Contract Sign

Dong Hyun looked back and saw that Sara had not come out yet when he went inside, Sara was happily talking to one of the young boys, making some jokes, and both were laughing, when he saw this he ran to Sara and grabbed her by the side and pulled her towards the exit gate, she screamed"what are you doing? leave my arms", but he did not listen to her and brought her outside and with one stroke he leaves her arms, she stared at him, "what was it? why were you talking to that boy? you both talking like that you've known each other for so many years".

" So what you are jealous and by the way, you come out so quickly that I was confused so I took help from that boy".

"I am not jealous but you take care, not everyone here is like the hero of Korean drama".

Sara did not say anything just stood looking around as if she was waiting for a cab, then Dong Hyun feature to Seojin with his eyes to keep Sara's suitcase in the ber, as Seojin proceeded to take Sara's luggage, she grabbed his hand " where are you taking my bags".

"Let him carry the bags he is Park Seojin, my Secretary and we will go by this car", Dong Hyun pointed to the car parked in front, Sara immediately let go of Seojin's hand and extended her hand towards him, " Hello, I am Sara from India and I love South Korea".

First Seojin started looking at Dong Hyun then he smiles faintly and shakes hands with Sara, she holds his hand tightly for some time when Dong Hyun sees this standing behind he quickly comes to Sara and released Seojin's hand with a jerk "pay attention to keeping bags", and he softly whispered in Sara's ear " he is not Ye Joon, he is my Secretary", she freed her hand from his grip and said, "I shake the hands with whomever I want and stare at whomever I want, who are you to stop me?".

Only then same guy pass in front of whom Sara was talking for a while, she waved his hand when she saw the boy and said " bye", the boy smiled and also waved his hand, Dong Hyun looked at Sara in surprise then he looked at the boy, he opened the mouth to say something but before that Seojin opened the car door and Sara sat inside, Dong Hyun turned back and stared at Sara he said, " here I sit, you ait on the other side seat".

Sara replied rudely, "I have sat here first but if you want to sit here give me my phone first".

He sits on the side seat starting at her without saying a word the car started and after a while, Dong Hyun asks Seojin for a file, Seojin turns back and extended a blue colored file toward him, and Dong Hyun opens the file and smiles as he flips the pages.

She looked at him with narrow eyes and asked " what is written in this file that you are smiling so much", he took his eyes off the file and looked at her and put the file on her lap he said "sign it", she looks at the file in surprise and then glances at him, " are you a smuggler? do you belong to a girl smuggling gang?".

He was shocked, "what! a smuggler, how did this word come into your mind?", she said in surprise," I know that you are associated with the girl's smuggler gang and when I sign this contract you will sell me to the gang too".

He started laughing loudly and she looked at him in surprise after a while he stopped laughing, "I am a smuggler, and I am smuggling you, Seriously!, if I belonged to that type of gang I still wouldn't choose you because you're not that so hot and sexy".

" What!, do you think I am not hot", he nodded, and she said while opening the button of her shirt," I am also hot, how did you say that".

He looked at her in surprise and quickly grabbed her hand by the button on her shirt, "what are you doing? are you out of your mind? do you want your mobile?".

" Yes absolutely", she quickly said.

"So first close the button of your shirt properly then sign this contract", while fixing the button of her shirt she asked, " what is this contract for?", "Because you will be staying at my house so you have to sign this contract", " but I am staying at your house only for today, tomorrow I will find a room for rent".

He smiled and said, "living in Seol of South Korea is not easy by the way how many banks' balances do you have?", she started calculating her balances in mind, and after a minute she sadly mumbled," I have to sign this contract give me a pen", he pointed the pen towards her, she takes the pen and looks at him then she looks at the contract on her lap and signs the contract without the reading".

He picks up the file with a smile and extends it towards Seojin," keep it in the locker of my cabin in the office, and do not give this file to anyone without my permission".

Seojin took the file and said, "Okay sir", Dong Hyun looks at Sara with a smile, and then he started looking outside the window, she looks at him in surprise and thinks in her mind," what was written in the contract after all that he is smiling so much, is he a smuggler?, God protect me".

He smiles and turns toward her, she stares at him with confusion she asked, "what was written in that contract?".

" I think you should have read before signing" he replied.

"I am a stupid girl who forgets to read but now tells me, what was written on that contract?"

He smiles and answers, "contract conditions are that you won't go out of my house without my permission, and one of my bodyguards will always follow you, and you won't see Ye Joon's dramas in front of me even though you won't see pictures of him".

She was shocked," how is this condition?", he replied with a slight smile," that's my term", Sara's eyes turned red with anger," you have cheated on me", he didn't answer and started looking outside.