Chapter Thirteen: Safe And Secure In His Arms

Eveline's POV

Axel pulled me away from David frantically, albeit it was not obvious from the look on his face, that he was indeed furious with the way David treated me.

Honestly, I can understand how he feels. Who won't be mad to hear that your fiance is being mentally and physically abused at her workplace? Moreover, if you possess the highest authority there yet still be unable to save her, won't that be even more of a reason to be angry?

I peered over to look at Axel's face. My guesses were not wrong at all. His eyebrows furrowed in frustration and that obvious frown will send every employee running away out of fear. Sensing that if I did not do anything to calm him down, he might end up firing everyone he sees in sight, I softly tugged at his arm as he dragged me across the level. Axel did not stop but he did slow down, seemingly willing to listen to what I had to say.

"Don't be angry alright? I'm fine now thanks to you, thank you for that." That came out both sincerely but also monotonously. How so? I meant every word I said but it sounded so emotionlessly that I was afraid that Axel might take it the wrong way.

"He harmed you," Axel glared at me albeit I knew that he did that for my well-being. "That in itself is already unacceptable."

Axel completely stopped, causing me to nearly bump into him. The male turned around with his body facing me. His eyes, I noticed, filled with sadness and hatred. Was it worth it to defend me? I had wondered.

"Do you have no sense of self-respect? How could you let him trample over you like this? If I did not step up, will the bullying continue? Will you even tell me whether he had been hurting you or not?" Axel angrily asked. They were all rhetorical questions used to show his frustration.

My gaze slowly lowered towards the ground, my pupils dared not to dart around and remained positioned. I began to tremble slightly, it wasn't because I had no self-respect that I did not react to his abuse. I wanted to stop it all, oh how I wanted to end all that suffering.

"I... Did want to put him in his place and end all that endless suffering but-" I paused for a second, my lips unable to proceed.

"But what? Was it because of fear?" Axel challenged.

Correct, but the way he said it felt painful as if someone had stabbed me in the chest countless times. I gripped the hem of my shirt. Did he have to say it like that?

Seeing how I was not responding, Axel folded his arms and glared at me. His expression is akin to how he looks at women, pure hatred.

Oh no. Please stop. Please, don't look at me with those disgusting eyes. Please, just stop. I did not know why I did not want you to look at me that way but please, just stop. A piercing pain shot through my heart as I felt tears filling up my eyes. No. Don't let those tears fall out, I will just be seen as vulnerable and sensitive.

"So I was right, you do fear him." Axel sighed. He quickly grabbed my wrist and whisked me away into his office, where we were granted privacy.

The second Axel shut the doors, he leaned against the walls and wrapped his arms around my smaller figure. His tight arms left me unable to move but able to feel my back pressing up against his hard chest. His stable body enabled me unable to think about unpleasant thoughts with David, all I could do was embrace the serenity within the air and relax against my fiance's body. No one told me just how comfortable this was.

"Don't fear him," Axel whispered into my ear, tightening his grip. "With me around, there is no need to feel scared."

I sighed and rested my hand on top of Axel's. The male flinched when my fingertips brushed his skin slightly but he showed no sign of discomfort. A hopeless smile resurfaced, replacing the once worried and fearful expression of mine.

"Perhaps I still require time..." I mumbled, "Perhaps with a little more time, I can finally find myself capable of living a peaceful life without him." My fingertips found themselves tracing the visible veins on Axel's hand.

"I'll wait," Axel said. His grip loosened as he placed his right hand on mine. The tingling feeling that came after that did not hesitate to make itself known. "I'll wait for as long as eternity until you finally stop thinking about him."

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

"Since when were you so romantic and clingy?" I gestured towards Axel's veiny hand on mine. "What happened to the cold and stoic CEO who has a reputation for treating females cruelly?" I joked.

"I will never treat you as such," Axel said sternly.

Axel's POV

"I mean, who mistreats their love?" I murmured under my breath.

"What was that?" Eveline asked, turning her head to face me.

Her gaze, those pupils of hers were so mesmerizing. The way her golden hair glimmered under the sunlight, oh, what a sight it was to behold- Wait, what was I doing? Stop admiring her idiot!

Thankfully Eveline did not catch me staring, nor did she catch what I had said at the end. The female continued to stare at me as she anticipated my answer.

"Nothing, you must've misheard me." I shrugged off the matter as my eyes separated from Eveline's gorgeous face. Anywhere was fine, as long as I did not look her in the eye. If I did, she will be able to see my red face and I doubt I will be able to control myself.

"Alright then," Eveline replied. I was grateful that she did not press upon the matter further.

"That reminds me," I added," Are you free this afternoon?"

Eveline perked up. "No, why?"

"My mother wants to meet you as soon as possible, but I think that it's better if we went over the plans and information about each other that we should know. So if it's alright with you, do you mind if I spent the night again at your place?" I smiled, hoping that Eveline would agree.

"Of course, I don't mind." Eveline grinned.

It was rather hard to hide the happiness contained within me when I heard her reply. I find myself smiling wider than ever, grinning from ear to ear.

"Let's go back home today together," I suggested. Eveline nodded her head in response.