Holding back

Mature content. 18+++. Read at your own risk and kindly skip if you are uncomfortable. No dissing *shakes head*



''No buts,'' Claire turned around, placing her finger on his lips, ''I want something from you.'' 

He looked into her eyes, ink black eyes that sparkled like the night sky whenever he looked into them. 

''Kiss me,'' Claire breathed, ''If you love me, then kiss me—'' 

Her words were yet to finish when he hoisted her up in his arms, his palm squeezing her bottom hard as he pinned her to the mirrored wall, capturing her lips. 

He kissed her like he would die if he didn't. 

Claire was overwhelmed by the intensity of the kiss. Her mind felt fuzzy as she dazedly hooked her arms around his neck.

A gasp escaped her lips when his palm slid inside the blazer that she was wearing, cupping her throbbing sex as he sucked her lips.