough now both of you shut up, there is always a debate going on in this house, by 8'Oclocks we have to go to Mehra sir farmhouse tomorrow both of you be ready", Shobha replied a little bit annoying, she gets up from the chair and goes to her room, and after a while, she changed her dress and come out from the room, Sara and Shefali both of them was still sitting on the couch, Shobha looked at them, " what will you two eat for the dinner?".

Sara replied with a smile," I will eat whatever you make".

Shefali got up from the sofa and said while going toward Shobha, "I will help you in making dinner".

Shobha didn't say anything she goes straight to the kitchen and Shefali also goes behind her.


In the morning Shobha comes out of her room and calls to Sara and Shefali, "if you two are ready then come out quickly now we should leave".

Sara's voice comes from inside the room, " yes mom, both of us are ready we are coming in just two minutes".

Sara and Shefali come out and both along with their mother go to Mehra farmhouse when all three of them reach the farmhouse the guard takes them to the kitchen and the cook takes out all the bread-making items for them after which the work of making bread starts.