Thoughts about mers

At Claire's mansion. 2 am.



Maven's eyes opened, adjusting to the brightness in the unfamiliar surroundings. He glanced at the shining glass chandelier on the ceiling quietly for some time. 

Just as he tried to move, he felt a weight on his body.

He tilted his head down, looking at the woman who was sleeping on top of him.

Claire forced him to watch a drama together and those contents went parallel to his head because first, he had never watched a K-drama in his life. And second, he was certain that if he paid attention to it, then he would have gotten the gist of what was going on given that they were not talking about some quantum physics. But during all the time while she was focused on the drama, he was focused on her hence missing the whole point.

Not that he was curious about what happened in that cringe story.