"... I see."
This time, it was the only young man who took the initiative to speak a few words so as to not make the table that icy.
But his voice which was always lacking the kind of enthusiasm to make anything lively, made it the more colder.
So Sheila simply laughed it off and waited with them for others.
The first to enter was the first husband, the timid or not uncle Sheldon Hareth of the Rutas House, a house of famous Scholars.
"Oh, how rare of the both of you to come here this time."
"Oh dad, we said the same thing. Haha!"
The second, third, and fourth husband also came. Following, the children of the Hareth house came, there was a lot of children back then, but as time passes, they lessened until ten was left, so they were then called until 10th child, erasing history that there were once 23 children.
Thinking about it, everyone actually came, no wonder Nympha has the inkling to also come so as to not miss out, it's a great chance to inspect the words above everybody's head.
Unsurprisingly, everyone actually has villain roles, whether minor, major, or a complete villain.
An example of the complete villain was the first husband, Sheila, me in itself, and unexpectedly, the youngest, Creedas.
Providaz was different, his was emphasized MAIN VILLAIN.
It made Creedas, the naughty little imp, stand out more in Nympha's eyes.
Her interest piqued and she already have plans to investigate the 'noona' of his stories. The lady is already guaranteed reason in her eyes, and the clues already showed itself, she might as well investigate, whether this is related to the girl in the palace or,
'A possibility, it is another protagonist.'
Her thoughts already stretched out that wide and far to stop. Her eyes wandered around to double check the servants too.
Everything was at least a lot expected except for Creedas, fufu.
Providaz looked at her and she looked back too. There was no notable exchange, just a glance with no meaning.
It was just her brother sensing her interest for the little boy that also piqued his interest, but the dull exchange is a signal to keep out of her business, which extinguished his waving interest.
They all dined in silence when in the middle of nowhere, the first husband spoke. First swallowing the food and wiping the sides of his mouth, he affectionately questioned.
"Undine, you came back earlier than scheduled?"
Doing the same as her uncle, she also drank water before answering.
"Father.. well, incidents may unexpectedly happen after all. That's what exactly happened."
Being vague sometimes is a great security, especially with this uncle who is always nosy sometimes.
"Oh, I see. Then, did the madame say anything about the project as a message whether to further proceed or not."
"Oh that? She never mentioned anything according to what you say but it seems this time, she will stay longer than scheduled over there."
"A proposal was being prepared for a second husband of Sheila."
The movements of eating in the dining room stopped and Sheila has an opened mouth while Sheldon was just a bit surprised, he was already aware about it I guess.
"Who will be it?"
"It's the third prince, I heard."
"What marriage? I'm not aware about these yet."
I continued to dine and my brother was still continuing, even a while ago, he didn't stopped while everyone did, still eating elegantly in silence.
"The imperial family of Terrion want to further improve the alliance with marriage again or~ is it really? Huhu"