Reaching for the servant bell and pulling it hard, she also used it to sit up from her bed and waited for the servants.
The door gently opened and many servants bowed down as they walked the entrance. They distanced themselves exactly 3 meters away while only the eldest, most experienced maid went closer for a greeting and asked politely for her wishes.
"Is today going to be a good day, my lady?"
"*Yawn* It sure maybe."
"Then milady.."
She signaled a maid holding a small basin filled with water to come and also reached out a face towel to her in a bent posture, which she immediately got and started her every morning routine.
"Please wash your face."
After washing her face, done with cleaning her teeth, and what else is there left, she was also asked if she wants breakfast in bed.
" I think I'll go have it with the whole family at the dining table. Hmm, yeah, settle it like that, seeing as the day may be good today, look, it won't be too hot or too cold for my liking."
"You think that the whole day will be filled with fortunate things, milady."
"Hmm, I think I'll find something interesting soon."
"I see, well, what color of dress shall we pick for you today, milady?"
"Just pick for violet today, it should be a good match, I want purple ruby earings, and the fan and umbrella should have jewels of that color, got it?"
"As you desire. Then, shall we pick, another mask too then."
Flicking her finger, she smiled and give a nod.
"Why, of course! Find me something new, a new mask and another to also replace the thing on my face, it's been there for two months."
While they prepared her closet, her hands made a movement of crumpling something on her face, and the colorless invisible something immediately showed itself, crumpled and colored pink looking like the beauty face mask they wore during modern times.
She rechecked the product by touching it with her right hand that was embedded with a small rainbow crystal. A fragment of an appraisal stone.
°An expiring packs of product produced by a genius alchemist dedicated to her neice as a gift. It is meant to suppress 70% of the presented's charm stats. It also has the function to become invisible.
Remaining time before completely expired : 00 months 00 day 05 hours 19 seconds
The aunt's gift really was very effective, would you look at that stat.
Charm Stats: 124
Charm Stats: 106
Charm Stats: 370
Before the charm stat even peaked completely to 620, she quickly took the boxed new red mask product and another mask to cover her upper face and part of her right cheek. As a result, the charm rapidly decreased back to 62, just 10% compared to her total stats.
Charm Stats: 62
"The mask you got me has the function of 20% again?"
"Yes, shall we change it."
"No. Dress me up and let's go already."
Merely bowing, the elder maid, Kalita, went out of the area around the bed, raised the bed curtains and ordered the retreat of male servants along with maids whose proficiency aren't related to dressing up.
The servants are devastated, as they did not see the visage of their mistress' face again, at most they saw her toes. While those left are very enthusiastic, as it is another day to appreciate the perfected body of their mistress. Even if the face was for Kalita to prepare, they can be satisfied with the whole body.
As for Nympha, it is another day that she gets to be surrounded less than three meters by servants who are very lecherous when they look at every inch of her body.
"You see, you should hone your skills more, or I might be able to find a person who has greater skills one of these days, the one that is decent, not perverted to completely replace you all, so stop with those drooling looks."
They immediately awoke and tried to stop themselves from temptation, they always fell for it no matter how wary.
The lady is so fatal, not only to men but to women. Cautiousness is sometimes actually the greatest threat if they do not want to be caught off guard.
"Morning sister. How rare of you to actually end up here."
The moment she approached the dining table, her eldest sibling, youthful Sheila took the initiative to greet her in interest. She was already 36 but still like in her 20's, it's great.
"Well, I do. I knew it was going to be a great day."
"Ahaha. I think so as well, but more importantly, Providaz always think the same as you doesn't he?"
My smile that never went off since early morning immediately wiped itself off my face as I turned to my left. There, he used another door that was just by the left of where I walked into.
I shouldn't be surprised, as this happened all the time she came to the dining room since childhood, but I am surprised by the fact that this guy actualy used pure white jewel for his necktie.
My smile then came back while his glance was plain and indifferent as he looked at my purple earings.
"Good day, indeed. At least, you also realize that, right? You didn't copy me today, ahaha-"
My laugh froze when I saw the jewel changed color and immediately turned purple, a tone even exactly like my earrings.
"... No matter what, you are really a waste of my kind thoughts."
I let out a huff and went for my seat, the second row of seat at the left column after the main seat in the center. Not surprisingly, he went for the first seat and sat by my side.
"Elder sister, what a great laugh."
"Aw, your tone is brimming with sarcasm Undine, that's not how I thaught you."
"Taught? More like, you grilled me to death."
"Aiya, now don't be like that. It's just that, I can't get enough of the both of you, whenever the two of you are around, I would always go for a good laugh like this."
"You think you're watching a clown show?"
"No, it's entertaining but don't compare yourself to a clown, they would be ashamed even with all the make up the moment they face the both of you, the entitled
"Bah, what pair pair nonsense. Just a glimpse of him every day can make me vomit blood in anger and now, an entitled golden twins. It makes me disgusted."
Providaz looked at her with colder and more indifferent eyes as a response, as if saying that she cares too much while he doesn't even have an ounce of care, succeeding to let someone feel even more annoyed.
"Ha! What? You want me to uproot all you hair, is that it?!"
"Stop, stop that. You should not say something like that to your golder pair, okay. You know, even when the both of you never officially met back then, all rumors were way too much of a match, all suspected that you were always together-whoops *cough* whipping people and called you a wicked pair."
"Well, you don't know, when we were officially introduced to each other, the disgust overwhelmed me so much I gave the matriarch an intense glare every single day back then, and kept asking her why she brought me a copycat."
"Afufufu. Well when the both of you met at the age of five, who could imagine, both of you wore a matching outfit and both was tying a whip on their hips."
This time, Nympha didn't respond and returned her expression to her usual one, an indifferent and cold persona, stopping the exaggerated acts of entertaining her sister.
While she does care that she dislikes her brother, like him, she doesn't really have much interest on the rumors circulating starring the both of them.
All said was to entertain her sister and liven the table as a manner of etiquette and then continue to wait for the others.
Sheila only smiled and supported her head with her hands on the table.
"Well, no matter how I look at it, the expression of the two of you can be way too similar sometimes."