Some middle way

He can't just take a blind person to the peak of a hill and tell them that he had no idea about the way to go down. That was illegal. He was illegal. 

Archer Cardale was an illegal man. And she wanted to kill him. 

Or did she really? 

Elvina sighed, ''You are a mess,'' she spoke after some time, ''I don't understand it. Really.'' 

Archer sat in his spot, looking at her quietly. Crossing one of his legs above the other, he reached inside his pocket. 

Elvina waited for his verdict. What was he taking out? A gun? The divorce papers? She did not know. 

But her profound assumptions get shattered when she watched him taking out a small candy from his pocket. Candy it is. An ordinary small milk candy. 

No serious verdict that she was looking forward to.

He removed the wrapper and placed it on the couch. He better be taking it with him when he leaves. She did not want ants on her ass if she sat on the couch.