Flight To Korea

Clothes were scattered all over the bed, some clothes spread randomly on the ground below and the door of the wardrobe was opened and Sara was sitting among the clothes on the bed, opening the big luggage in front of her and placing the clothing one by one, a smile spread across her face.

Just then Shefali enters the room, she is shocked to see the whole wardrobe of things scattered in the room, first, her eyes go to the clothes lying on the ground after that she sees Sara and then towards the wardrobe, she shouted with anger, "Sara!".

Sara raised her head and looked at Shefali," What!, why are you screaming?".

Shefali pointed to the clothes lying on the ground she said, "what are all these doing on the floor, their place is in the wardrobe".

Sara smiled and did not answer back, she folded her clothes again and put them in the suitcase, Shefali brunt into anger, " Did you listen to me? I am asking you".

Sara replied without turning toward Shefali, "You don't see I'm packing my clothes, I have a flight tomorrow, Ah, I am so happy".

Shefali quickly moved toward Sara's bed and sat in front of her, she was still looking at her with anger, Sara stopped folding her clothes and saw Shefali's face," Why are you always in bad temper? what's my fault?".

Shefali said with a growl, "I also had my stuff in the wardrobe, where all these?".

Sara laughed," Ah, sorry, I accidentally took out your clothes along with my but don't worry when I pack all my stuff then I will put your things in the wardrobe".

"Okay, now take your anger away with that red facial expression and show me a beautiful smile, today is my last night with you so both of us should not get into an argument with each other".

Shefali said a little sad," all right, first, you pack your things after that I will set my things", she got up from the bed and started going out, then Sara grabbed her hand from behind, and she turned back, "are you sad about my departure after tomorrow you will have to be alone in this room".

Shefali smiled," No, I am not sad at all, get out of here quickly and I will occupy the whole room"

Sara left Shefali's hand with a jerk," you do not love me, I am leaving from here tomorrow, you must be a little sad".

Shefali laughed, "Oh why should I be sad, you love Ye Joon more than us because of him you are leaving us alone", she shrugged her shoulder.

Then Shobha's voice came from the hall, "both of you come quickly and have dinner".

"Let's go for dinner", Shefali said.

Sara did not answer she folded her clothes again and started putting them in the luggage, Shefali looked at Sara in surprise, " don't you want to walk? or you are not even hungry for the happiness of going to Korea".Sara said without turning back," you go, I will come in a while".

When Shefali came out of the room, Shobha was sitting waiting for both of them, as soon as she saw Shefali, she asked quickly," will not Sara do the dinner".

"She is busy packing her clothes, she will come in a while".

Shobha said in a loud voice," do all the work later, come and have dinner with us first", her eyes were fixed on the door of the room, Sara came out of the room and sat on the chair in front of Shobha after than three started having dinner, and Shobha was continuously asking questions to Sara, "did you keep your warm clothes? are you carrying boots or not? have you kept your sports shoes or not?", and Sara like an obedient girl said " Yes or No", and Shefali would sometimes look at Shobha's face and sometimes Sara's and then smile.

In the quarter Dong Hyun was throwing all his clothes one by one on the bed by opening the wardrobe and Jeong Hoon sat on the chair by the side of the bed, he sometimes looked at his mobile holding in his hand and sometimes looked at Dong Hyun.

Dong Hyun took out the clothes from the wardrobe he said, "won't you pack your things?" Jeong Hoon is looking at him," I just don't want to go".

"But why", Dong Hyun was surprised he asked," I just want to be here", Jeong Hoon said.

"But why? you know you can't stay here now, you can't be here for more than a month this is the rule of this place and mom might have a problem if you stay here"

"I know, so I'm looking for hotel rooms around here where I can comfortably stay for a month or two"

Dong Hyun sat on the bed and said a little bit serious," and who will take care of Nara, before coming here you saw how panicked she was, so we appoint two additional nurses for her care".

