Chapter 2. Trust gone wrong.

King finished from a conference meeting with his party members and asked the driver to stop by his favorite wine shop. Shopping was without hassle as I and another guard who was with the shopping chart walked behind King but the moment we were done and stepped outside we were attacked with gunshots. An assassin was sent to kill king. He had come at the other guards and knocked them down. While he was fighting the others I had safely taken king out of there and into his car. His car was bullet proof so once there I knew he was safe. I went back to my boys and the assassin was about breaking one person's neck . I came at him with full force and rage. The assassin was tough but all It took for me to bring him down was a punch on the most deadly parts of his body. Since he wasn't expecting it, bingo. A blow to his throat and a jab at his lungs was all I needed to choke the life out of him. He was taken to the hospital but died before he got there.

There was no trace who hired him or anything at all so all police investigations died there. But we never stopped watching over our head's or king's.

It all started yesterday when I got back from work. I entered the house and saw bags packed up

"Hey babe, what's with all the bags?"

" Jayden I'm leaving."

"Leaving?" I asked confused not minding how she always put a 'y' in my name. " We spoke yesterday and you never told me you were traveling."

" I'm not traveling Jayden, I'm leaving you. I can't do this anymore."

"What! What are you saying? What can't you do anymore?" I asked getting more confused. We didn't fight neither have I ever done anything she never liked.. Mason heard my voice and came running downstairs but with a " go back upstairs." Charlotte sent him back to his room.

"Look Jayden you are really a nice guy. You've treated me well in our seven...."

" Eight." I corrected her.

"Fine." She answered sarcastically and continued. " Eight years of marriage. But no Matter how hard I try to fit in I keep finding out you're not the man for me."

"But I thought we love each other. I thought you loved me."

"My first fiance left me shattered. Imagine how much of a laughing stock I would have been when my wedding was cancelled after six years with him. I wouldn't have survived the shame. But then you came along and it was like God trying to wipe my shame away. I never really loved you. I married you because i wanted my ex to be shocked to the bone that one month after our breakup I found another person and three months later was married. You were the veil for my shame. I'm sorry if it's like I used you."

"If it's like?" I chuckled. "Or you used me."

"I'm sorry all the same." She replied without remorse.

"So for eight years you've been pretending?" I asked baffled. I had so much feelings coming in waves inside me and I felt like strangling her but controlled myself. " Fine. If you want to go, go. I'll file for divorce but my son stays with me."

"No he can't." she answered seriously.

"This is the part I take it personal with you." I fumed. "Mason stays." I walked past her angrily taking the stairs but her words halted my feet.

" He can't stay because his real father wants him."

"Excuse me!" I asked shocked looking at her face for any emotions or feelings that this was a joke but saw non. Her face was devoid of any emotions

"You're bluffing." I told her with red angry eyes but I knew she was not one to crack expensive joke. "Mason." I called and he came running downstairs with a smile on his face, seeing the tension in the air he stopped smiling. I took hold of his hand , led him outside the house and into the car. I drove to the hospital to confirm everything Charlotte said.

" I'm not sick daddy." hearing that word 'daddy' almost made me cry. This is a child I've been so attached to for seven years and now Charlotte is telling me he is not mine. How could she be so wicked? It meant for seven years she's been cheating on me with another man. " We're here to run a few test that's all." I told him.

"Ok mason, this will sting a little." The doctor told him before drawing his blood. Mason winced at the needles contact but that was all he did.

"Ok we are done." The doctor told him.

"You really are a big guy." I compliment him for not crying.

"Thanks dad."

Two hours later the result was out.

" Jaden." Amit the doctor who is an Indian called me aside. " I have been your family doctor for a while now and I must say I'm shocked about this. The child is truly not yours." He patted my shoulder and left after handling me the test result. If I was angry before now I'm enraged. I wanted to hate the boy but couldn't. I went back to where he was seated

" You ok dad?" He asked.

"Yes. Come let's take you to your mother."

Just as we were outside the hospital we saw Charlotte waiting outside for him. She was standing in front of a Rolls-Royce phantom. That car is a whole lot of money so whoever she was seeing was extremely wealthy.

"Mom." Mason called at seeing her. He ran and hugged her. "Wow this is a cool car." Mason said and she agreed with a laugh.

"Yes it is and you'll be seeing more of it where we are going."

Mason turned to me as if expecting me to say something but I didn't.

"Dad you're coming too, right?

Before I could answer the evil bitch cuts in.

"He won't. He's quite busy at work, right Jayden?"

"Yes." If only she knew I felt like strangling her right now.

"I'll miss you." Mason said and he came forward to hugged me

" Yeah me too."

Charlotte broke the moment and asked him inside the car. There was something in her voice that speaks loathing. I'm the one whose supposed to do the loathing but here she was doing it all. I planned not saying anything but I couldn't keep pretending all was okay.

" So this is the reason you've been cheating and now leaving? For money, wealth, class? Well enjoy it all you want but I also hope you choke on it." She uttered no words. With a swift turn she entered the car and the driver drove off. I picked my phone and called Lionel. He is the only one I have now.

He came by the house that night and I explained everything to him. But for him I would have drank myself to stupor. " She left me for the money." I finally managed to say. "I swear to God I'm gonna be rich. Stinkingly rich and every woman I'll meet will pay for what she has done to me." It soon dawn on me that my ordeal with Charlotte has distorted my view of women. I loved her too much she was my weakness and she knew that and used it against me. " I'm going to make even Charlotte pay." I said in anger and smashed the bottle of alcohol on the wall.

"Damn she was good." Lionel hissed out. " She hid it so well for seven years." He said still in disbelief.

" Yeah, seven fucking years." I repeated soberly.

Such a twist. King had given me the week off but with the turn of things working will be good for me. It will take my mind off my pretty misery.