
''Hey,'' she answered the call, her voice rasping from the desperation growing inside her.

A siren's desire could be multiple times stronger than the potent sex drug aphrodisiac in the human world. 

At this point, she applauded for her self-control. She might as well shave her head at this point and call herself a nun. 

"Claire, I missed you a lot during this time. You never contacted me since I got discharged from the hospital. Have you been busy? We had a lot of plans to catch up to, remember?" 

The car was quiet hence Lily's cheerful voice seemed to be echoing in the space. 

While Maven did not react much, Claire felt the guilt overwhelming her. 

She scrambled off Maven's lap and moved to the shotgun seat, covering her body with the flair of the gown while Maven started driving without looking at her. 

''Claire, are you fine? Why aren't you replying? Also, are we meeting or not?" 

''No,'' Claire said. 
