Chapter 62

While they were on the way to the Golden Serpent Island. The Green Serpent Clan met other merfolks along the way.

His triplets flew to the direction where the mermaids are located. Xinn only then did he noticed that Cielo and his teammates were also there.

Xinn waved at then happily, Cielo and the other mermen waved back and even playful waved their long green tails and sent a moderate force of waves.

Alen was surprised that Xinn got along pretty well with the mermen. Although their clan also have a polite relationship with the mermen merfolks. They were not close to the point that they would greet each other as if they were close friends.

Alonzo kindly explained to Alen and Renzo that he had already forgotten the route towards the clan island that was why they were fortunate that they met Cielo's group.

Xinn was fascinated to see different kinds of creatures when they were traveling towards the Golden Serpent Clan. They met different kinds of creatures like the octopus merfolks, seahorse merfolks, shark merfolks, and dolphin merfolks.

They were also carrying their own females as they swam along with them.

It seems that the Golden Serpent Clan rules the sea as every merfolks had to attend the New Year with the serpents.

And moreover, none of the creatures here are ugly. Xinn sobbed and felt unfair for his modern world. Especially that mermen merfolks, they really look graceful and elegant with that body and face.

If he was not Inlove with his Alonzo, he might have chased these merfolks long ago.

Of course, Xinn doesn't dare cheat on his baby daddy.

Before Xinn could continue sight seeing, his newborn babies, the twins started crying for food.

Xinn helplessly asked Renzo and Alen to hand over the twins to him.

Alen and Renzo carefully handed the twins to Xinn. When Xinn recieved his twins, his body suddenly faded within their sight.

Alen and Renzo were surprised to witness this yet they could still somehow feel Xinn's breathing between them.

" I'm going to breastfeed my twins, I'm sorry, I have to cover my body. " Xinn apologized to his parents-in-law.

Alen and Renzo sighed in relief hearing his voice. Then nodded. " It's fine, we know that it is crowded right now and is not a good time for breastfeeding. "

Alen nodded in agreement. " After all, there are a lot of single serpents here. It is not good for a married female to show his body arbitrarily in public. "

The invisible Xinn nodded and slowly lifted the helm of his clothes. He removed his nipple covers and slowly pinched his nipple, as expected milk immediately came out after a few soft pinches.

Xinn cradled his twins and let the twins to latch on his chest and started breastfeeding.

Elias has been keeping an eye on Alonzo's female. When he saw him suddenly turning invisible, Elias felt restless, but when he eavesdropped and heard Xinn's explanation, only then did he calm down.

The sour feeling in his heart began surging out as well when he thought that it's already late and they already had children.

As time passed by, The Green Serpent Clan met the Blue Serpent Clan members. Everyone greeted each other and accompanied each other as they proceeded to head towards the main branch.

The Black Serpent Clan, Red Serpent Clan, Brown Serpent Clan, Purple Serpent Tribe and etc., joined right after they met.

A few hours later, the entire group of sea folks gradually saw a vague outline of an island with mountains and trees.

The clouds on top of the island obscured the peak of the mountains creating a dream like scenery. It looks like a paradise for people. Several females could be seen walked along the shoreline.

Some were swimming half-naked while some just basked under the sun.

After breastfeeding and lulling his twins to sleep, Xinn's eyes were filled with beauties, beauty there, beauty here, beauties everywhere.


Xinn and his group might have been fascinated by the scenery in the Golden Serpent Island. But the clan members of the Golden Serpent Island, on the other hand, were surprised to see the towering green serpent at the back.

When the group of clans arrived, everyone started climbing off their serpent's head and came to the shoreline one after another.

Everyone's eyes however was drawn to the big serpent behind.

Xinn could feel their burning gazes on his husband's body and felt irritated. If it is morally fine, he would have long since sent spacial blades to blind their eyes. How dare they boldly stare at his husband's precious body?

When Alonzo arrived at the shore. Alen jumped down with Renzo helping him and followed the crowd.

Xinn also stood up and held his twins as he he jumped down carelessly.

"Aaaah! Xinn!!! Why did you jumped down like that?! You could have waited for Renzo! " Alen worriedly screamed and immediately surrounded Xinn, touching Xinn's body, checking whether he had broken his his bones.

Xinn jumped up and down and showed Alen that he is perfectly fine and transferred his baby bag around Alen's neck before enthusiastically running in front of his husband.

The green serpent lowered his head down and rubbed his head on Xinn's face. Xinn patted Alonzo's head and kissed his nose.

The serpent's golden eyes locked on the female's body and his forked tongue stuck out and hissed.

Xinn patted Alonzo's head. " Alright, change to your human form already. "

Alonzo nodded obediently and slowly transformed into a human. When Alonzo became a naked man, Xinn immediately covered his body with a big towel and glared at the single females who were fantasizing over his husband's body.

The females of the Golden Serpent Clan immediately shivered from Xinn's glare and lowered their heads down in embarrassment.

Xinn immediately tied the knots of the robe and covered Alonzo with another layer of robe.

