Potential Brother-in-law

Dahlia turned to look at Claire, ''I thought I will be warning you about this, about not falling in love with a human but I didn't see this coming,'' she pointed her chin back and forth between Elvina and Claire as she shook her head, laughing at the situation. 

"Also, if he causes any trouble..." Dahlia turned to look at Elvina, "...Then I will deal with him for you. You can ask me for help always."

Elvina's fingers curled into a fist behind her back but she nodded. 

The topic changed and the atmosphere in the living room lightened and so did Elvina's frigid expression. 

But Claire's brows were still tugged together, her eyes filled with tears that seemed like they would roll down her cheeks at any moment. 

She looked at their Aunt as if she was getting to know the woman for the first time. 

After talking a bit about the kingdom matters, Dahlia left, telling them that she needed to go back to the sea.