Chapter One: The End Of A Hellish Relationship

Eveline's POV

"Eveline, let's break up."

"Huh, what do you mean?" I questioned, still smiling cheerfully at my boyfriend, David Sonnett.

David however, had a stoic expression plastered across his face and it was obvious that he was not joking. The chocolate-eyed male sighed before repeating himself, except in a threatening manner.

"Eveline Lennox. I'm breaking up with you. I don't love you anymore." The intimidating tone along with him addressing me by my full name just goes to show, that he meant everything that he had said.

My heart dare not accept this harsh fact. The smile on my face disappeared, leaving the look of shock and fright. I opened my mouth and closed it again. My eyes widened and there was a moment of silence. Neither David nor I moved.

It took some time for my brain to finally process and react to this cruel truth. Tears flowed down my aquamarine eyes so easily, gliding down my rosy cheeks, and then 'plop', the droplets fell onto the concrete ground, shattering effortlessly. Breaking, just like my fragile heart.

"NO!" I screamed loud enough for the people nearby to hear. I grabbed David's wrist forcefully and pulled him towards me. "I DEMAND AN ANSWER!" I continued to screech. My hands still stayed glued to David's wrist and I was determined not to let go.

The look on his face was the opposite of how he used to look at me. How ironic it was for this person, the one who always faced me with an affectionate and lovely grin, to look at me today with such a revolting frown as if I was a piece of garbage who had made its way onto his skin.

David's eyes broadened, his eyebrows twitching slightly and then he slapped my hand away. My body stopped moving, it was the first time he had ever laid his hands upon me in such a violent manner. He then looked around, eyeing the passerby who was watching this amusing conflict between young lovers befold before them. David glared at them menacingly and the eyes that had been watching them slowly started to disperse.

"Don't you dare touch me, you filthy witch? I don't like you anymore so I would appreciate it if you don't bother me anymore. Let's cut ties. You live your life and I live mine."

No time was spared for me to fight back at the brown-eyed male before I turned around and began walking forward. Not towards me but away from me, where he will never be able to see me again. Was this what he wanted?

"WHY?" I made my last attempt to satisfy my query before the man I had once loved whole-heartedly left completely.

David only paused. His torso turning back towards me, icy-cold eyes met mine. A smirk on his face as he inquired, "What, I need a reason to stop loving someone?"

It was not an answer, nor was it the reply I was looking forward to. The last hope within me had shattered entirely and it was due to his nonchalant response. Were the last few years we had spent together unfulfilling to him? Did he find my appearance and personality unappealing? Did he reject all my flaws and went against his words?

My knees went weak due to the overthinking and constant arguing inside my mind. My head dropped and my eyes met the concrete ground, tears continued to stain the floor and darken the grey-colored pavement.

I covered my eyes swiftly in an attempt to stop my emotions from flowing out but to no avail. Passerbys were disturbed by a young adult crying in the middle of the street with no signs of stopping. That was until my best friend, Abigail Winslow walked by and saw me. Abigail was in a terrific mood as she had just passed her examinations with flying colors but that was the last thing on her mind when she saw how I had broken down so dreadfully and frantically rushed over, shouting at the crowd that surrounded me and made her way towards my frail figure.

No words escaped her lips as she tossed her arm over my shoulders and helped me up, looking at me with concern. When she was certain that I was fine, she focused on the path ahead of us and began to guide me toward her house. The journey was short and silent, no additional interactions were exchanged between us two and finally, we reached Abigail's small apartment.

My red-haired friend slid her hand under her purse and fished out her keys, attached to the same goldfish keychain I had given her on her birthday. Abigail quietly slipped the silver key into the keyhole, twist her wrist, and pulled the small object out. A small 'click!' sound was made during the whole process, nothing more and nothing less.

Care and considerate she was when she opened the entrance door and stepped inside gently, cautious she was to ensure my safety of me. Abigail then brought me to her living room and carefully unwrapped her arms and sat down on the cushioned couch, her emerald eyes loaded with negative emotions as she gazed upon my exhausted yet perturbed facial countenance.

Abigail was patient and did not press me for answers or bombed me with questions. She just soundlessly watched my every movement, awaiting my explanation implicitly. Her actions made me feel bad. Abigail had done so much for me and I have yet to present her with an acceptable explanation for my embarrassing breakdown earlier.

Between soft sniffles and my abnormally beating heart, I mustered the strength to mutter out a few words to inform Abigail of my sadness.

"H-he..." Tears continued to roll down my face shamelessly. "Broke up with me..." I whispered the last part quietly yet barely audible for Abigail to hear.

Upon processing such information, Abigail got to her feet in shock and disappointment.

"Why would he?! You're such an amazing woman and a lovely girlfriend. Why would be break up with you?" Abigail's sudden outburst cause me to think back on the events that had occurred earlier. Oh, how vivid the scene was and how hostile he was to convey his negative thoughts and feelings. His angry voice rang alarmingly within my shaken brain.