Alonzo now looked like an ancient Chinese wearing Chinese historical clothing.

Alonzo smiled being protected by his female from the eyes of the other females. He likes it when Xinn showed his possessiveness.

Xinn grumbled and pulled Alonzo's head to kiss his lips. " Don't look at them, just look at me. "

Alonzo's body bent down as Xinn's caressed the back of his head. Alonzo hummed in response and nuzzled his nose on Xinn's cheeks. Alonzo dropped a kiss on the corner of his lips and said. " Alright, hubby shall listen to wife. "

Xinn couldn't stop himself from smiling. He finally calmed his restless emotions down. Alonzo intertwined his hands with Xinn's hands and walked together towards Alen and Renzo's direction.

The females' eyes in the island followed the silhouettes of the couple and felt regret that the giant serpent was already taken.

Elias clenched his fist and followed after the patriarch. Several patriarch met each other and bowed down in greetings.

Everyone gathered in the large square at the center of the island. Several patriarch took a seat at the platform, where does of seat are located, but the middle seat remained blank.

The seat of the holy serpent.

The triplets were told to stop flying for a time being and were now in the hands of their parents. Shawn obediently sat over Alonzo's shoulder, while Xinn held two snakes in his hands.

When they took a seat on the logs on the ground, Xinn could still feel some gazes following them.

Suddenly, everyone in the island started cheering when they heard that the Golden Patriarch came back after hunting.

Everyone turned their heads to the shore's direction and saw a gigantic serpent the same size as Alonzo's form in the sea.

He has golden scales and golden whiskers on his head. The golden serpent loomed over the whole island and slowly dropped the giant sea buffalo hanging in his mouth.

Xinn's mouth gaped open seeing the body of the buffalo, the sea beast kinda reminded him of the sea beast in One Piece. There are creatures like this in the sea?!!

Seeing the giant sea beast hunted by the Patriarch, everyone cheered and started clapping.

Suddenly, the females in the clan, wearing leather skirts and shells ornaments on their body, stood up one after another and started dancing when the drum was beaten.

Every moves they make creates a jingling sounds from the seashells hanging on their waist as they jumped, swayed their hips like belly dancers.

Are they seducing the single serpents here?!!! ....

As expected, the merfolks around the bonfire started cheering for the most beautiful female dancer.

" Luis, is still as beautiful as how I remembered him before. "

" When can he accept my feelings for him? I've been courting him ever since I'm still young, but look at me now, still rejected again and again by Luis. "

" Luis has a lot of pursuers, just give up, brad. "

Xinn could hear everyone talking about the astounding female dancer, dancing among the group of females.

" What's with this dance? " Xinn asked Alonzo

Alonzo kneaded Xinn's waist as he answered leisurely. " Females would dance around the bonfire as ritual for the Beast God who created this world. In this kind of occasion, single females are required to dance. I can't remember the reason but this tradition has now become a performance for the females to debut and introduce themselves to their potential mates. "

" After they finished their performance, the female dancers would choose the man they took an interest and let them all cook the food and feed them. Well, of course, everyone has to eat, not just them. ",

Xinn nodded in realization. It is a bit disappointing though as he didn't get to experience this. It's not that he wished to dance, he just felt regret that he didn't transmigrate sooner to do this kind of thing with Alonzo.

When the performance ended, the atmosphere around the square became tense. It seems that it s now the time for the female dancers to choose their mates.

Xinn boredly yawned and hugged Alonzo's triceps.

The Golden Serpent suddenly transformed to his human form. A golden haired handsome middle aged man appeared and suddenly dropped down from the sky.

The man lightly landed and walked to the platform where all patriarch's are gathered. Everyone suddenly stood up and bowed to the golden haired man.

The man waved his hands and said in his majestic voice. " Everyone, you may now sit down. "

Everyone thanked in response and waited for the Patriarch to sit down before sitting down themselves.

Luis, among the female dancers suddenly stepped forward and slightly bowed his head down." Father " He called out to the golden haired man.

Luciano, the Golden Serpent Patriarch nodded. " You may now choose your mate. "

Luis immediately smiled brightly and bowed down again. " Thank you, father. "

" Hmm ", Lucian rested his cheeks on his fist and hummed.

All single serpents were suddenly ordered by the Patriarch to stand up.

Elias, Esteban and the other single serpents stood up. Except Elias, who had his eyes locked on Xinn's body. Everyone stared their eyes on the beautiful female dancer, expressing the dancer to choose them.

Most of them especially practiced their cooking skills in order to get approval from Luis.

Luis shyly lowered his head and blushed. " Uhhmm, father. I would like to choose the largest and strong serpent. "

Everyone suddenly froze up, hearing the female's words.

Even Xinn who was dozing off on his lover's lap opened his eyes sharply when he heard the word LARGEST AND STRONG SERPENT.

Everyone knows that there's a giant green serpent in the Green Serpent Clan but they didn't expect for Luis to choose a married serpent.

