Ch.73 Going home

The train passing through the meadows filled with the flowers welcoming the spring and the sun shining on its passengers greeting them with the pleasant warmth after the cold harsh winters. Another school year at Hogwarts had now come to an end. That meant the students returning to their homes for the summer break.

In a train compartment a young man watched through the glass window and thought back on the year he had and what he did. "Jon."

Jon turned to see it was Tracey and she asked, "Why can't we just… you know, portal home?"

Jon looked at Tracey and said, "Come on, it's not that bad. We all will be busy the whole summer…"

Tracey sighed and said, "You're right I guess…" She then looked at him questioningly and asked, "So what do you have planned for the summer?"

Ted chuckled and said, "Probably be cooped up in his room and work on something again."

Jon looked at him with a condescending smile and said, "I will be busy but, I'll be travelling a lot more than last time."

Daphne asked, "Like where?"

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't know yet… probably japan. For getting Tv and I still have to release the Album, so who knows."

Tori looked at him and asked, "What are you waiting for? Lizz already released her's."

Daphne nodded and seconded her "Yeah, people might forget about you."

Jon just chuckled and said, "Won't happen… Florian is working on it and besides I wanted to have some more input on the album before I release it out into the world."

Jon looked at the two and feeling of comfort washed over him. He sighed in satisfaction, which garnered some weird looks from the two.

(Flash back with the boys.)

Jon and I were in his room and were playing mortal combat, the exams were closing in on us and having that in mind we were holding up in here to relax cause if the girls saw us playing they would just nag us until our ears bleed. Jon and Victoria just came back from their study session. We both decided to relax a little and play some games. Jon was kicking my ass with kung Lao even though I had scorpion so to mess with him I asked him something that would mess with him "So how did the self sabotage go?"

He didn't even bother to look towards me and said, "It went well I guess, the whole time, I was a jerk, inconsiderate, distant but just to mess with her more I kept kinda flirting with her, sharing and all that stuff." I was baffled and looked at him.

He stood up and said, "You're done Son!" Kung Lao had gotten a fatality, he threw his hat and decapitated Scorpion. He looked at me with a confused look on his face and I asked, "How would that work?"

He hummed and showed me the controls and I frustratingly asked, "Not that, the thing with sharing and stuff."

He realised and sat down and said, "Look, it's simple. If I had just been an ass with her the whole time. She would either think that I like daphne or that I'm up to something. So I sprinkled in some good bits and that confused her and made her think that I'm a jerk yes but I could be like fixed or something."

I was still confused and asked, "Wouldn't that make her want you more or something?"

He nodded and said, "That's why I sang a song to her." 

He looked at me like wanted me to ask and I sighed and said, "Which one?" 

He smiled and said, "A sad song, that talks about how someone wants to love someone but can't. She asked me if I think like that and I said, "I guess." So now what she will think is that he isn't ready so I will wait or something and then she will tell Daphne and I will be back where I started. Just as a Friend."

I still didn't understand it fully but I just shook my head and I asked, "Is there any other reason for you to manipulate them like this? Is there another reason why you don't want to?"

He looked at me and his smile disappeared in an instant, "Honestly I don't know… what I do know is that, it may or may not work and then everything will be awkward and I'm scared to lose it."

He did look genuinely did look sad when he said all those things, "You think they will let it go? I think it's probably best if you talk to them you know? Clear this whole thing out."

He chuckled softly and said, "You know, I'm not scared of most the things that I do. Wizards, monster… Snape. But I'm scared of hurting them. So I'd rather not."

I patted his shoulders and sighed at the sight of my friend.

(At the same in the girls room.)

I returned to my room after spending most of my Saturday and Sunday with Jon. Tracey saw me and got up on her bed and asked, "You are back early."

I looked at Daphne hoping for a snide comment but that didn't happen "Yeah, we finished early."

Daphne raised her eyebrows and asked, "Were you successful?"

I walked to my bed and nodded and Daphne asked, "What happened?"

I laid down and sighed when I remembered the whole thing and it did seem a little odd, the way Jon acted and all. I tilted my head and I got up suddenly and asked Tracey, "What did you wanted to talk about before I left?"

Tracey looked at me and said, "We can talk about it later if you want to?"

I shook my head and she told me all about what Ted said to her and I realised what Jon was doing, "Son of a bitch!" Both of them looked at me confused and I said, "Now I know why he was acting like that?"

Daphne looked at me and I told her about the whole weekend and she looked at me and asked, "He kissed you?"

Tracey shouted, "Not the point Daphne! He lied again!"

I was boiling with anger, "Oh, I'm going to teach him a lesson." I looked over at Daphne and she was awfully quiet and I said, "Oh, are you alright?"

She shook her head and said, "No… I'm." She stopped and Tracey and I sat down with her and Tracey hugged her and Daphne said, "I'm sad yes, but he…" We both looked at him and she said, "He knew what we were doing and I think he saw what it was doing to us and what it would do to us."

She looked at me and said, "He lied to us, yes… but he didn't lie when he sang to you. I don't think he is ready… maybe we aren't ready either."

I knew it too but I just didn't want to accept it, "I mean can you imagine what he went through? Being an orphan, being hated for who your mom was, your dad trying to manipulate and kill you? Who would want it?"

I didn't know what to say to it and Daphne looked at me and I said, "Then we wait… until we know, until we are ready."