chapter 6:little notes

you don't ha-","yes I do"Tayana cuts her short before walking away."how rude"Euphoria says with an eye roll leaving as well.

********** After class *********

Euphoria heads to the cafeteria along with Chloe,they spot Monica,Zac,Kim and Tayana at the usual table.

"Euphi!!"Monica waves excitedly at her friend, Euphoria sits beside her along with Chloe.

"holla"Kim says before biting into her sandwich,"foodie"Tayana says with a chuckle.

"i heard that"Kim says pouting,her lip was smurged with sauce making her look funny as they all laugh.

"first week really boring right guys"Kim says wiping her lips with a napkin.

"no why did you wipe it off"Monica says swopping an invisible tear from her eye.

"it really look good on you"chleo says giggling,"yes hot sauce lipstick"Euphoria says not being able to hold her laugh.

"And about your comment from earlier,schools always boring for you"Tayana informs her with a amused facial expression.

"when have school ever not been boring for you"Chloe says, Euphoria giggles at chleo comments.

Dominic along with red enter the cafeteria,at their entrance everyone gawked at them stopping what they were doing.

"Dominic really handsome isn't he"chleo sighs in admiration, "yeah"Euphoria nods agreeing with her.

"hmm"chleo says turning to her.

"i agree with you"Euphoria says as chleo nods,they turn back their attention on the hottie.

Dominic and red walk up to their table,as Dominic snatches Kim soda,"nicky!!"Kim whines.

"what?"Dominic acts innocent and oblivious to his teasing as he drinks her soda.

Euphoria frowns a little at Kim getting all the attention from Dominic ,when he notice her?.

Dominic hands Kim back the half drunk soda as she rolls her eyes drinking her soda.

He then turn his attention to Tayana,"come on Yana "Dominic Says to Tayana,she gets up stretching.

"you coming?"red askes Zac,"nah tommorow definitely"Zac says,they nod as they depart from the cafeteria finally breaking everyone in the cafeteria trance.

Euphoria sighs as she gets up,"where you going?"chleo askes getting up,"to the library"Euphoria Informs her.

"i see"chleo says slowly sitting back down,"am guessing you'll be absent from studying at the library"Euphoria says with a light laugh.

"ill go with you"Zac suggest as he gets up,"thanks"Euphoria says as they both leave the cafeteria.

**********At the library********

Zac opens the glass door to the library, Euphoria walks in with awe,"oh my what a luxury"the interior of the library was more modern,than the castle features.

"Its like a playground of knowledge" Euphoria says excitedly,her eyes beamed with joy at the place,it was quite large,it even had it own floor,so many shelves.

They was a maze like studying,with wooden partition forming like a maze,each person had their own studying space.

Euphoria scans the shelves in awe,"how many books are in h-","2,345,678 books in total"Zac cuts her short, Euphoria turns to him shocked, "how did you know that?" Euphoria asked confused.

"Am one of the members of the school board the library my sector in the board"Zac explains to her as she nods,"oh I see"Euphoria nods in understanding.

Zac and Euphoria take their seat in their partition,"am going to get some test books for physics,what do you want?"Zac askes Euphoria.

"can you get me some science combos please"Euphoria informs him,Zac nods as he leaves.

Euphoria pulls out a book from her bag as she opens it preparing to read,"lets see what physics has for me"she opens it flipping through.

"Not much,only introductory topic"Euphoria says,"no wonder Zac went for a test search"Euphoria says resting her back on the chair,"let me check the scheme"she says scanning it.

She sees Dominic walk in the library,he spots her as he approaches her ,she quickly pick up a book burying in her face in it.

Dominic walks up to her,"hey sunshine"Dominic calls out to her,she looks up at him then immediately back at her book completely ignoring him and his presence.

"Are you going to ignore me?" Dominic askes with narrowed eyes, Euphoria still kept looking at her book ignoring,"you do know the book is upside down right?"Dominic informs her, Euphoria still kept quiet reading her head stand words.

Dominic leaves her partition, Euphoria sighs in relief thinking that his leaving,but she was stupidfied to see him sit across her, Euphoria could feel her blood boiling,she immediately got up.

But soon she remembered that Zac left for a text search,"i can't leave now can I?"Euphoria sighs as she sits back down, Dominic chuckles making Euphoria even more annoyed.

"This fools adding more salt to my injury"she sighs ,she soon sees a small note slipping from under the partition,"is this imbecile slipping me a note "she mutters to herself.

she rolls her eyes as she takes the note opening it,[hi]."hi!!!, that's what he wanted to say"Euphoria almost screams,she gains her compulsure as she rips a page scribbling on it,then passing it under the partition.

Dominic smirks as he takes the note opening it,[what do you want you freak of nature], Dominic chuckles at the letter,"aww"he says before scribbling [wow you have a cute nickname for me now,how adorable] and passing through the partition.

Euphoria picks it up as she frowns,'what kind of specie should I classify this man as' she thought within,no wonder Monica hates him,she looks at the paper once more,"idiot",she picks up her own scribbling on it again.

[what do you want idiot]she passes the note through the partition,she hears him chuckle again,she sees another note as she picks it,[for us to be friends :)],"what the hell!!"Euphoria says flabbergasted by his IQ.

she tears a paper scribbling [do you think bothering my life with you cheap words and stupid flirt along with you ugly laugh is going to make me your friend?,you most be mistaken,I don't need friends like you],she passes the note through the partition.

"ugly laugh"Dominic says with a small chuckle,he passes another note, Euphoria picks it up as she rolls her eyes,[come on sunshine,is it a crime to be your friend huh?] Dominic slips the note.

Euphoria giggles as she scribbles again [yes and you can get two life sentence for it without possibility of parole],she slips the note as Dominic chuckles reading it.

"sentenced"Dominic says amused,[well I hope you are going to be my prison warder ;)] Dominic passes the note.

"this fool"Euphoria says annoyed, 'can't he take the hint' ,'I don't want to be his friend' , Euphoria sighs,she decided to stop writing to him.

she sees a note slipping as she picks it up,[what's wrong sunshine are you daydreaming about me?;)], Euphoria almost vomited blood by his cliche words,she didn't know when her hand took a pen and started scribbling [day dream about you?,nope I rather marry Shrek than waste my thoughts, there's no space in my brain for thinking about rubbish]she slips the note.

This time she was the one to laugh,'i most always have the last laugh' ,she sees a note slip as she eagerly take it,'their note passing is quite enjoyable she won't lie,she opens the note,she frowns at it,[ouch sunshine you win TT].

"is that it?"Euphoria says to herself with a frown,she sees another paper slip as she immediately picks it,[1-0, we'll see next time;)], Dominic gets up as she looks up at him.

"bye sunshine"Dominic says with a wink before leaving, Euphoria face soon turn bright pink,Zac gets back with a heap of books blocking his face,"theres no way we're failing phy-","sorry I have to go bye"Euphoria says hurriedly as she left making Zac fall his books.

"what there-"he says with a sigh looking at the books on the floor.

A/N :[sorry guys that I haven't posted in a while,I've been busy writing a book for a contest,it's called "it's not reality", please check it out and show support,I promise there would be a mass release after the competition for webnovel spirity award please]

please vote for me ,it would be appreciated,am writing stories that make you have a smile and a tiny of pink on your cheeks, please show this author some love thanks🥺🥺.

Each of my chapters are over 1000words,Am among few that write over1000 words in each chapters, motivate me to write,vote for me I promise to update more,am just busy with exams I'll try my best.