chapter 4: Monica's reason

Monica take Euphoria back to the fountain as they chat for a while. ,"monica it's clear to me that you don't like the boy guts am i right?"Euphoria says with lifted brow.

"why do you think so euphi" Monica questions,"tge way you just explained him,you where like a critic judging the taste of a meal"Euphoria points out.

Monica sighs, "his name is Dominic,his just a spoilt brat wasting his parents money okay"Monica explains,"you shouldn't hang out with him okay"Monica advices her friend.

"if you say so,I won't involved my self with the hottie"Euphoria says teasenly,Monica shakes her head at her friend, Euphoria giggles but stop noticing a guy coming towards them .

"wow there are alot of cuties at school huh"Euphoria nudges her friend, "oh Zac"Monica waves him, Zac smiles as he walks toward them.

"hello ladies" Zac bows at them,Zac has jet black hair ,his smile could weaken any girl kneels,"hello hottie"Euphoria smirks at him,Zac was stupidfied at her comments he didn't know whether to laugh,smile or blush.

"bold comments gorgeous"Zac smirks as he lifts up her hand planting a kiss on it.Euphoria grins happily,"charmed to meet you handsome"Euphoria says with a smile.

"same"Zac replies.

Monica rolls her eyes,"okay that's anough, stop with all the crap,you better keep your limits with euphi"Monica warns Zac.

"euphi?"Zac says confused, Euphoria giggles,"Euphoria" Euphoria explains, Zac nods.

"so what's your major?"Zac asked,"science,not sure on the career aspect of the factor though,but am still glossing through"Euphoria explains.

"i see"Zac nods,"grade?"Zac askes,"tenth,you"Euphoria swiftly responds."eleventh,age?"Zac askes."16,you?"Euphoria asked,"almost 19"Zac responds.

"Anough with the Q n A session,the rest are here."Monica shuts down their conversation,some people where walking towards them.

Euphoria POV

some of Monica's friends Jones us,and she introduced us,"this is Chloe the Burnett, same class as you,Jasper the blonde, Jasmine the ginger and my bestie tayana honey blonde"Monica introduced.

Euphoria eyes widen seeing the girl from earlier,whom she bumped into and refused her help rudely,"she?"Euphoria asked unsure.

tayana rolls her eyes,"yeah me"tayana scoffs,"got a problem"tayana asked keeping her tone nice,"i could list a couple,if you wanna hear"Euphoria says getting up.

they were both glaring at each other with equals heat,tayana was taller than Euphoria so sadly she had to look up, A/N [been there 😔].

Monica sensing the tension coughs breaking their gaze,"have you too met before?"Monica asked.

"seems like you guys have history"Zac comments,"more like beef"Chloe adds.

"Nah!!" Euphoria and Tayana says in unison as they turn away from each other in sinc.

*****An hour and a half later*****

Euphoria POV

[Euphoria head back to her room,she changes into her little pink nighties,]

today was awesome,except the part of meeting tayana.

I made alot of friends,Monica always had the habit of making friends,nice ones to be exact,they all treated and talked to me like they knew me for a long time.

********The next day*********

Euphoria wakes up getting dressed in her uniform,she wears her navy blue little skit,light blue inner and her navy suit,she knots her tie as she brushed her hair.

she ties her hair in a pony tail as she grabs her bag,she gets to the elevator excitedly.

she gets out heading to the main bluiding, she walks along the hall lost,she hand a slipped with her class number on it,but finding her class was to no avail.

she was now on the third floor searching for her class,but all the class she enters they would gawk at her and say she was in the wrong class.

she became soon exhausted,she seats on the floor with folded legs looking at the slip with a frown.

"stupid 21b"she mutters to her self,she hears door steps approaching,she turns to see, apparently the person was taking the stairs.

"who takes the stairs in a school with an elevator?"Euphoria asked herself,she gets up walking towards the stairs.

her mouth flew open seeing the cutie from yesterday,"oh it's you"she mumbles to herself,"OH IT'S YOU" Euphoria says again upon realizing attempt to run away.

"where you going shortie"Dominic says making her stop on her track, Euphoria slowly turns around, Dominic tilts his head slowly.

Euphoria turns around with tears streaming down her face, Dominic knots his brows with widen eyes confused.

"what happened?"Dominic asked confused,"i CaNt FiNd mY ClAsS" Euphoria says sniffling.

Dominic blinked multiple times confused,"whats there to be sad about?"Dominic askes confused,"am late for calculus"Euphoria says sadly.

"wow"Dominic simply says as he takes the slip from her,"21b"he says ,"come that's my class"Dominic informs her.

Euphoria face beams with joy as she follows him happily as they get to her class,they reach there as Euphoria turns to him.

"Thanks for taking me to my class I really appreciate it", Euphoria says happily,"your welcome" Dominic says walking away.

"wait!!, aren't you entering class?"Euphoria asked confused,"nope,I lied that's not my class am in 22A"Dominic says with a chuckle.

" Then why did you excort me to mine?" Euphoria asked,"i like excorting pretty girls to their class"Dominic says with a wink, euphoria face soon turn bright pink.

"good luck on your first day"Dominic says heading to the third floor.

"thanks"she says shyly as she heads into the class.Euphoria enters the class,the teacher turns to her,"great more brats to worry about"the teacher mumbles.

"write you name on the board"Mr Clyde says handing her the TV pen,he switched on the big screen as Euphoria writes her name.

A/N :[sorry guys that I haven't posted in a while,I've been busy writing a book for a contest,it's called "it's not reality", please check it out and show support,I promise there would be a mass release after the competition for webnovel spirity award please]

please vote for me ,it would be appreciated,am writing stories that make you have a smile and a tiny of pink on your cheeks, please show this author some love thanks🥺🥺