Chapter 3. Present day saga

After my hateful growl at the pretty brunette I was still seated in the car waiting for Lionel.

" Hey buddy, you sure about this? You should take the rest." I really appreciate how this black friend of mine worries about me but I need to immense myself in work till the pain numbs.

" I can't Lionel. That's like dying slowly. But if I'm busy it will help me."

"Ok. so, where do I fall in? He asks as he sat beside me in the car.

" Well there's this flat screen tv in the store. My boss bought a bigger one and asked them to toss the old one in the store. It will be good you come carry it."

" Cool. How big is it?"

"Well, you tell me when we get there and you see it." I answered him lazily before starting the car. We drove to king's compound which is also my office. The compound is like a big estate. The first building serves as an office for the guards. But as the chief security I also have my personal office space. Once in my office I called my assistant to make two cups of coffee with milk for us. I took Lionel to the store where we took out the tv. He couldn't help but be happy.

"Dude this is big. It's so cool." He said happily.

"Yeah I know."

I'm going to drop this in the car."

"Let me help."

"No no no it's fine. I gat this. Go finish your office work."

"You sure you don't need my help?" I asked the very excited Lionel, he winked at me and left while I hurried back to work in the office.

I was so happy. This is the latest tv in town and king doesn't need it, really? These rich people very well know how to waste money. Even my daily wages for the next three months can't afford this tv. My phone rang in my pocket and I gently dropped the tv on the interlock floor. Jaden has always been a brother to me, never minding the skin color. When I'm alone, broke, happy, sad you name it he is the only one standing by my side which is why I feel so bad about what his ex wife did. Yeah ex cause after she left she sent the divorce papers the next day to Jaden. He signed them and returned it to the lawyer who brought it. I feel bad for him. He doesn't deserve this pain. My phone rang again and I hurriedly picked it from my pocket but I heard a ta ta sound. " Shit." I cursed when I discovered it was my phone that just fell and shattered there on the floor. I bent down to pick the piece but my yoyo ball fell from my pocket. This yoyo has helped me in self defense on many occasions so I always keep it with me. I watched it bounced into the field and I carefully followed it so I don't fall. I got to the field where the ball was and so did a little kid who ran towards it. I never knew kids were allowed here but again it's a house to king and office only to the guards so there's possibility he has family members here on a visit. The kid picked the ball with his back turned to me

" Hey kiddo toss it back, it belongs to me." He turned to face me and I was surprised


"Uncle Lionel!" we called each other at the same time. He ran to me excitedly.

"What are you doing here?" We asked the same time again but he continued.

"Mom told me you and dad weren't coming. I'm surprised you're here." He hugged the still very surprised me. Just then Jaden came out looking for me.

"Finally . What's taking you so long and I saw the tv on the ground , is everything..."

He stopped dead at his statement when he saw mason.

"Mason!" He called out surprised.

" Daddy." He called excitedly and hugged me. I'm glad you came. Here is so boring. Mom told me we're 3 kms away from home."

Surprised Lionel and I asked simultaneously "she did?"

"Yes. Here is beautiful but it's not complete without you dad."

Just then the devil in her mighty dark glory showed up.

"Mason." She called almost jerking the boy off his feet. " I told you to stay indoors, didn't I?"

"I'm sorry mom. " mason replied scared. "It's just that...."

"Never you disobey me, you hear me?" She pulled him roughly. "Now get back inside."

"But I want to stay with daddy."

"I said get back inside." She attempt to pull him inside but he quickly dodged her and ran to me hiding behind me and gripping me tight.

All the while Jaden was speechless. I couldn't even say or figure out what was on his mind. His face was cold stone, filled with so much hatred, disgust and pain that if looks could kill Charlotte would be dead by now. She knew better than to come closer to Jaden. For she knew as loving and jovial as he could be he could also be deadly. He's got a mecurial temper that any who knows him dare not stir.

"Daddy please take me with you. I don't like it here. I want to go home, please." Mason cried out

" This is your home Mason." Charlotte screamed at him."

"No mom , you told me my home is 3kms away. We're only here on vacation and I'm tired of this vacation I wanna go home. Daddy please get me out of here." He turned to Jaden hoping for a positive answer.

"He is not your daddy, Mason." She screamed madly at him. The shocked breathe of Mason was all that brought her back to the reality of what she had done. I bet she never wanted him to know until he was old enough. But now the die is cast. Her words hanging in the tensed air.

"Daddy is not my dad?" Mason asked as drop of tears trickles down his cheeks. Understanding of everything now before him. He is a kid but he is also a fast learner. Always thinking like an adult.

"Mason get inside now before I lose my temper." She warned in her mean tone. Immediately she said that mason ran towards the gate instead. Charlotte called the guards and three of them ran after him. When one of then finally caught up with him he carried him on shoulder but he was screaming and scratching the guard's face.

" Put me down, let me go. I hate you Charlotte. I hate you. You're a devil. I hate you." Mason screamed all the way inside. And that was the first time I heard him call his mother by her name. We were on these when King came, seeing Charlotte and the look on our faces especially Jaden's he knew we already know the truth.