Sway, sweetheart

''I know the circumstances under which all this happened,'' Emir whispered in her ear, almost half hugging her and she tried to not sink her nails into his neck while glaring daggers at Archer and Emily, ''I was there at that time.''

''You deserve much better, Elvina. He doesn't deserve you,'' Emir continued speaking. 

Unbeknownst to him, every word he said was going parallel to her head. 

Elvina hated how she could not look away from the two people who were once hailed as a golden couple. A rich fashion designer and a real-life Prince Charming. They were just so perfect till she crashed their wedding. If she was not there, would they have gotten married, would they have been a sweet romantic books kind of normal couple planning kids and a happy family?

Ughh! How annoying. 

What she hated more was how her blood boiled at the sight of them. 

''You are so pure and so sweet. You…''