You remember


"Oh," How romantic. To get all this stuff for his girlfriend. God knows it could be his wife too. 

Maybe it could be his sister but the blush on his face did not justify that so she leaned towards her previous guesses. 

So, he had a woman.

"I mean no.." 

She interrupted him, "I understand. No big deal," It felt all prickly in her heart when she imagined him with another woman but she did not dare to dwell on the feeling as she turned around to leave. 

Maven glanced at her retreating back before looking at the sanitary pads in his hand. He placed them back on the shelf and quickly followed after her. 

After paying for the stuff, Claire carried the bags and walked out of the supermarket.

It was still raining and she quickly placed the bags inside the backseat. She closed the umbrella and got inside the car.