Chapter 10. Keeping it secret, letting it all out.

I stared at the CV in my hand angrily after I received a call from Flamingo junior telling me how irresponsible my company was. Some days back they were eager to sign a deal with my company and now because of the inept behavior of a staff who came highly recommended by her department manager they are changing their minds. There is something about Junior that tells me the guy loves competing with me but that is not my problem. My problem is with the marketing department manager who recommended this lady to represent the company. I checked her records. She's been working with the company for six months and there's been nothing but good recommendation from everyone in each department about her. If I am correct another reason she must have been chosen was because she was beautiful . Her beautiful blonde hair cascade in waves. She had full kissable lips and a pointed nose that fits her perfectly carved face. A 5"9 in height. All her information was right there on the CV. She was seduction itself. Romero her departmental boss must have chosen ber because he knew whoever she was meeting would fall for her charm. I doubt if she recognized she had such power herself because if she did she would not have 'shown up late and so unorganized'- Junior's words. I demanded for Romero's presence in my office. When he came, he kept apologizing and saying things to save himself. Rules were rules. I reminded him of the rules in the contract he signed. Good deeds came with bonuses. But bad deeds such as wrong judgement that affects the company came with punishment. He would be going home with half salary month end. He stood there with a lump in his throat but I don't care. It's my company, my rules. Since I was done making myself clear I told him to send the lady in question to my office upon arrival and I dismissed him. Ten minutes later I heard a knock on my door and asked whoever it was to come in. The person behind the door opened slowly as if it was fragile and would break any moment. That got me angry as I waited for whoever it was to show. Slowly the figure first peeped a head in before fully entering. When I saw who it was my angry expression darkened. She really was inept . Her dress were rough and her hair dishevelled and she was sweating profusely.

" You're fired " I barked at her.

"Sir please I am sorry. I can explain why everything went down south. Please Sir, I'll improve." she begged going down on her knees. " I'm practically the bread winner of my family. Please don't fire me."

"You're dismissed miss Rosalita Cortez." I told her with a scary glare that made her scamper out of my office. No sooner had she gone when I heard a knock on the door. I knew who it was. There is a way that he knocks on the door that gives him away.

"Come in Lionel." I breathe out.

"Hey Jaden. Oh my God you look like a volcano. Who did you erupt on?"

"It's not funny." I said referring to his joke

"Yeah I know. We lost a multimillion deal." I looked at him to ask how he knew so quick but he beats me to it. " Words travel fast. The rumors reached my office that we lost a deal because of a lady. I take it she's the one I saw leaving on my way here. Mehnn she's damn pretty, she would have made a good impression."

"There's more to life than a pretty face." I countered.

"True. So what reason did she give was behind the loss?"

" Like I care." I told him. Lionel sighed

" Look Jaden sometimes there's genuine reason for some situations."

"Then she better take those reasons home with her. This is not a cluster zone for bad vibes."

"And Romero?"

"Jesus." I said dropping the pen and the form I was filling on the table. "You can as well tell me all my employees are gossipers. The rate news travel to your office so fast I may just get angry one day and sack them all." Lionel chuckles

"Yet you forget one thing mr high and mighty, our office is in the same building, we share the same staff, so tell me how you expect me not to hear what's going on here."

"Well since you are the developer of this esteemed company I might as well ask you, what do we do to curb this gossip mongers?"

"Wrong question. In my experience gossip is something you can't control especially in a big company as this. But on the other hand we could create a good impression on our staff and clients." Lionel said playing with the little spirited unicorn horse sculpture on my table.

" If by 'good impression on staff' you are talking about me reducing the punishment for erring staff then forget about it. I can't fail as a husband, a father and still fail as an employer. I tolerate no more failures this time."

"Jaden you have to move on."

"Of course I've moved on. I mean, look at us we are owners of a big and fast rising company. How else do you describe moving on?"

" Jaden I'm your best friend. You know I see through the mask your are shielding yourself with. Don't be too hard on yourself."

"Sorry you totally lost me there." I told him so he could let go of the topic. Since we have moved to Mexico and started our life afresh here Lionel has insisted I see a therapist but I see no reason for a one. I'm perfectly fine.

"Dude , look there's something called.."

" I'm hungry. Do you care for food?" I cut him off his words. He breathes out before he stood up from his seat.

" Well I'm hungry for a tacos al pastor and enchiladas. Either of the two or both will serve me well."

" I'll call Juana to prepare one for us." Juana was our house chef.

"Ahh, about that I know the right restaurant for that."

"You know I hate eating outside."

" Come on, you should live up to a little. Look at me, we came here together but I've been to all the cool towns, but you? It's from the office to the house and vice versa. Come on I know just the right place for you. Trust me."


I can't believe I got fired today. Worse is I put Romero in a mess. He trusted me and I let him down. I went to him to apologize for my botched behaviour before packing my stuff out of the office. When I got home I was the only one so I was able to cry to my heart's content. I had thought with mom okay now I will be able to save something I can fall back to but I guess I lied to myself. I took my bathe and change my clothes. Perhaps it's time to search for another job instead of crying at home. My phone rang and it was from my best friend, Dove. Dove and I go way back in school but she's always scared to visit my hood due to Cordello's problems.

"Hey babes I was thinking, will you be able to join me tomorrow for my cousin's baby shower?"

" I'd have love to but I've got loads of work at the office." I lied.

