Kisser's arms

In the next second, Claire found herself being carried in his arms like a princess. 

She was a princess but when has she ever been princess-carried by a man? Nobody dared to! The tritons did not dare to do this because of her status and the humans–well, the ones she has been with... they were just lusty. 

Not like she wanted this from anyone.

She never liked the idea of such intimacy before. 

''What are you doing?" Claire spoke in a soft voice such that only he could hear her such that no third person can eavesdrop on their conversation. 

Of course, there was a certain third-wheel... cough... person and it was none other than Gold who was also being princess carried along with her, sitting on her tummy.

''Helping you,'' Kisser responded, his expressions were as frigid as Claire remembered them to be the last time in the nightclub, ''Bury your face in my chest,'' he said, his tone commanding.