Luciano naturally heard of this too and frowned. " Son, forget about that serpent. He's not meant to be your mate. "

Luis pursed his lips and shook his head. " I don't care if he already has a wife, I want him. "

Xinn's eyes immediately turned dark hearing his words.

" Father, I want Alonzo to divorce that female and have him marry me!"

Xinn immediately stood up in shock and glared at Luis.

Luis stared back at the female with a determined expression. " I want your husband. "

Alonzo lowered his head and silently ate potato chips as he watched the drama unfold.

As for Luis? He doesn't care about him. He's enjoying watching his wife fight for his body.

Look at his possessive wife, he's already sending glares to the female that dared to covet his existence.

Everyone waited for the female's reaction. Alonzo's female is unexpectedly good looking, even more beautiful than Luis. He also possessed a superior aura than Luis, but everyone was already used admiring Luis, so they have two thoughts regarding who's the female they are going to side.

Luis liked a married man ... This is a big and interesting scandal.

Luciano frowned and shook his head. " No, it couldn't be happened. "

Luis turned to his dad and stumped his feet. " Father!! "

" Luis!!!! Behave yourself! "

" No, I won't!!! " Luis shouted back.

Luis's eyes turned red and watery as he pointed his hand on Xinn. " This female doesn't deserve Alonzo at all!!! Alonzo should have been mine!!! He snatched him from me!!! "

Xinn arc up his brows and slowly walked towards Luis.

" Yours? Did you hear your own self? Luis? " Xinn contemptuously said and snorted.

He crossed his arms and gave Luis an arrogant expression. " You want my husband to separate from me? Then how would you do that then? Does my husband even like you? "

Luis froze hearing Xinn's words.

Xinn walked slowly around Luis and circled as he scanned Luis' body from top to bottom. " I don't think my husband and would agree though, he won't like a childish and spoiled brat like you. "

Lucian frowned in displeasure hearing the foreign female's comment on his son. " Watch your words, femeia. "

Alonzo widened his eyes in surprise realizing something.

How did Xinn managed to understand their words?

Xinn turned to glare at the golden serpent. " Watch my words? "

" What do you expect me? Alonzo's wife to react on a foolish female coveting what's mine?! "

" Can't you see that foolish female over there? Even if he is your son, I won't stop myself from insulting a toad that wants to swallow a swan! "

Luciano suddenly stood up with a grim expression. " Just who are you to disrespect me?!! A holy being!! "

Xinn stared at Luciano with disgust. " You? A holy being? "

" Sorry for my rudeness, patriarch, but you are not a holy being at all. "

" You are just a serpent that swallowed the essence core of the Serpent Clan's ancestors. "

Everyone turned stiff hearing this unbelievable information.

Xinn licked his lower lip as he gave the patriarch a nasty expression. " Don't tell me that you grew that large by swallowing sea beasts? "

Xinn stared at the patriarch's belly. " In your body , there should be bits of remains of the ancestors' essence core. Have you asked for all the other Patriarchs' permissions to use your ancestors' essence core to absorb it up? "

Luciano's hands trembled and lowered his head. All patriarch's from varying serpent clans stared solemly at the 'holy being' they were following.

" Is it true? " Adrian asked and gave Luciano a cold stare.

Luciano shook his head. " No, that femeia was lying. There's no way I could afford to sully our ancestors' belongings. ",

" Xinn! How dare you disrespect my father! " Luis shouted and ran towards Xinn. He pointed his finger on Xinn and shouted. " You don't belong here! Return back to your place! "

Adrian frowned seeing Luciano's son treat his female grandson-in-law being bullied and immediately struck his staff on the ground.

" Luis, Xinn is our grandson's wife. He belongs to our clan. "

Luis' face immediately turned dark. He glared at Xinn then turned his head in Alonzo's directions.

" Alonzo... Do you remember me? I am your friend, Luis, don't you remember the kid that played with you before? "

Luis shyly lowered his head and fidgeted with his fingertips. "I like you, Alonzo. I don't mind if you already have children, I can accept them as my own. If... You agree to be my husband, I will take care of you. "

Xinn's expression turned ugly hearing his hipocritical words, he expressed disgust towards Luis.

Alonzo lifted his head and stared at the bashful Luis. He lowered his head again and yawned. "No , I don't remember you. ",

Luis' face froze .

A nasty expression surfaced on Xinn's face.


Luciano slapped his palm on the rest of his chair and glared at Alonzo. Luciano is a type of man who spoils his son, seeing his son being treated like that, Luciano couldn't stop himself from bursting.

" Alonzo! Let's duel. "

Alonzo was about to stand up when Xinn suddenly ran like a bolt of lightning towards Luciano.

Xinn stretched his arms backwards and sent a punch to the patriarch's face.

The golden haired man was punched accurately at his cheek and was sent flying away in the sky. Everyone gasped in surprise when Xinn did that disrespectful thing to the patriarch.

Xinn pointed his hand to the patriarch lying on the ground far away from the platform and declared. " If I defeat you right now, Your position as the Main Patriarch of the Serpent Tribe will be revoked! "

All Patriarchs immediately stood up in disbelief.