Abandoned cat

"I hate her.'' 

Elvina glanced at the boy who was standing in front of the bartender, seemingly talking to himself. 

He seemed to be somewhere in his teens. Maybe, 15 or 16 years old but his tuxedo, and coiffed hair made him look older than his age. 

Except that his maturity faded into thin air the moment he opened his mouth. 

''I want wine. Red wine. White wine. Whichever will make me drunk.'' 

Elvina's lips twitched. Haish, human kids. They don't even know what they are getting at. 

The bartender seemed to be troubled because instead of outrightly denying the wild child, he looked around, seemingly asking for help. 

It was an event for rich people so the poor man seemed to be worried about getting in trouble by offending some second-generation heir.

Elvina decided to mind her own business as she sipped her wine. 

Today was the day her Aunt was supposed to bring in the surprises that she talked about. The hired henchmen.