Chapter 63

Everyone was about to restrain Xinn, however, Alonzo stopped them with his cold stare.

" You want to interfere? Go ahead and try, let's see if you can withstand my wife's ability to fight . "

The Green Serpent Clan members advised everyone to retreat. They may have not witnessed Xinn's combat prowess but they know that he's mysterious and possessed an ability granted by a true living god. The living evidence were already flying over their heads.

When their other clan members followed the sight of the Green Serpent Clan members, everyone immediately ran away in fear when they saw three little guys floating in the air like ghosts.

Shawn floated upside down while sucking his pacifier and waved his hand to them. " Wuwu "

Valen pulled Shawn back to his right position and combed Shawn's messy hair with his short hands. Caelan floated to their direction while kicking his feet in the air as if he was swimming backwards in the ocean.

The triplets slowly turned their heads to the group of people staring at them as if they were weird existences.

" Ga Guah? " Caelan turned to his stomach and waved his hands as if he is paddling on the water.

Look, Shawn, Valen, they are staring at us again.

Shawn yawned and lied down on the airbed as he closed his eyes. " Wu Wu Wah Po ah.  " Leave them alone, aren't we are used to being stared at.

Valen nodded in agreement and patted Shawn's back. " Gu si shu " I agree


Luciano slowly stood up from his shameful position and glared at the one who did this to him. Several patriarchs hesitated but still ended up helping him. Luciano only felt more shame when they helped him.

Just a single punch, and his reputation as a respected powerful patriarch were already destroyed. He hates this foreign female.

Maybe Luis is right, Alonzo should divorce this kind of disrespectful female and send him away from their territory.

Luciano slowly stood up and walked to the platform. The patriarchs who were left behind also followed after but they took different directions and took a seat together with their own clan.

Xinn waited for Luciano to step on the platform. Once Luciano took his first step on the platform. A spherical barrier suddenly enveloped the whole platform.

Everyone retreated away from the barrier when it slowly extended outward.

The platform doesn't have enough space for a comfortable battle. If possible, he wants to drive them all away and use the entire island to fight the patriarch without any worries.

As if sensing their fight. The clouds suddenly turned gloomy and dark. The cold wind blew and breezed through the skins of the clan members.

Alonzo stood right outside of the barrier as he stared silently at his wife. His eyes moved in the direction of the main patriarch and frowned. He stared gloomily at the Patriarch and clenched his fist.

He wants to fight Luciano himself, but he also wants to see how capable his wife really is. Ever since they lived in the norther mountains, his wife never encountered life threathening battles or situations such as the time he found him bloody.

Xinn is not the type of person who loves fight.

But if Xinn ever held his ancient sword, he is ready to kill anytime. He is not scared or worried, all he does is to swing his sword and fight.


Luciano heard that this female isn't an ordinary one. He came from a place that worships a true living god, he was granted a supernatural ability to control air and possessed a strong blood that even his children inherited his ability to manipulate wind.

Luciano could feel the dangerousness the female emitted.

The drum was suddenly beaten as the start of the fight. Luciano immediately transformed into his serpent form.

Alonzo outside was confused about why Xinn did not summon his sword out.

Shadow slowly loomed over Xinn's body as Luciano's serpent mouth opened, sticking out his forked tongue. Xinn could somehow hear the growl of the serpent similar to that of a dragon's sound.

Now that Xinn took a closer look to the Golden Serpent. He realized that Luciano is several meters bigger than Alonzo. The essence core that Luciano had absorbed must have been stronger than the red fox tribe's ancestor's essence core.

But Xinn was not scared, he had fought giant mutated beasts like this before in his previous life in the apocalypse world.

Luciano's tail suddenly moved upward and slammed his tail down, Intending to hammer down the female.


Renzo and Alen held both of their hands in disbelief and worry. How could the patriarch dare to hurt a precious female?

He's a scumbag!

Everyone waited for the female to scream help, they felt agitated and wanted to run towards the barrier and enter through it to save the female but they were helpless, they were not quick enough to do that.

Everyone seemed to have forgotten how Xinn sent Luciano away with a single punch.


When the tail slammed down on the female, the platform suddenly created a cracking sound. Lines like cobweb spread made from the force Lucian exerted.

When Alonzo heard that sound, his eyes immediately turn red in anger and punched the barrier.

" Open it!!! Open the barrier!!! "

Sand obscured everyone's sight and they were not sure what was happening inside. Alonzo's restless heart couldn't stay calm anymore and he badly wanted to coil himself around the barrier and shatter it but he was afraid that it will send backlash to Xinn.

He knows that Xinn is strong, but when he heard that sound earlier. Alonzo couldn't stop worrying.

He is so stupid, why did he let his wife to go in there? Why was he so confident that his wife could defeat all creatures in the world. He thought Xinn could handle Luciano, but he was wrong.

