Sara's Letter

There was complete silence in the house, Shobha was sitting in her room, and she started thinking about Sara's childhood memories, whenever she would drop off Sara at School, Sara would cry and say "Mom, I don't want to leave you alone", a slight smile was scattered on Shobha's face " and today she left me".

Then the voice came behind her, "Mom!", Shobha wiped her tears and turned back she felt that Sara had returned, " I know that you would never leave me alone", but when she looked in front, Shefali was standing there.

Shefali smiled and sat in front of Shobha, she caressed Shobha's hand and said, "Mom one of your daughters has left you but the second daughter is with you, I'm sorry for my rude behavior, I haven't talked to you properly for so many years and even I don't respect your feeling".

Shobha hurriedly hugged her and tightly hold her in her arms, she started crying loudly, and after a while, Shefali extended Sara's letter to Shobha, " this letter Sara has written for you", she said and got up, she came out and stood outside the door, Shobha opened the letter and started reading, "Mom I know you saddened by my decision but if I had stayed there I would have been sadder than you, forgive me for not being a good daughter of yours, one thing that I could never tell you is that looks like dad is alive, I apologize to you again".

Shobha again started crying loudly holding the letter in her hand, when Shefali heard the sound of crying, she came into the room in a panic, " what happened Mom!, are you okay?", and came to Shobha grabbed her in her arms, "why are you crying so much everything will be better after some days, and Sara will be safe there, now get up we both go outside you need some fresh air".

Shefali came out holding Shobha's hand and both of them started walking outside of the house.

Sara was sleeping with her headphones on, Dong Hyun saw her and slowly started removing the headphones, then Sara woke up.

Dong Hyun smiled and said " good morning beauty of heaven", Sara too smiled and rubbed her eyes she said, " Good morning, have we reached Korea?".

"Not now, but just will reach in a while", he replied.

" I have been sleeping all the way but still I'm sleepy", she said while yawing.

He got closer to Sara's face, "and I kept looking at your lovely face the whole way", Sara said keeping some distance from his face," don't try to flirt with me", he smiled and said, "but why?", Sara answer" because I love Ye Joon so much", he said annoyedly, "you will stay at my house so do what I say".

Sara was surprised and said, " why? are you, my boyfriend?", he immediately said, "No, right now I am your half-boyfriend", " what is the meaning of this half-boyfriend?", she asked quickly, he sat up straight leaning back towards the seat and answered with headphones in his ear, "you will not able to understand my logic".

" Oh hello, I also have a brain to understand your third-grade sense, and by the way, my brain is sharper than yours", Sara kept asking him, "about this logic of yours", but he did not give any answer, he just closed his eyes and kept smiling, Sara said irritably, " hello, I am talking to you", but he did not answer and kept smiling, she angrily picked up her mobile and whispered," go to hell, I am going to see my Ye Joon new drama", Dong Hyun looked with narrowed eyes at her mobile and quickly snatched the phone from Sara's hand as soon as he saw Ye Joon pictures.

Sara looked at him with anger in her eyes, "what are you doing? this is my phone returned it to me", he didn't answer leaning towards the seat with his eyes closed and smiling, Sara lost her patience and she shouted out loud, " you hear me, return my phone to me".

Then the air hostess came near Sara's seat she said politely, "ma'am speak slowly the rest of the passengers will be disturbed", Sara saw the air hostess," I'm so sorry", air hostess give a faint smile, "no problem ma'am".

Dong Hyun opened his eyes and smiled at Sara, Sara giving him a hard punch on the shoulder in full anger and annoyance, " you are deliberately bothering me, oh God give me

the patience to bear this half-mad man".

Then an announcement was made that all passengers should fasten their seat belts and put their phones on flight mode, the flight is about to land soon, Sara came closer to Doing Hyun's face she whispered, "you heard is not, give me my phone", again he didn't answer and first he turned off his phone and then started turning off Sara's phone, but suddenly Sara started trying to snatch her phone but Dong Hyun quickly put the phone in the pocket of his jeans, then again the air hostess came and stood near Sara's seat, on seeing her, Dong Hyun closed his eyes and quickly sat down straight, Sara also sat down straight, when the flight landed she atared at him in anger and stood up from her seat extended her hand in front of Dong Hyun, she said " gove me my phone", he smiled at Sara and stood up and picked up his bag and went on, Sara also took her bag angrily and followed him murmuring "I will take revenge for what you have bothered me so much I will trouble you as you have done with me".

Dong Hyun came out of the airport and upon seeing him a man who is standing in front of him wearing a black suit immediately leaned towards him and said " Good Morning", to him and took his luggage and started keeping it in the car, Dong Hyun asked the man "Seojin! is the Nara Okay? she had never had a panic attack again?

Seojin replied keeping the luggage in the car," till now she was fine but from this morning her health started deteriorating a bit but the nurses gave her medicine and put her to sleep".

"Okay hurry up, we have to go out of here soon", Dong Hyun said.