Sneaky stalker

Archer posed on the couch as he watched Elvina concentrating on the canvas in front of her. They were still bickering some time ago but once her paintbrush touched the empty canvas, she seemed to have entered another realm of her own. 

The room sunk in silence but it was the comfortable kind of silence. He could hear the sound of rain droplets crashing on the glass panes. 

He could hear Elvina's delicate sighs whenever she captured him at a nice angle and every beautiful stroke of her paintbrush had her bite her lips. Everytime she messed up something, she would wince and once she got it right, she would smile albeit slightly. 

Her long hair framed her face, a few unruly tresses seemed to irritate her as they fell on her face and he fought his desire to leap off of the couch and stride towards her to lock those stray hairs behind her ears.