Chapter 8. Crazy revealing

"So you're saying if I go to the slum community and I pay them money and do a little community infrastructure they'd vote for my friend?" Harrison asked. For someone who's born with a silver spoon I can see why he's finding it difficult to believe the poor community can help. All his life he's only believed people in high places can and will get you wherever you want with a tap of their fingers so the concept of poor people helping in the coming election seems so bizarre to him

" Absolutely. If you want a free and fair election, one you don't have to rig , all you have to do is simple. Find the leaders of this community, give them money and do a small money project for them. Make them see you as their messiah. Try to win their hearts over. They'd vote for you at all cost. Promise them things they'd want to hear. Once you win and you are in power and you want to help them further good, if not, you have nothing to lose."

Deep down I wasn't even sure if what I was telling him would work. It sounded crazy to me. But somehow I still believed it might work. My experience at the orphanage thought me that. Give a dog meat or bone and it will follow you anywhere. After all that was what I was doing now. I had collected money from King , meaning I'd have to keep the big doom secret with me forever.

Not that collecting that huge money and still betraying king would have caused him any harm but as it was Jaden was always a man of his words.

He jolted back to his conversation with Harrison when he made a " hmm hmm" sound.

"So why are you telling me this? Aren't you king's favorite personal guard?"

"Yes you're right. I may be his personal bodyguard but not his personal adviser. Besides I don't work for him anymore." Harrison seems now interested in the later than the first.

" Really? Now I'm curious Jaden. Your bond with King Seems unbreakable, so what happened?"

"I signed a thirteen years contract with King and now that it's completed it only fair he lets me go."

"And just why would he let you go when the election is just by the corner and you are the only guard he trusts with his life?"

"Then you'd be surprised to know that king is a very considerate man."

Considerate his foot. King was nothing but a manipulative, deceitful man who cared about nothing but himself. Think of Judas betrayal of Jesus and King would be judas. The man was a snake. No amount of love and care you give a snake will keep it from swallowing you when it's big enough to do so.

"How do I know this is not a scheme by you and king to sabotage our efforts?"

"Then don't do it." I replied. He scanned me from head to chest where I was sitting.

" Come work for us. I'll triple any amount King offered you."

"I really appreciate the offer but no, I have been in this long enough that I've forgotten what it means to live life, to have fun. So I'm retiring to have time for myself."

Now that I think of it I realized I've really kept my life private. Even my marital life down to my kid is not known to the public. King had use his influence to help me keep them off record all because of fear someone who's after me might decide to capture them or harm them just to get to me. Harrison was quiet for a while that I couldn't tell what he was thinking but his choice of location for us to meet shows he was afraid of me. Far behind him was a guy seated on one of the seat there. As much as he tried to fake reading a newspaper I knew who he was at first sight of him- one of Harrison's guard. Across was another guard standing on the top floor of a two story building- a sharp shooter. He was good at his disguise compared to the first guy. Behind me were five guys who sat pretending to be goons playing games amongst themselves. I knew the very instant I entered ' the restaurant de cafe' they were his boys. It takes a guard to know a guard. Among king and his associates as well as his opposing parties I was well known. My record of excellence precedes me. It won't take me more than five minutes to dismantle their so called well arranged rescue strategy and kill or kidnap Harrison if I wanted to. After everything that's happened in my life recently I wanted a new life. A peaceful one where I'd be a normal guy people don't have to be afraid be of.

"Alright." Harrison finally said. I'll give it a try. If it goes well you will receive a good reward from me but if not I will hunt you down. With a nod I stood up and Harrison examined me head to toe as if scanning to see any trait that would sell me out.

"I beg to take my leave now." I told him politely with a slight smile. He stretched out his hand for a handshake which I took. I had barely walked away from him when he called

"Jaden?" I turned to face him and he continued. "See you soon." Without a response I walked away .

That evening I had already booked our flight. Lionel was done sharing his things to the orphanage and a few neighbors and also done cooking our to be last meal in this house and in this city.

The next day we were ready to go to the airport. I wouldn't have believed the sight before my eyes if not for the fact that I was here. I saw a lady and a child walked up to us. The surprised look on Lionel's face mirrored mine. The lady stood a little distance away as the child walked up to me and a bodyguard also came with them.

"What are you doing here Ma-?" Before I could finish he came forward and hugged me tightly.

"Hey buddy." I said in a cool voice and stoop down to his level.

"I heard you were leaving today."

"From who?" His gaze went to Lionel who waved at both of us.

"So I insisted on coming over to say my goodbyes." We both smile. Of course I remember how he can be when he's insisting on something. I know King must have told Charlotte about the money I collected and like him, she thought the money already covered for whatever they did. "I'll miss you". I hugged Mason as tears wells up in my eyes.

"I'll miss you too." I managed to say. " And be a good boy, okay?" With a puff sound he responded

" Things will never be the same again. Promise me you'll stay in touch." Now how can I promise that when all I wanted was to start life afresh but here I was making the promise, one I'm not sure where it will lead me.

"I promise." Instantly he dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out a folded paper.

" That's my number." I was surprised he has already been given a phone.

"You have a phone now?"

"Yes. I'm always home alone when I get back from school, so this keeps me busy."

"It's good." I told him to lighten his dark mood.

"I don't think so. But please call me". We hugged one last time and he waved at Lionel who waved back before he was led into the waiting car by the guard and the driver drove off. I stood their staring at nothing in particular as all the pain came rushing back. It would have made sense if he was my son and Charlotte was trying to give him away to another man. I'd have fought to have him back or die trying. It would have made sense if I was never attached to him, that way I won't feel for him. After sharing seven years of my life with him I discover how much he has made his way into my heart. I gritted my teeth in anger and pain thinking of what could have been. I felt Lionel pat me on my shoulder and I gave him a wry smile and focus on the present- leaving this city for good. But deep down I know I'd never be the same man again no matter how much I try to deny it. All because I had allowed myself to love and show loyalty I had become vulnerable, a victim of deceit and betrayal. This battle took me unawares and I admit that I have lost. A beast has been awakened in me , the type of beast that will never love nor trust again, the type that'd be wary of everything, everyone and every little details. This beast rages for control, dominance and punishment and as I onboard the flight with Lionel to my right on our way to a new life I can't help but wonder how merciless this beast it's going to be.