"I don't know..." It was true. I did not know why David did that. Moreover, it was so sudden and I did not have the time to prepare for the possible chance of a broken heart. However even then, my naive self was still urging me to search hard for a reason, even if it was not what I expect, it would be better than nothing.

Silence filled the air once more and Abigail suddenly stood up, turning towards me with a determined frown on her face.

"Get over him girl, he isn't worth your tears. I know a way to help you get your mind off David." Abigail smirked, pulling me into her arms for a long, sweet hug. When Abigail finally unwrapped her arms from my waist, she looked at me with excitement.

I was confused. I stared at my red-haired friend who seemed to have whisked away to some dreamland and all that remained were her untouched body and organs. I had to gently tap her shoulders for her soul to come back and revive her unconscious body.

"What are you planning this time, Abigail?" I inquired, suspicious of what my friend had in store for me. She just shook her head and grinned.

"Leave it all to me! I'll tell you later. For now, just focus on dolling yourself up and wait for me tomorrow at your house. Ensure that you prepare your cosmetics and a presentable dress. If not, I'll lend you some of my clothing!" Abigail continued to talk as if I was not there at all.

However, knowing how my friend had a passionate and dependable personality, I chose to trust her and allowed her to determine my fate the following day.

Still trembling from the surprise from before, Abigail offered for me to stay over at her place to which I gladly agreed upon. The red-haired nodded before guiding me to her bedroom.

"This is where you'll be staying for the night!" The excited female exclaimed, her arms flung around, adding to her small room tour. My eyes traveled the area and took in the scene before me.

The small territory was complete with a soft bed with countless pillows piling up on the messy bed. Abigail's desk was made out of oak wood, carved perfectly to obtain such a smooth surface. I traced my fingertips across her bookshelf that towered over my small figure with pride. The familiar scent of books escaped the different varieties of novels that were neatly positioned next to each other and took up the space on each bookshelf. Pastel blue was the wall that surrounded Abigail and me with a floral design covering the wallpaper, enhancing the comfort of the elbow room. Simply put, Abigail's room screamed contentment, tranquility, and happiness. All the qualities that I did not possess back then.

As much as I would love to allow my body to lose consciousness and let the comfort of sleep take over my body, I knew that I could not for the make-up that I had put on before I met David was smudging all across my face, doing a disservice to my visuals.

I turned to Abigail and requested the route to her bathroom which she happily obliged as she brought me to another door made out of the same oak wood used to make Abigail's desk. The door was indistinguishable compared to the rest of the doors that resided in Abigail's apartment.

The interior design of the bathroom was as analogous to that of Abigail's bedroom. The white tiles that were fixed in place dazzled under the moonlight and the necessities required to fulfill that of a bathroom were also present.

Abigail gave me a small crooked smile before leaving me some privacy for me to clean myself up. I glanced over my shoulders, eyes met with the mirror that rested above the clean sink. I turned my body over and stared at my shameful self. Breaking down over someone who never cared about me? How absurd!

The more I looked at myself, the more I hated myself for thinking and acting that way. I should have accepted the fact whole-heartedly and been glad that he was honest with me and finally left me for good. However no, my mind was as naive as ever.

Both my hands grabbed the edges of the sink, my shoulders closing in, my head hung low, and my eyes pierced the limpid mirror. Was I ready to let him go?

The answer was too clear. Why, of course, I must! I could not possibly allow his presence and existence to break me. No. I must live happily. I must strive for satisfaction without anyone else. Only then will I finally be free and contented.

I turned on the tap and water came gushing out at a high speed. I collected water using my palms and then swashed the water on my face, getting rid of the unwanted warpaint. I took one of my towels that I left with Abigail the last time I came over and submerged the dry cloth in water, wetting it significantly. I switched off the tap. I dabbed the dampened towel on my face and then placed the towel in its original position.

I trudged towards the bathtub and bend down, flicking the tap. The water sped through the air and splashed right into the grand bathtub that Abigail had. My arms slowly lifted my shirt, stripping myself naked. I turned off the tap. The water stopped flowing. I placed my fingertips above the pellucid water, finally choosing to check the temperature. Good. The temperature was fine.

My fragile body slowly made its way into the bathtub. The legs first, then the lower body, and lastly my upper body. I sat there, head hung back, and enjoyed the warm sensation of water in contact with my skin and flesh. My hair soaked in the liquid, softly swaying to the momentum of the water. I cupped my palms tightly together, moving my hands under water and then lifting them, water visibly stuck in my palms. I splashed the water on my face to moisturize my dry skin.

As I finished bathing, I wore one of Abigail's clothing which she borrowed from me. The design was so vibrant and colorful, that it did not match me at all.

Nighttime came quickly and I found myself lying on Abigail's soft bed, right next to my red-haired friend. Abigail's unruly red locks kept stacking themselves on my face, making it difficult for me to fall asleep. Not in the mood to tell Abigail, I twisted my body such that my back was facing her. Not long after that, my body had succumbed to exhaustion and my eyelids closed gently. Soft snores filled the atmosphere however no one was there to hear them, for everyone present had already entered a deep slumber.