chapter 5: “meeting with the gang"

Euphoria enters the class,the teacher turns to her,"great more brats to worry about"the teacher mumbles.

"write you name on the board"Mr Clyde says handing her the TV pen,he switched on the big screen as Euphoria writes her name.

"your name is Euphoria black"me Clyde askes,"yep"Euphoria nods,she turns to the class and sees a waving Chloe, trying to get her attention.

Euphoria rushes to sit with her, Chloe was at her left,"you guys are using a big screen as a board?.

" yeah"Chloe says nonchalantly like it's normal,"wow"Euphoria says nodding at Chloe words.


After class Euphoria went to the cafeteria along with, Chloe and Monica.

they take their seat discussing among themselves.

"so how was your first day"Monica asked her friend,"it was lovely"Euphoria respond eating her salad.

"Are you sure you're okay with just a salad?"chleo askes,"yeah am okay with just it"Euphoria says contented.

A pink dyed hair came over sitting on our table with her tray,"sup fam"she says taking a bite from her burger.

she was really pretty,had a strong British accent,her skin looked so smooth and we'll maintained,her eating habits where a little flat,she seems like a foodie actually.

it seemed like everyone was dinner if her,the way they all smiles at her,"how you doing love"Monica says turning to her with a smile.

"hello Kim"chleo waves,Kim nods at them,"hi"Kim says turning to my direction,"hello"I replied shyly.

"my names Kimberly,Kim for short"Kim says with a smile as she bites into her burger again.

I just scanned her,I really fancied her tanned skin,she had really light blue green eyes,only few had such rare eye color,she had pointed nose a peirceing at the bottom of her nose, barely recognizable but still boldly stood out.

Her pink lips was well glossed,she wore a shiny pink jacket with a white crop top inner, follow-up by a shiny pink huggers complementary to her jacket.

"so what's your name"Kim says dropping the half eaten burger on the plate as she wiped her mouth with napkin.

"Euphoria black,class 22b,age sixteen,room 42"Euphoria says all in one go shyly,"jeez I only asked for a name,but thanks ,it would be needful for a sleepover"Kim giggles.

Soon the cafeteria door springs open revealing Dominic and his counterparts,Zac ,verr,red,Frank and Tayana.

They walk up to our table, Dominic rest his chin on Kim's shoulder giving her a kiss on the cheek.

A Red haired boy walks up to me , sitting by me,he turns to me as we both exchanged glance,"hello Blondie"the red haired boy says with a smile.

"hello"I say with a small smile nervously,"my name's red"red says with a smile.

"Don't make Euphi uncomfortable red" Monica chirps in as she bites through her fries.tayana sits by Monica as they chat.

"loud and clear Monica"red says getting up,"will talk some other time"red add.

"Come let's go play basketball" red offers,"sure"they all agree,"you coming?" Dominic askes tayana as she nods getting up.

They all live except for Zac,"arent you going with them?"Euphoria asked curious.

"nah,am too tired to play"Zac say resting on the table."want my burger"Kim asked shifting her tray closer to him.

"yes please"Zac says lifting up his head,he picks up the burger taking a bite."can you get me a milkie too"Zac says pouting adorably.

"Okay love"Kim says getting up heading to get him a milk carton.

"kim is really nice"Euphoria says as they all nod in agreement.

*********The next day********

Euphoria wakes up streaching,she gets in the bath,after her shower,she dress in her uniform.

she looks at herself in the mirror as she ties her hair in a ponytail,"i wonder why people don't wear the uniform like I do"Euphoria asked her self.

"it doesn't seem like a most I guess" she mutters to herself,"so should i?"she asked her self wearing her tie.

she gets out of the room in her uniform,"yeah I like being different, difference make me a reference to uniqueness"she says to herself getting in the elevator.

the door was about closing when Tayana slips inside,"oh you"Euphoria says with a frown,"why her again Lord"Tayana mutters to herself.

"it seems we stay in the same hall"Euphoria points out,"pointing out the obvious I see,was there any other logical explanation to the unfortunate situation that keeps on occuring"Tayana says with an eye roll.

"i pray you eye don't fall out you sucker cuz of you eye rolls"Euphoria comments,"whatever"Tayana scoffs.

"room number?"Tayana says,"what ?"Euphoria asked confused,"your room number?"Tayana explains.

"oh room 42"Euphoria says, "47"Tayana sighs,"so that's why!!"they both say in sinc.

"guess we can't stop it"Euphoria says with a giggle,"the elevator door opens,as they get out,"yes we can"Tayana says.

they both stop on their tacks turning to each other.

"how?"Euphoria asked confused,"time lines,when do you wake up?"Tayana askes.

"6:00, leave by 7:00"Euphoria says, Tayana nods,"same here,okay I'll wake by 5:30 and leave before seven"Tayana says with a nod.

"you don't ha-","yes I do"Tayana cuts her short before walking away."how rude"Euphoria says with an eye roll leaving aswell.

A/N :[sorry guys that I haven't posted in a while,I've been busy writing a book for a contest,it's called "it's not reality", please check it out and show support,I promise there would be a mass release after the competition for webnovel spirity award please]

please vote for me ,it would be appreciated,am writing stories that make you have a smile and a tiny of pink on your cheeks, please show this author some love thanks🥺🥺