She was super excited for me when I got employed at Den's holdings. All my mates from school were doing fine except me so you guess I was super excited too when I got the job, I Know it's not my fault but I can't help feeling ashamed I lost my job.

"Are you okay? You sound so sad." She asked me.

"Sure. I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine to me. You are loads of energy but this you now, I hear pains in your every words." She was right. Maybe it not bad to talk to someone, maybe it will help me relax.

"I just got fired. So yeah, you're right I'm not fine."

"Oh my God! Look I will be done from work in an hours time. I'll come over to your place once I close."

Although I appreciate her concerns I can't have her over cause my family will be home by then and that's not the news they needed to hear.

" Uhhh, Dove I don't want to tell them yet. I'm planning to go job hunt. Maybe you can call me when you're done and we can meet up in the city. "

" Ok. I'll do that. Please be careful."

" I will. Thanks." I dropped the call, slip my shoes on and lock the door behind me.

I went to several companies but got turned down, finally I settled for menial jobs and at the fifth store I got an offer. I Know I'll get better offers in a better company with my little work experience later on but for now I just need something that would take me from home. Something that will make my family believe I still have my job. I remembered Jamie and I brought out my phone to quickly call him.

"Hey sis." I hear his super excited voice which was unusual.

" Wow you sound excited?"

" That's because I know you're calling to give me the good news. I know you'll nailed the deal." 'Sorry brother I lost the deal and my angry boss fired me' I thought to say but a lump formed in my throat.

"Yes I did."

"Yes! ." I heard him say excitedly. " Ok , I will buy a cheap yet expensive quality wine for celebration. Today is good for us. You are finally going to be promoted which means better salary."

I thought to ask him where he got the money from but he answered me before I could ask. "I got lots of tips today from the ladies."

"Wow I envy you." I told him sounding excited so I don't give anything away. He was handsome. If we had money he would have been a screen god.

" How did it go with Cordello today?"

" That piss of shit. I wish he dies of a terrible disease. He whacked me so bad and promised to come back but don't worry I only got bruises on my body. I tried as much to keep my face pretty. My happiness is that you will finally be able to save enough and get us out of there." His words though said innocently were like missiles fired at me. I choke back tears.

" I have to go now."

"Sure . I have three customers who just walked in so see you later at home for the celebration." I chuckled loud enough for him to hear me before ending the call. There's no way I'm going to give them the news anytime soon. If grumpy Jamie is this excited I wonder what the rest will be.


Digging into the delicious meal that I've come to love , I pushed it down with a German reisling. I watched Jaden finish his meal before I spoke. I know better than to bring it up when he's eating. He would just loose appetite and I don't want that.

"How's the food?"

" Hmmm, amazing."

"I guess it pays living the life of a king." he cringed at the word .

" Look , I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way."

"It's okay." He took his drink and gulps it all down. I sighed

" Jaden, you can't continue like this."

" Please Lionel I don't want to start another argument with you."

"Argument? Really?" I asked in disbelieve. So all this while whenI brought up the issue, to him it was an argument.

"Listen Lionel.." he said but I cut him off

" No you listen Jaden. This isn't you. This isn't my friend. This isn't the guy I know. How long will you continued to hate yourself?" I replied in a calm angry manner.

" It's not hating myself. It's called loving myself and being watchful. It's called reading every sign in the air, water, land or anywhere. I never paid attention to details before and I was..."

"Stabbed in the back by the two people you trusted." I finished for him. " Look man I get it but you have to forgive yourself. You have to forgive them and move on with your life. What happened to living your life?"

" Well that's what I'm doing." he cuts in "I'm moving on. I'm living my life"

" No you're not best friend. You said you wanted to change environment so people won't have to be scared of you but right now dear friend people are afraid of you. Last week it was Sebastian from the advertising department. You made that guy pee in his pants in front of his colleagues."

"It's not like I said 'pee in your pants Sebastian.' "

" I'm not finished." He kept quiet and relaxed in his chair." Last week you trolled a lady who was just being nice."

"Or slutty." He cuts in with an eye roll.

"Jaden if you keep up with this brutal character of yours you might end up losing everyone. And that includes me your best friend."

" That's not gonna happen." He cuts in immediately

" You think?" He heaved a sigh and sat up straight and placed his hands on the table

"I feel so hurt Lionel and for what? For being a nice buddy. Can I ever get over that?" he asked me in a low voice and I patted his hand to console him.

" You will if you try." I assured him.

" I already tried."

" Maybe it's time to try harder." I smile remembering our life at the orphanage. This was the same guy who never gave up hope. I know life had been rough on him but I needed him to see himself strong and kind again. "I know a guy who doesn't quit. Are you still that guy?" He gave a weak smile

" What will I do without you?" He complimented

" You would be Arnold Schwarzenegger ' I'll be back.' " I said and we both laughed. " I need you to be the live wire again. Bridge the gap between you and your past."

"I'll try, therapist Lionel"

" Now that you say it I may as well add it to my list of professions. Yes that reminds me. I'm going on a date tonight"

" Huh God. Another loud night."

" Not my fault. This guy gotta have fun." I said pointing to myself

" I'm not against the fun but can you and your mistresses tone it down tonight with the moans."

" Are we that loud?"

" More than you can imagine."

" But you've never said anything."

" Well, I am now."

" I will, I promise and I'll gist you how it went when I'm back." I called the waiter over and paid the bill.