Chapter 9. Ten months later

Williams and Harrison hugged each other.

" We did it old friend. We won the election."

"Yes my friend we did." It had been a hectic day for them, from their party house to receive and congratulates themselves for the wins to the crowds on the streets cheering his name with fliers that has his pictures on it, to family and friends who through calls or visitation congratulated him. Finally he could have a lone time with his friend who made it all happened.

"Perhaps it wasn't a bad idea following Jaden's advice." He said picking Harrison's favorite wine from the cellar and pouring him a glass. He did same for himself before sitting opposite his friend on the well furnished furniture that screamed money. For a man of Williams status the cost of these furnitures was nothing to him. Like Harrison he came from a long line of billionaires.. " Speaking of him , have you seen him?"

"Not since the last time we spoke. I haven't seen him. Now that we have won with the votes of the people from the slum, what are your intentions?"

"Yeah about that. Those people really came out in mass." He said still surprised.

" It's only natural. You came, did things for them and their communities and you showed them you care. It's only natural that they return the love with hopes that you'd do more once given the chance."

"Well I intend to do more. Cause I have intentions for a second tenure and I'd need all the votes I can get." Harrison laughed at his ambitious friend. "Or you don't want a second term?"

" of course I do, Will, but we haven't even started our first yet. Let's take it one at a time. I've always known you to be a big dreamer since we were kids."

" And I've known you to be a loyal friend. A toast to our friendship and to our time in office."

"Be prepared to move to the white house then, dear friend."

Both men chuckled. "It was hell of a long journey." Williams said

"Finally it's over and still not yet over." Harrison said before they both took a sip of their wine.


Shattering sounds of things flung in different directions caught the attention of Charlotte as well as few guards who were inside the mansion. They all came running in the direction of the noise - King's study.

There is a foul play somewhere. They rig the votes. I can't loose to Williams Shaw. He doesn't even have what it takes to be president. I do." He took the most expensive vase in the room and smashed it on the ground.

" My love, calm down." She told him and she beckons on one of the guards who came close to her. In a low whisper she told the guard

" Call Peterson. Tell him there's an emergency and he should come over."

Peterson was king's best friend and advisor on political matters. He always gives king ideas on what to do to win the election. The guard left to make the call. Charlotte was confused herself. Everything was going fine and promising for King. He had the upper hand, so what changed over the months? As far as she is concerned politics has never been her thing and how things work politically is still a wonder to her.


I ran as fast as my legs could Carry me . I was going to my boss' office - The CEO office. I know I messed up big time and I pray I don't get fired. The building was a five floor and my boss' office was the fifth floor. As I took the third stairs that led to the third floor my mind replayed back to how things was for us. Ten months we had to endure all manners of evil from Cordello and his minions. I wanted us to move out of our hood to the big city like the one I work now where this gangsters issue is not as prominent as it was back home but the costs of living in big cities like here are very high. Immediately I finished my degree and graduated from school I started job haunting but got disappointed cause no one wanted to employ a newbie. I searched and searched online until I came across one. A new company 'Dens holdings.' it had just opened in the big city. They were new in town but within the space of a few months they were already topping all the company's in the city including Cordello's company which was the number two in the city. I was happy when I heard that there is a company strong enough to kick him out of number two. I'd be glad if he goes out of business because that evil man has given us hell after Mom went and visit him. He would send his boys to thrash out our stuffs, beat my brothers or harass my sister and I. Once he came to our place demanding that my mom surrender the house document to him but she refused and that earned all of us serious beatings, especially my mom. He left with a promise to come back the next day to demolish our house. I even summoned courage to lay a report at the police station with hopes that someone kind enough will take up the matter but as usual all backed out at the mention of Cordello. When I got back, my siblings told me Mom went to meet Cordello again that same day but something about her change the moment she came back. We never saw Cordello again. But as time went on mom became distant and soon fell into depression which landed her in the hospital for two months. That meant more money on hospital bills and drugs. When I came to the company where I work now for an interview I was given the job but because I had no experience I was given the role of an assistant to the manager of the marketing department. The pay was ok so I just focus on my role as long as it pays the bills. I think the company started with a good pay so as to encourage their staff. Their plans worked because everyone was ready to put their best into the success of the company. Jenner was helpful as she had to abandon school to help take care of mom during week days when I'm at work and I took over during weekends. Ben and Jamie took my place at Zekel's cafe. God bless that old man he has always helped us in terms of employment. All my savings from my new job went into mom's hospital bill. And because of transportation cost to and fro I barely had anything. With support from Ben and Jamie we were able to get by. I worked hard in this company for six months just to get this opportunity that I just screwed up all thanks to Cordello. I climbed the stairs leading to my boss office still taking hurried steps because I know I messed up big time. I was glad Mom was getting better after being discharged but she also felt bad after realizing I had spent all my savings on her medical bills and drugs. What does that matter? The most important thing was that she survived. God knows I can't bear her loss now or ever. Ben had gone to work earlier ahead of Jamie and Jenner has since resumed school and my mom, she went back to her store where she sells exotic herbs and spices leaving myself and Jamie who was about to go at home. We heard a knock on the door and Jamie went for it. Cordello pushed him out of the way just when I walked into the sitting room. And that was how the animal started harassing me right before my brother. Cordello was enjoying the whole thing even as I warned him to stop. Jamie left us to the kitchen and next thing I heard plates smashing on the ground. I freed myself from him to go see what was happening. Jamie used that as a distraction. Next thing I Know he was opening the kitchen window and motioning for me to jump out through the window so I won't go late for the deal. I thought of my bag and he seems to read my expression cause the next thing he was waving my bag for me to see. How he even took it without us noticing I didn't know. Although I jumped out safely and was freed from Cordello who showed up on our door to flirt with me, I still missed an opportunity that would have taken me from my assistant position to a bigger one which meant more pay for me. I missed an opportunity to close a deal that would have left me happy and left the company smiling at other companies. Thinking of Jamie I just hope he is okay and Cordello doesn't get him beaten for helping me escape. I'll have to call him to be sure but for now first thing first. A greeting from one of the staff brought my mind back to my surroundings. I was very close to the boss office now. I've only seen the boss from afar. I've never had a one on one opportunity with him. When we have any issues in the office that requires his attention we always forward it to our managers who forwards the issues to his personal assistant. It is the personal assistant who then tables it all before him. And if he's to reply us it follows the same pattern or sometimes an email is sent to all the managers through the company's server. There's been gossips here and there about ladies who do outrageous things just to get his attention. Once I've heard Chelsea a co- staff telling Trust another staff that our boss is a celibate. Whether or not he is I wouldn't know. I've only known him from afar. He is a very handsome man though. But one thing I don't understand is why the cute ones are the most temperamental. Speaking of that, I greeted the P.A who told me he has been expecting me and once I left her, heading for his door I said my last prayer because without being told I know I was dead. I knocked on the door and I heard a deep voice

"Come in." God I'm so dead I thought before opening the door to meet an angry looking man who had in his hand my CV with a bold picture of me. Yes the very CV I submitted during my interview.