Jeong Hoon raised her face and looked at Dong Hyun, he said with a serious expression," I know but yesterday I spoke to the nurse, she is fine now and the nurse said that now she goes out of the house too".

"Okay, it's good for Nara to get well soon but tell me why do you want to be here?" Dong Hyun asked.

Jeong Hoon smiled and started looking again at his mobile, Dong Hyun laughed he said, "well I understand why you want to be here".

" What do you understand", Jeong Hoon blushed.

"You didn't want to go now because of Shefali, am I right", Dong Hyun smirked.

" Yes you are right but promise me don't tell this to Auntie", Jeong Hoon said.

"Oh, you want to keep a secret from mom, he smirked.

" It ain't want to keep a secret but I just don't wanna tell her right now" Jeong Hoon chuckled.

"Well you are staying here but when you come to Korea from here then bring Shefali along with you too".

Jeong Hoon blushed, " Okay but you take good care of Nara and remove the two extra nurses when you reached home if she sees so many people in the same house may be her panic attack will start again"

"Yeah, I know I will take care, you don't worry".

Jeong Hoon smiled, " Okay dear friend".

Dong Hyun looked back at him he smiled too and he closed the chain of the bag and put it to the side, he lifted his shoes off the shoe rack and started cleaning the dust on them, "then I'll cancel your ticket".

" It is not needed, I have already cancelled", Dong Hyun giggled he looked back at him, "You are already doing all the planning".

Jeong Hoon smiled, " Yes because I want some happiness in my life I am so tired of being alone".

"By the way, it's a good decision", both laughed.

In The Morning

Dong Hyun woke up in the early morning and he booked a rental car after having breakfast after a while the cab came to the front of the quarter and the driver sounded the horn as if he wanted to say that he had arrived, Dong Hyun came near the main door and looked outside, the driver standing in front of the cab he was looking at the quarter as he wanted to know if he was standing at the exact spot or not when he saw Dong Hyun he smiled and waved his hand, Dong Hyun also smiled back and came to his room indicating to the driver to stop there and started lifting the luggage, then Jeong Hoon came out of the bathroom and after wiping his face with a towel he also picked up the luggage and both came to the car.

Both of them stood near the car their eyes were fixed on the quarter door they waiting for Seo Yeon, after a while Seo Yeon came out of the quarter and stood in front of Dong Hyun, she took his hand and kissed his hand, tears in her eyes and sadness on her face, she cleared her throat and said, " my dear son, I know you are angry with me till today but believe me I did nothing wrong with you, forgive me if still, you think I have done wrong with you".

Dong Hyun said in a serious voice, " mom you forget the old things, I have also forgotten, and now I should leave or else I will be late".

"Okay go, but take care of yourself and whenever you get time remember your mom too", then she kissed his forehead.

" Well, I'll take care of it", he hugged her then Jeong Hoon and quickly opened the back seat door and sat inside and slammed shut the door, the vehicle left the main gate and headed toward Sara's house, Seo Yeon kept looking at the gate for a while after then she looked at Jeong Hoon she said, "which hotel are you going to stay at?"

"There is a local hotel nearby where I have booked a room", Jeong Hoon said.

" Okay, but if there is any problem there then, please let me know", Seo Yeon said looking in front.

"Fine", Jeong Hoon said.

" When will you leave from here?" Seo Yeon asked.

"After breakfast", Jeong Hoon replied.

" Then go and pack your things, I'm going for a walk but before depart, inform me", Seo Yeon walked toward the garden.

Dong Hyun was sitting inside the car and looking out the window with tears in his eyes and thinking about his childhood memory.

"A lady in her late twenties in a full-sleeved white shirt and black jeans stands outside a school gate, her hair is loosely tied in a band she repeatedly keeps hair behind the earlobe and watches on her wristwatch, then the school gate opens and a six-year-old child comes out from Inside the gate as soon as he sees the lady he smiles and runs toward her in a loud voice saying, "Mama", the lady laughs and unfolds her arms and the little child goes and hugs her tightly, she lifts the child in her lap and smiling kisses her on the forehead she said," you are Mama's life, the best child in the world".