His wife wasn't omnipotent at all. He had overestimated and trusted his wife that he could handle it.

But when he thought of Xinn getting wounded again. Alonzo sheds tears.

He was wrong.

Xinn defeated snowie before, a beast larger than the brown eagle he swallowed before. He thought Xinn could defeat Luciano.

" Wife!!! Open the barrier!!! Please, I'm begging you!!Come out. Stop the fight, I can fight him for you! "

Before Alonzo could even continue shouting. He suddenly heard Xinn's annoyed voice.

" Shut up!! Don't distract me! "

Alonzo immediately shut his mouth and stared dumbfoundedly at the vague shadow amidst the misty sand filled platform.

Alonzo wiped his tears and bit his lips in shame.

Was he overly dramatic?


When Luciano slammed his tail down. Luciano thought it was already the end. The ground was now covered with sand and even his eyes couldn't see through it.

Did that female die ?

Before Luciano could even relax his guard. His body was suddenly yanked from the tail.

Xinn lifted up Luciano's tail and suddenly slammed his tail down. The force made Lucian's upper body rise up and then slammed down to the ground.

Xinn ran towards the barrier and suddenly walked on the barrier as if his feet stuck with it. The gravity seems to hold no justice to him as he didn't even fall down. But once he reached the top of the barrier.

Xinn flashed a smile to Luciano.

Luciano met Xinn's eyes when he looked up. Xinn was standing upside down with his feet on the barrier. Before Luciano could even react. Xinn suddenly fell down and flipped.


Xinn's feet landed between Luciano's scale and stepped down with force.

The golden serpent's body suddenly sank down. Xinn's feet were stuck between the golden scales and immediately jumped up, bringing with him the peeled scales of the Golden Serpent.

" Growl

A beast like growl came out of the serpent's mouth followed by a sharp dynamic hiss.

Luciano turned violent and immediately coiled himself around Xinn, trying to suffocate him.


Xinn threw the two scales in his hands to Luciano's head.


The scales were like bullets that hit his head, they may have not penetrated. It still brought Luciano a dizzying sensation as if he was slapped by two cimbals.

Xinn jumped on top of Luciano's body and run through his body. When he arrived over the top of his head. Xinn crouched down and touched his hands on his head.

A defeaning sharp hiss immediately rang out when Luciano felt a mind crumbling force distorting his scales.

His internal organs also began vibrating from the pain his nerves were sending to his brain.


Luciano lost his sense of balance and collapsed, his head fell down on the ground and felt the world world shaking because of his weight. His world's seems to be spinning rapidly than the usual.


Alonzo stared intensely at the unconscious golden serpent. Everyone witnessed their battle.

Xinn won .

Effortless at that.

The entire clan tribe couldn't react properly to what happened.

The holy being that they believe to be the strongest serpent in their tribe, lost to a female not longer than a minute.

Luis knelt down speechlessly.

Oh god, what have I done?

What have I brought to my father?

Luis brought a disaster.

He destroyed his father's reputation.

Made him fight a powerful entity.

And fell from the throne that they have been sitting for generations.

All his father did was to protect him from humiliation and the females' insulting words.

His father was never bad....

He was just blind to spoil me, a useless female to the point he brought the Golden Serpent Clan's reputation rock bottom.

Luis stared at the female that defeated his father. His eyes turned red from anger and regret.

He just wanted to have Alonzo as his mate.

He thought he could easily drive the female away knowing his father was the patriarch of the whole tribe..

But he never expected that the female, Alonzo married, is an entity no one could afford to provoke.

If the strongest serpent in the world couldn't even defeat a single female.

Then who could defeat him?


Far away from the primitive world. Inside a room full of messy objects. A man sitting on a swivel chair stared intensely at the sphere showing him the battle between Luciano and Xinn.

His golden eyes flashed a fleeting red circuits before it disappeared without a trace.

His thumb rubbed the glass showing Xinn's zoomed face.

The man slowly rested his forehead on the sphere and kissed the female.

" You are still the same... My love. "

" Aaah, my love. "

The man hugged the sphere as he relieved his own self beneath.

" When can I meet you again? It's been a very~ long~ time~ since I had last saw you. "

" This version of yours is also interesting, you are more bold, sexy, and possessive. "

" I want you to treat me like how you treat young Alonzo too. "

The man licked his red lips and suddenly gasped when he released his desires.

The pure white liquid suddenly splashed, staining the sphere showing the clear image of the beautiful female.


Xinn suddenly held his cheeks.

His cheeks felt hot, as if he was splashed with a scalding hot water.

When he touched his cheeks, his fingertips touched a sticky liquid.

Xinn looked at his palm and saw a sticky white liquid.

Xinn stuck out his tongue to taste it and suddenly tasted a familiar taste.

Huh? Why was Alonzo's semen on my face?


The man watching him was suddenly aroused seeing him licking his own desire.