Story of a Hero
Chapter-11: towards goal but someone is angry.
After completing studies, Vick and his friends start walking towards their goals. They were collecting all details which are required.
Friends, "we have collected all details of us and you Vick, call Dude and ask for his help."
Eleena and his friends were in school but when they are coming back, they were stopped by a scoundrel.
Three man were standing behind them and a car was standing there. Inside that car a man was sitting, he was the same man who saw Vick while fighting.
Two out of them were wearing black cloth and looking very serious. But one of them was very tall about eight feet.
Those scoundrels were wearing well dress.
Eleena, "yes."
Those scoundrels were very angry.
"Same place… same time."
Then they sit another car and went away from there. Eleena was angry but her friends were in fear.
They went to home and Eleena was shouting.
"Mother Martha, Mother Mary and Grandmother… come down we had a serious talk."
Her friends were stopping her.
"Eleena… please stop. You are raising your voice. Stop."
But she does not stop and keep shouting.
All three mothers came in front of her.
"What happen Eleena, why are you shouting?"
Eleena, "today when we are coming back from school, we were stopped by some scoundrels and they told something about Vick."
"They called him, if he does not go… then they come her."
Both mothers look at Grandmother. She was looking serious.
"Wait for all our children to come back. We will talk later."
All were waiting for them.
At night time, all came back. That night, it was a holiday for them. They entered and saw all mothers were sitting with Eleena and her friends were standing there.
Eleena muttered with his friends.
"Today, five of them were scolded by mothers."
She was excited.
Grandmother, "come here all of you. We have a serious talk."
They all went there and take a seat.
Summer, "Yes mother."
"Today, our children were stopped by some people. Vick it was just because of you. Your past is following you."
Vick was silent and his friend were staring at him.
In low voice Alex said, "we told you that time, this path will help you when you will be a Police officer… right now, you are not. With you, mother took our class also."
Vick was rubbing his hands and crushing his teeth.
"Mother, what we should do now?"
Grandmother, "solve this problem as soon as possible."
She stands from her seat and walk towards her room. After that, Vick and his friends start moving outside.
That time.
Mother Mary was scolding Eleena for her laugh. But she was stopped by Summer.
"Mother, it's ok."
Due to this, Eleena was angry on five of them. Due to them, she was scolded by mother Mary.
At night when everyone slept but she did not sleep.
Next morning.
Dude came to his house and talking to them.
"So, you decide to go one more time before joining Police and four of you… also go there?"
Hank, "Yes."
Dude, "OK."
Vick ask him a question.
"Is there anyone who run's that place?"
Dude, "his name is Johnny, use to wear red goggles, suit and having cigar on his mouth. Cool attitude and always surrounded by his three boys, two of them medium height but give a serious look and third one is tall and about eight feet but very angry."
Vick ask him to arrange a fight at same place. He wants to solve this problem before he joins Police force.
Dude went from there and try to meet them all as soon as possible.
Mark came there and give a file. Summer open that file, it was fill with names of children of house who use to go to school.
"What is this?"
Mark, "last year pending fees with fine… including our names also."
Summer, "Ok."
She looks at Vick.
Vick, "grandmother should not no about this. Give me that file… I will clear all fees."
After some days.
Alex and Summer came to Vick. That time they were sitting outside on bench. They both came near to them. "There is a trouble."
Three of them were shocked.
"What trouble?"
Alex, "we have to submit our form as soon as possible, through my friends… I got to know that last date is today."
Vick, "what about Police?"
Alex, "there is a time."
They were talking but get interrupt by Dude. "Hello!!"
He took as seat and give all details of fight. He said that fight will happen and they want to fight with him because that day Johnny was there and he saw everything. He wants him in any cost.
There was a silence.
Vick, "Dude… can you help them for joining army, I mean we are orphan…?"
Dude, "don't worry. My father will manage."
Next night.
Dude took Vick to that place and rest of his friends stay in house for backup.
All four of them fixed their eyes on gate. All children were already slept and mothers also in their room.
All friends were on ground floor.
Mark, "friends, I think after sometime… we have to leave this house."
Summer look at him.
"Why are you saying this?"
He gives her an answer in body language that he does not know.
"For seven days… he will not come. So, till he came back we have to take care of house."
Alex laughed.
"He is better than all of us. He encourages all children to study… he took house responsibility on his shoulder. We also help him."
His friends were looking at him.
"Why are you saying this?"
Alex, "I want to say so I said it."
All get frustrated by this talk.
Summer, "SHUT… UP."
On the other said.
Dude was driving his car and talking to him.
"That small girl Eleena… she was always angry with you and your friends?"
Vick, "Hmm."
Dude, "why?"
Vick, "Because we have to take care of hole house and they have to ask from us for doing anything. That's why she is angry but rest are happy."
Finally, they reached that place.
He stops his car, he was about to open the door but Dude stop him.
"Today… there will be no betting. They are waiting for you… so, be careful… I am also there but be careful."
Both stand in front of door, Dude took out a thousand dollar and slide inside from a small space between door and floor.
With in a few seconds, door opened and both entered inside.
There was a huge crowed, they look at him and start cheering.
Dude, "WOW!! You are famous."
There was a huge crowed due to which they have to make people side for moving forward.
They stand in between crowed and that black man smiled.
People move a side and make a path for three fighters.
Dude, "Shit."
Two were looking at Vick. Both looking angry and that tall man was breathing sound was audible. He was tall having long hair till his shoulder and having beard on his side of face.
A man came and stand in center of people. Light get's low and a spotlight flash on him. he was wearing red goggles, white shoes, white suit and having cigar on his left hand.
Vick was looking at him.
The way he was smoking, it was liked by him.
"WOW!! I like that."
There was silence.
"Myself… Johnny, owner of this place and… today there will be a fight between my fighters and… him."
He points his finger at Vick.
"Last time we all had witnessed how he beat all our fighters. But tonight… I am putting my three fighters for a fight."
"If… If he wins. Then, he will be got this."
People step side and two man came forward, they were pulling a small cart. That cart was covered with cloth. They remove that cloth and shocked.
That cart was full of money.
Dude and Vick, both shocked.
Johnny, "if you want to check Mr. Dude… you can."
Dude step forward and check.
He came back to Vick.
"Money is real. There must be something wrong… we have to go."
He was about to move but Vick grab his hand.
"No… these more on scared my house children. I will not leave them."
Johnny was staring both of them.
"Are you ready Sir?"
Both move their heads up and down.
He smiled and shouted my taking someone name.
A man appeared in front of them. he was surrounded by his man having guns on their hands.
"I think we need you."
He hand over that mic to that black man.
"OK… ladies and gentleman. Please!!… step back."
All people step back, Dude also step back but Johnny called him and show him a chair to sit on his right side. But he did not go and keep standing there.
"Our first fight will be between Side kick and Diesel vs Tiger."
Dude shocked.
Both looking very angry. One of them having tattoos on both hands and his clothes like he had wear a pillow cover.
Another man was black man but muscular body wearing black t-shirt and black pant, no hair on his head and face.
Both had wears flat shoes.
Both steps forward and stand in middle.
Vick remove his shirt and stand in front of them.
Dude was in fear. His heart beat was fast and biting his nails.
Both staring at Vick and he was staring both of them.