Dong Hyun was sitting in the car looking out the window and thinking of his childhood memories, tears began to fall from his eyes, and he thought in his mind, "how did I get so far from you mom? I don't know when I will be able to become the childhood Dong Hyun, I know whatever you did, you did it for my good but I can't forget those nights when I used to cry in your memory alone in the darkroom".

The vehicle stooped in front of Sara's house and he immediately took out a handkerchief from his pants pocket and wiped his tears and asked the driver to blow a horn, he came out of the vehicle took a bottle of water and washed his face and stood near the vehicle.

When Shefali heard the horn she removed the curtains of the window and looked outside, seeing Dong Hyun standing outside she said without turning back" Sara! the car has arrived outside".

Sara picked up her suitcase, she said "then help me in getting my luggage", both came out holdings things in their hands, Dong Hyun looked at both of them smiling, Shefali whispered in Sara's ear" Look! he looks like an actor of Korean drama today, I think you should pay attention to Dong Hyun instead of Ye Joon, he is very handsome and good looking and he likes you too".

Sara stared at Shefali "keep your mouth shut and keep your bullshit suggestion to yourself", both came to the car when Sara look inside the car he asked Dong Hyun " where is Jeong Hoon?"

"He won't go with us" Dong Hyun replied.

Shefali asked in surprise "but why?"

Dong Hyun extended a card toward Shefali he said, "take this and call his number and ask him", Shefali grabbed the card and kept the goods in the car, Sara also kept the things inside the car she turned back and looked towards the house" where is mom?".

"She will be in her room", Shefali said.

Sara looks at Dong Hyun " you just wait for ten minutes, I'm going to say goodbye to Mom".

"Okay, but don't take too long or else it will be late," Dong Hyun said.

Sara came running inside the house and came straight to Shobha's room, Shefali also followed her but she stood outside the room, Shobha was sitting on the bed in her room, she was sad, she had tears in her eyes, Sara came near to Shobha and stood in front of her, she said, "Mom!, you will not come to drop me outside", Shobha got up from the bed and came to Sara, " you go and just take care of yourself and don't forget me".

Sara hugged Shobha tightly, "Mom! how can I forget you, I love you Mom so so much", Shobha smiled and while caressing Sara's hair she said, " I love you too", both of them hugged each other for a while, then Shobha said while removing Sara from herself, "go now or else you will be late", Sara smiles and kisses Shobha's hand," Okay Mom, take care of yourself".

Shobha said with a faint smile, "take care of yourself too", Sara came out of the room, seeing Shefali standing near the entrance, she smiled and grabbed her hand, " you come out with me to say my last goodbye".

Both of them came outside to the vehicle and Sara took out a letter from her jeans pocket and extended it toward Shefali, "I have written this letter for Mom, give her and take care of her", and she immediately hugged Shefali, then Dong Hyun's voice came from the back seat of the car, " hey now hurry up", Sara got tears in her eyes, she lowered her eyes and said, "now I am leaving, take care of yourself, goodbye ", and she hurriedly sat inside the car and with one stroke she closed the door.

The car was running on the road and

both were sitting silently looking out the window after a few hours both reached the airport when both sat on the flight Dong Hyun smiled and looked at Sara he said," you are going to Korea but you are not feeling happy".

Sara said with a faint smile, "no I am happy but leaving my Mom for the first time and going away so I am also sad".

Then there was the announcement on the flight that passengers fasten their seat belts, " Well fasten your seat belt and listen to this music, your mood will be fine", Dong Hyun put headphones

on her ear and said.

Sara smiled, "thank you for taking me with you", Dong Hyun smiled back, and both leaned back on the seat with their eyes closed after a while the flight took off.