
''Are you excited for today?"

Little Elvina raised her head to look at her Aunt. Under the full blue moonlight, their ancestral crown will appear today. And if fate permitted, then it would choose a bearer for itself, which meant they would be able to take it to the sea with them.

Their whole clan was celebrating but she did not understand what was the fuss about. Why is it even important?

But despite her disinterest in it, she smiled and nodded at her Aunt. Even though she was not excited about it, but she did not want to kill their joy so she decided to go along with it. 

Dahlia stepped out of the water with Elvina, the scales on their bodies gradually disappeared as they stepped onto the land, ''Walk carefully, Livy,'' she said, ''This is your first time coming to the land so it might feel a little uncomfortable.''

Elvina nodded. She did feel a little discomfort but it was bearable.