
When Elvina woke up from her short nap inside her room, she felt a bit energized. 

The fact that she had fallen sick was a bit concerning when she heard it from Archer but now that she thought about it, she felt like it was more of a psychological problem than a physical one. 

Whenever she thought about revealing her identity to Archer, she had that feeling of throwing up. It made her constantly sick whenever she imagined his reaction. And yesterday, when everything came out of the curtains, despite faking calmness, she could not deny that her stomach had churned inside. 

And it must be the reason she fell sick. 

As she replayed the events from yesterday and the brief conversation that seemed like an argument with Archer early this morning, clarity appeared in her eyes. 

Gold approached her apprehensively. 

Elvina extended her hand towards him, ''Come here,'' The cat gently jumped onto her body and settled on her lap.